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How come this site is new to me?
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How come this site is new to me?
May 18, 2006 08:20
I have just noticed this great site, and I can' t believe how I have not been aware of it before. After browsing through various articles and features here, I have come up with the conclusion that this is one of the best gaming sites ever. I' ve been a long time gamer, and know the internet resources pretty well for one who needs to know the most, and IGN which I' m also a fan of has grown into a very great site. This however, has something special.... its hard to define. But for startes, it gives me much more touch and connection with the japanese gaming part of the world. Some articles etc really has great insight and connection with them - something other sites lack of. Is this site very new or what? Just wanna say thumbs up and wanna know if I' ve been too slacky not knowing about this site.
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RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 18, 2006 08:31
Um... this site is not just Jap-centric. This place is also a good place to learn about hot titles in Europe as well. Outrun 2 SP was reviewed here (as was Outrun 2) well before IGN and Gamespot got around to it when it released in the Americas. You will find more detailed discussions about driving games and games that are not necessarily as hyped in North America here instead of anywhere else. Furthermore, you should hang with us on the boards. You may or may not have noticed, but there is actually an incentive to partake in the boards regularly, and with regular contributions. Even without this incentive, though, you will find that the message boards are kept clean of n00bs and/or anoying people. The moderators are swift, and the discussions far more elaborate and knowledgeable when need be. Personally, I find the boards bring much faster updates than the site itself... but that' s because of the outsourcing the board members do. Personally, I bid thee welcome. Please be sure to converse as freely as you desire, within board rules of course. If you desire a custom avatar uploaded from your own machine, please go to the avatar thread for what needs to be done to get your pic uploaded.
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 18, 2006 11:58
I know how you feel I was surprised when I first found this site a while back. I honestly believe the only reason this site isn' t ten times more popular and better known is due to its silly name. " Kikozo" , it just feels so strange I will never get use to it, and its not like its Japanese or anything. Its jiberish, it means nothing, someone pulled it out of their ass. Actually now that I think about it, the name is ridiculous. Its one of those things thats so strange you have to read it many times just to make sure its not a crazy dillusion. Not that I would change the name now, it has its own charm but from a purely marketing perspective the name has clearly been holding the site back. People don' t trust weird things, they would be much more likely to trust the same site if it was called something that reminds them of the subject of interest. A perfect example is " 1Up" just a few years ago that site wasn' t much, but people kept going back because it has a kickass name. And now the site is huge, the name carried them. But I guess its a mixed blessing because I love the smaller community here. Larger forums tend to be a magnet for idiocy, here we get to know everyone so we often think before posting.
stephen ashaley
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RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 18, 2006 12:09
yup his the best for now u see for urself i really the site the i became a member to this site u try to know about it first n see u will say of it,if u wish to be a friend mail at stevooooo9@yahoo.co.uk ok
stephen ashaley
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- Joined: May 16, 2006
- Location: west africa and my in Ghana
RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 18, 2006 12:11
i have made erros yup his the best for now u see for urself i really love the site the moment i became a member to this site u try to know about it first n see u will say of it,if u wish to be a friend mail at stevooooo9@yahoo.co.uk ok
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 18, 2006 18:34
and IGN which I' m also a fan of has grown into a very great site. That' s where you almost lost my interest... This however, has something special.... its hard to define. But for startes, it gives me much more touch and connection with the japanese gaming part of the world. Some articles etc really has great insight and connection with them The head honcho is a British guy (yay for the Brits!), but Kikizo has staff writers all over the place including in the US and in Japan. Japan is very important to gaming and Kikizo try to cover everything possible. something other sites lack of. Other sites aren' t professional. Is this site very new or what? No, it been around for a couple of years, but it still doesn' t get the attention i deserves and could probably do with being advertised more.   Welcome!
