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Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
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RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 19, 2007 16:34
ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw Why wont this thread die?!!!!!!! Because it' s pinned.
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 19, 2007 18:16
Vegas' s online sucks though. I really don' t like it Maybe thats because your shit at it.........Just a thought and maybe GRAW2 owns GEARS because your ahhhhhhhh you get the point. ![](https://forum.kikizo.com/upfiles/smiley/s6.gif) ![](https://forum.kikizo.com/upfiles/smiley/s6.gif)
< Message edited by Gaiden Black -- 19 Mar 07 10:17:55 >
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RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 19, 2007 18:24
ORIGINAL: Gaiden BLACK Vegas' s online sucks though. I really don' t like it Maybe thats because your shit at it.........Just a thought and maybe GRAW2 owns GEARS because your ahhhhhhhh you get the point. ![](https://forum.kikizo.com/upfiles/smiley/s6.gif) ![](https://forum.kikizo.com/upfiles/smiley/s6.gif) Vegas blows online because it' s plagued with bugs, lag and inbalance. I never claimed to be good at Gears. In fact, i' ve said several times that i suck as online and don' t play any ranked games (with GRAW being the exception) because i get my ass handed to me... Now stop trolling you dumb little fuck, you' re making as scene.
Gaiden BLACK
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RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 19, 2007 19:51
Or are just shit at games in General?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 19, 2007 20:03
ORIGINAL: Gaiden BLACK Or are just shit at games in General? Hahaha, well, lets evaluate the situation... I have money to burn and i buy a lot of games, thus making it difficult to excel at everything. The games i play most (like GRAW) i' m obviously better at than games i don' t play online very often (like Gears), and so when i' m playing people who are less financially fortunate than myself and therefore spend more time with individual games they buy, i tend to get my ass kicked. Like i did playing Gears with you last week. But hey, what do i care, ...i mean i' m not the fucking fringe that' s sending me friend invite after invite. And in case you hadn' t realised, i have been rejecting them because you' re a fucking clown. Faggot.
Gaiden BLACK
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RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 19, 2007 20:11
Thats cool if you reject them ill still keep sending them just to annoy you. Give me negative feedback PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! AVOID ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean clearly you working or have worked in a game shop has nothing to do with the fact that you own loads of games. when i' m playing people who are less financially fortunate than myself You live in Manchester NUFF SAID.
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RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 19, 2007 20:21
What does income have to do with your skill in a game? I mean, if Majik spends money on all kinds of games he shouldn' t be good at any game at all, but he' s good at GRAW. What does that mean, that he only affords to play GRAW? I doubt it. Skill in a game has to do with skills you had at birth and how much time you spend playing a particular game (in other words, how fun you think the game is).
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RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 19, 2007 20:21
But if you recognize that i own more games and therefore haven' t spent as much time as say, you, playing Gears... ...surely you understand why i suck online compared to people who have spent more time with the game online?! And what could you possibly have against Manchester?
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RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 19, 2007 20:32
ORIGINAL: ginjirou What does income have to do with your skill in a game? I mean, if Majik spends money on all kinds of games he shouldn' t be good at any game at all, but he' s good at GRAW. What does that mean, that he only affords to play GRAW? I doubt it. Skill in a game has to do with skills you had at birth and how much time you spend playing a particular game (in other words, how fun you think the game is). No, in games like Gears the more you practice the better you are. Like any competitive game online, learning map layouts and stuff is key. Hell, i didn' t even know what gametype we were playing as when people were down i couldn' t kill them with my shotgun... I have a GRAW obsession, but i do like Gears, it' s just that i don' t have the time to dedicate myself to learning the ins and outs like he does. I have more games to play.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 19, 2007 23:05
No, in games like Gears the more you practice the better you are. Like any competitive game online, learning map layouts and stuff is key. That' s what I said how much time you spend playing a particular game And you usually spend lots of time with games you like and who would be stupid enough to spend lots of time on a game one does not like? Of course, sometimes we don' t play a game or online part even if we like it. But still, having lots of games or money doesn' t make much difference. Some people are born with awesome skills in certain areas and the ability to learn things quick. Different games appeal to different skills and so some people are automaticaly better at some games, regardless of how much time different people spend on playing.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 19 Mar 07 15:07:15 >
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RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 19, 2007 23:22
I mentioned money because that' s why i have loads of games. I do like Gears online, ...not as much as GRAW (which is your point) but more than many other games. I' ve just not dedicated as much time to it as i have other games because i' ve been playing through the rest of my games. I get bored quickly and i' m always looking at what' s next. Oblivion, a game that many could get lost in hasn' t been in my 360 for months. I' ve been buying and playing other games. But anyway, this fool came back to troll after a 4 month absence. Lets try and stay on topic now.
