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How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
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Russian Mobster
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RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 26, 2005 19:15
im getting XBOX 360 the first day it comes out.
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- Joined: Mar 05, 2005
RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 26, 2005 20:50
Im gonna wait a bit...cause u know their gonna come out with somthing better, or like an update
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- Joined: Apr 07, 2005
RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 26, 2005 22:56
wow none of you said that youd get the nintendo console..... surprising actually i mean get past the damn dvd drives and the console race was fairly even in fact gc was better then ps2 game wise so ill have to say ill be gettin the nintendo, at least ill still be able to enjoy such classics as re4 on a nintendo and play what nintendo has new to offer im very dissapointed in u people but at least none of u said theyd get the ps3, at least not in particular
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RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 26, 2005 22:58
also if this is the big N' s last console ill be gettin a xbox 360 but id still prefer the nintendo....
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- Joined: Feb 25, 2003
RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 27, 2005 04:52
I' ll for sure be getting the Revolution and PS3 at launch, i highly doubt i' ll ever touch the Xbox 360, I have a PC for playing online games.
Mass X
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RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 27, 2005 06:25
See thats where the Xbox360 comes in handy for me. I have a crappy ass PC so thats a great 2nd option.
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RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 27, 2005 07:10
I' ve got a pretty high end PC right now, but if I didn' t, I suppose I could justify an x-box 360 for online games, and just keep my crappy PC for word processing and looking up ..... stuff on the internet. Of course then I' d be missing out on RTS games, which are easily my favorite PC games. Geeze, with the PS2 having USB ports, and I' m sure mice could' ve been made for both gamecube and xbox(they had one for the snes for crying out loud) why the hell can' t they start bringing some decent RTS' s to consoles.
Mass X
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RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 27, 2005 07:38
Ya it wouldve been nice to have a mouse and keyboard. I assumed they were gonna, I remember the Dreamcast had one didnt it?
< Message edited by Mass X -- 27 Apr 05 15:39:09 >
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 27, 2005 07:50
That' s right, you could get one for dreamscast!! It was this monster thing that had a controller on the outsides, and a keyboard in the middle for playing Phantasy Star online! After an extensive search I only found the normal keyboard. I didn' t just imagine that other thing did I??
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RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 27, 2005 07:56
I' m definitely getting an XBOX 2, 360, or whatever you want to call it. Why? Because I want Morrowind' s Oblivion
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RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 27, 2005 11:34
With all the trouble that Sony is having lately, I am staying as far away from their console as I can! Nintendo appears to be the ' underdog' here...I sure hope they come back from the brink! I have decided that I will be getting the XBOX 360 on launch day...regardless of the lack of public information (soon to be released), what I have heard and seen has made me want to sell my soul!!! M$ has really done a nice job upping the ante for this round of consoles...and soon the world will know what I have heard and seen. MUHAWHAWHAW!!!
Mass X
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- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 27, 2005 11:56
Im still nervous tho since ppl keep calling it(xbox360) the weakest of the 3...I never know quite what they mean. Weakest graphically, audio, video...?
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RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 27, 2005 12:38
Im still nervous tho since ppl keep calling it(xbox360) the weakest of the 3...I never know quite what they mean. Weakest graphically, audio, video...? I just think they are worried that M$ might make even more strides towards being the top console maker and game developer, and that Sony and the ' N' will just fade away (or something like that). M$ has come a long way...and they are still headed for market dominance! M$ isn' t weak...Sony might be, since they are in a boatload of dookie right about now...and the ' N' just has to re-focus and they could be great again... You' ll see...just wait until all those E3 news reports hit the web!!!
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RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 27, 2005 14:13
I think they keep saying that x-box 360 will be the weakest of the three because it probably will be. It' s coming out a year earlier than the other two, so you naturually have to expect that it' s specs will be behind a bit. It will however have a year headstart. Look at the current generation. The PS2 is technically the weakest of the 3 machines, but due to it' s year headstart it won the war.
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RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 27, 2005 15:03
As you all prolly know...they plan on making 3 different Xboxes. 1st without hard drive and nothing but base components for $150 2nd with hard drive to download crap for $300 3rd made into an actual CPU so that you can play your computer games on it as well. Hmmm....guess which version I' ll be waiting on? However, this version won' t be coming out until Longhorn debuts and it really hasn' t been confirmed that they will make this version tho. Talks of it and plans are in the making tho.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 27, 2005 15:34
That' s ummm some pretty detailed info kombatfighter. got any links to the stories?
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- Joined: Apr 25, 2005
RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 27, 2005 15:58
No, I don' t. This comes from an actual real person source that I trust. I can' t say that it' s true or false. All of this is in talks. I' m sure it will make headlines or they will at least mention something about this on May 12th. Here' s me hoping that my source is reliable.
Mass X
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- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 27, 2005 16:14
Latest rumor I heard was it was gonna be 2 versions. a $299 and a $399 $299- Basic gaming console nothing special maybe a small hard-drive or somthing of the kind $399- Removable HD, Backward compatibility, WebTV. Im trying to find where I read that...maybe I dreamt it I dunno to much Nyquil.... -EDIT- Gamespot Rumor Control #3 Duh thats where I heard the rumor at...
< Message edited by Mass X -- 28 Apr 05 0:21:14 >
Russian Mobster
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RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 29, 2005 13:28
I hope thats exactly how it mass x.They need to include atleast a 8GIG HD in every XBOX,with an option to upgrade. The reason i want XBOX 360 is because its the first next gen Console.I will get Revolution as well as long as they have Zelda and Mario.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: How Many Gamers Out There Plan To Immediately Jump To Next-Gen?
Apr 30, 2005 17:08
Me? ps3, do you know why?, because i can trust sony [to an extent...] I will get it as it will be backwards compatable [in both versions, if there are two], its not promiseing ' ultra realistic gameplay and graphics' like 360, Come on they are showing cgi tarilers and saying " look, thats what playing games on the 360 will be like!" . Sony are being quiet, and with that oh-so talked about cell chip in place, it will make you wonder how powerfull the console will be. Also i have a ps2 + ps1 and i dont want to see my games fade away. Next would be the Revolotion, i know nintendo, and they usually have quailty products even if they do dump ass stupid things which brings there console down. Imagine playing Resident Evil 5... Last of all would be the 360, i dont have much respect for that console to tell you the truth, Microsoft are trying too hard to be first. Dreamcast was out before the ps2, i wonder where it is now? [which is irionic as i love the dreamcast!  ]
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