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 18, 2006 19:35
and IGN which I' m also a fan of has grown into a very great site. IGN??? Didn' t they have Ninja Gaiden as a release title for the PS2? Well I know it was originally going to come out on Dreamcast and then scheduled for PS2, but I don' t really like IGN. Welcome to Kikizo friend, although I haven' t been here for long, that 360 and Ninja Gaiden over there is mine, anything else in the house you can touch
< Message edited by Tiz -- 18 May 06 11:35:46 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 18, 2006 20:08
Majik,gamespot wrote that Gears of war lagged heavly in the conference,which i took a recored on,and it was steady 31-35 fps the whole play thru. SO that was a lie. They also made sure to check up from sony under the live conference to be sure GTA4 wasn' t a exclusive.hahaha... They never said Gears of war or mass effect was cool at all. They said nintendo wii had crappy looking games. And the controller was so-so,but ps3 motion sensor controller was great!! and it works really well. Gamespot/IGN ... :S I dont think they actually think what they write,i think they know sony has a larger fanbase and appeal to that,remember how they changed shenmues score,thanks to all shenmue fanboys? That sign will live forever at gamespot as a proof that you ant trust them. I read scandinavians biggest gaming magazine Gamereactor,however i gotta be honest they are very pro xbox,and xbox360. But before someone write,DUBBLE MORALE, or something,they gaved killzone 9/10. :)
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 18, 2006 20:26
Killzone 9/10??? Sony are definitely the new Nazi' s, trying to create the ultimate fanboy race. Sony fanboys are dangerous when faced with adversity
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 18, 2006 20:27
Well i keep telling people that IGN and GameSpot are Siny biased, but there are some people who don' t want to know. GameSpot sucks just as badly as IGN and the staff are complete morons, just like those at IGN! Kikizo on the other hand is only Sega biased wich i can definately live with. The only reason i ever go to IGN is to poach their screenshots for forum use. Their videos are probably the worst on any site and their reviews are awful. Kikizo wipes the floor with any other game site and the forums here are awesome and full of interesting regular users. I just wish the staff would post more often...
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 18, 2006 20:30
I read scandinavians biggest gaming magazine Gamereactor,however i gotta be honest they are very pro xbox,and xbox360. Gamereactor seems to me, to be posting reviews that are based on either Previews or not they havent played through the entire game, they always post reviews before major sites, so my trust in them is minimal! I enjoy IGN, they have loads of news and videos. I mostly come here for the forum! But i read the articles that intrest me as well ofcourse!
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 18, 2006 20:34
Well I just didn' t trust IGN for : 1. They had Ninja gaiden as a release title for PS2. 2. In a poll that they did about the best super hero, Batman came on top they had mock battles of each super hero and batman beat superman, hulk, spiderman.... WTF!!!??
< Message edited by Tiz -- 18 May 06 12:35:28 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 18, 2006 21:24
I dont know chemical,i like jonas mäki,and petter. Atleast they from the swedish section is doing a great job. However RESET is basically the magazine to trust the most in sweden,which was the creators of superplay. They arn' t bias at all.
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 18, 2006 21:49
Well heh, I live in Norway, and Game Reactor here is far away from the biggest magazine. Its free, people dont even wanna pay for it hah. But seriously, our big magazines are of course the official playstation magazine and all those. I kind of disagree with IGN being bad, but this is about Kikizo so I dont want to waste time bashing another site. I did not focus completely on a japan connection. What I mean is, other sites completely focus on America, and treat Japan as if that secondary. But everyone with a clue knows that japan is gamers heaven, nothing above. I also noticed better focus on the world as a whole, including europe. I hate the most of the big sites ignore europe. And that many game companies actually do so as well. But we' re catching up
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 19, 2006 00:03
Reset and superplay is the biggest magazines in sweden. However,since its free,and all over scandinavia. it ofc has much more readers.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 19, 2006 00:06
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Reset and superplay is the biggest magazines in sweden. However,since its free,and all over scandinavia. it ofc has much more readers. I usually don' t read our gaming magazines anymore but didn' t Reset join forces with some other game magazine? Or was it another magazine? Hmm, I' ll check the next time I visit Ica or something.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 19, 2006 00:34
The last thing that made me hate GS was how jeff and carrie said they dont belive the halo3 trailer was real time,but last e3 they thought killazone 2 was real. Wtf? Gamespot...sony site.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 18 May 06 16:34:20 >
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 19, 2006 01:31
The last thing that made me hate GS was how jeff and carrie said they dont belive the halo3 trailer was real time,but last e3 they thought killazone 2 was real. I only go to Gamespot for news, if you go to their forums you' ll notice its a competition of My PS3 willy is bigger than your Xbox 360 willy And fanboyish comments like Killzone 2 rocks! And Halo 3 sucks, and vice-versa but with no reasoning behind it. Gamespot is just good for news and some trailers (not quality-wise but for the fact that they seem to receive them quicker than everyone else). Their staff are a biased though..
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- Joined: May 14, 2006
RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 19, 2006 02:17
Gamespot' s forums are just totally childish. Mostly. Too many threads are about " PS3 IS SO MUCH BETAR THAN ALL HIGH END PC' S YO" and such stuff. But the site itself, i like. They have great features like their podcast and many, many compelling video editorials, i really dig those. While i don' t know about the GS staff being biased towars certain systems, they certainly care about the games themselves. That really shows up. But let me stop writing about other sites, Kikizo is quite awesome. ^^ The premium quality video stuff they have here is unmatched, and it' s FREE. That' s also the reason why i don' t care if i have to wait a few days until i get some decent E3 videos on here, because i know it' s going to be the best and it will be free.
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: How come this site is new to me?
May 19, 2006 05:42
I' m a playstation fan :) Heh, nothing else above it for me ;)
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