Mass X
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RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 20, 2007 01:12
Ha but what about the people like me who are poor because they only drop money down on gaming? Anyhow I should just play you all in any games we share and dominate you mercilessly... mersilessly... merselly? Hmm I need to start re-educating myself soon if I' m planning on going back to school... Im good at GRAW2 ...maybe not that good but work has limited my play time... Im better at Rainbow 6 Vegas now after the new update to the weapons. GRAW2 kicks more ass tho. Its more entertaining... if only I could find more rooms with less run and gunners and more tactical players. Ive got a few friendlisted now for each time of the day.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 19 Mar 07 17:14:53 >
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RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 20, 2007 04:57
Because it' s pinned. Can we unpin it? Maybe thats because your shit at it.........Just a thought and maybe GRAW2 owns GEARS because your ahhhhhhhh you get the point. And, why are you back? You live in Manchester NUFF SAID. Yeah, obviously majiks poor But anyway, this fool came back to troll after a 4 month absence. Lets try and stay on topic now. Was the topic about tryin to close the topic?
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RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 20, 2007 05:22
I' m what we call a " financially stretched" gamer. I tend buy games that will give me long story mode, & a good multi to extend it' s value. Seeing as I don' t own a large number of games as it is, I tend to become really good at a handful of games in particular. That' s just the nature of things.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 20, 2007 05:32
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated I' m what we call a " financially stretched" gamer. I tend buy games that will give me long story mode, & a good multi to extend it' s value. Seeing as I don' t own a large number of games as it is, I tend to become really good at a handful of games in particular. That' s just the nature of things. Thankyou. That' s what i was trying to say. Was the topic about tryin to close the topic? If i could hurt you from here, ...i would...
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RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 20, 2007 07:43
I' m what we call a " financially stretched" gamer. I tend buy games that will give me long story mode, & a good multi to extend it' s value. Seeing as I don' t own a large number of games as it is, I tend to become really good at a handful of games in particular. That' s just the nature of things. Yep I' m the same. Thats why TP is the only Wii game I have bought so far, I dont want to splash my cash on any Wii games at the moment because (a) there are no decent games to buy apart from Wario Ware (b) Wario Ware will only last me a week! So at the moment I am mostly playing games like Battlefield 2 on PC because it is an excellent game online and will last me for months and months. The fact that I am playing BF2 alot means that I am pretty decent at it. Come summer though I should have a 360(as I said before I can' t wait to play you guys!). What Nitro is saying makes perfect to me, to be good at a game like Gears you usually have to get a good bit of practice at it to be anyway decent at all.
< Message edited by Duffman -- 19 Mar 07 23:45:17 >
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RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 20, 2007 07:53
let me interfere a sec... Duffman, Excite truck, sonic (does takes alittle gettting used to but it' s the best 3d sonic game to date IMO) and SSX (the best version so far due to the great controls). these are all great Wii games that would last you a decent amount of time. ..Carry on with the arguing.
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 19 Mar 07 23:58:08 >
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RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 20, 2007 08:08
Yeah but Wii doesn' t have GRAW/2 and that' s what we' re supposed to be discussing... I am curious as to how SSX handles on Wii though f3... Anyhoo, GRAW2, ...i keep trying the multiplayer campaign maps solo and always get killed after dropping around 60-65 enemies. I even killed everybody on who was on foot, got the intel and destroyed the missiles on the Station map and just had to take out a jeep and the damn gunner got me. I wasn' t happy. But hey, the game has the most expansive multiplayer mode in a console game ever. The online part of the game is like 70% of the experience. The amount of modes and customization options are insane... I am curious as to why you can' t change the lighting on every map though. I mean, as cool as i was paying for Chapter 2 for the original game, i' d hoped the inclusion of the new lighting system and ability to change the lighting would be available for all maps. Since it isn' t they' ll probably have more maps and re-lit versions in some forthcoming DLC... What i would really like is to be able to set the lighting by the time of day using a clock type thing. So you' d have a 24 hour cycle for lighting and then the ability to choose weather and environmental effects. Now that' d be cool.
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RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 20, 2007 08:08
If i could hurt you from here, ...i would...
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Ho lee sh!t!!!! GRAW2 owns Gears of War
Mar 20, 2007 09:52
let me interfere a sec... Duffman, Excite truck, sonic (does takes alittle gettting used to but it' s the best 3d sonic game to date IMO) and SSX (the best version so far due to the great controls). these are all great Wii games that would last you a decent amount of time. ..Carry on with the arguing. By interfering, you are basically throwing yourself into the argument
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