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Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
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Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 19, 2007 04:18
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 19, 2007 09:14
It sort of doesnt surprise me since there were not any achievments for beating the game on coop
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RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 19, 2007 09:46
I read in the EGM that the only way to play the arbiter is to be the 2nd player.
Ninja Dog
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RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 19, 2007 17:59
It doesn' t matter to me, because I just play co-op with my brother anyway. Shame the bastard keeps pissing about and killing me for laughs. Then when I try to get him back, he just kills me again instead, meaning I have to get him twice as much. Then he does the same bloody thing over and over!!! Although we did manage to beat both of them on co-op ages ago anyway, so it isn' t that bad (and I suppose that' s one way of enjoying the campaign mode). I just wanted to play through them both again before Halo 3 comes out.
Agent Ghost
The Dark Knight
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RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 20, 2007 01:09
fuck Watch them sell it as extra content. Those fuckers.
Ninja Dog
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RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 20, 2007 04:53
Is it a valid post just to state " I care not, since I only play Co-Op with friends in the same room" ? Thoguh I do see fun in playing Deathmatch online, I just think it' s more fun being with friends when playing, especially Co-Op (not that I' ve ever played Co-Op online before). Perhaps I' m to social?
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RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 20, 2007 09:12
They have said all along they weren' t going to do online co-op. I think it would be nice though.
Ginger Atrocity
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RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 20, 2007 09:53
I' d far rather play Halo 2 co-op online than Halo 2 multiplayer. Halo 3 is a whole different bag though (judging from the amazing beta). I' m not sure I' ll miss it. I just wish you could have it via system-link at least for LAN parties & that.
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RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 21, 2007 10:49
Bungie responded to EGM statement with this today., All that said, EGM doesn’t really know whether or not Halo 3 will ship with online co-op, only Bungie knows. The only thing they did know is that co-op was available for split-screen and System Link. As we approach the tail end of development, we will have a clearer picture of whether or not that online feature will be included. Assuming either way would be foolish at this time. We will say more when we feel it’s prudent. Because that’s how we roll. http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12669
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RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 21, 2007 11:06
That' s cool that you can do it system link at least.
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RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 21, 2007 22:31
It will probably come to XBL co-op over online. If bungie isn' t sure yet if they gonna make it to thje release or not,it will probably then come sooner or later as a DLC.
Ginger Atrocity
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RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 22, 2007 01:17
800ms points later.
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RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 22, 2007 02:55
Doubt it very much. But even if so,then its better then no co-op online.
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RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 23, 2007 09:18
With the sales of Halo 3, Halo Merchandise, and Halo liscensing(other games) there would be no need to charge for them. And I honestly doubt they would charge for something like that, as the fans would be in an uproar. My bet is it ships with the game, and if performance isnt great, it gets patched.
Agent Ghost
The Dark Knight
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RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 23, 2007 09:41
With the sales of Halo 3, Halo Merchandise, and Halo liscensing(other games) there would be no need to charge for them. And I honestly doubt they would charge for something like that, as the fans would be in an uproar. My bet is it ships with the game, and if performance isnt great, it gets patched. That is the most naive thing I' ve seen anyone post in this forum. Microsoft owns the rights to Halo (to which MS gloated is a billion dollar franchise), they set up the marketplace for money trains like Halo. You might even say that MS set up the entire system just for Halo 3, because halo 3 alone is all the reason they needed to make the effort. Of course they will charge for extra content. I' m sure MS has a contract in place with Bungie that dictates they will create content for the marketplace. I don' t know if online co-op will be sold in the marketplace (maybe as part of an expansion, maybe not at all), but Halo 3 absolutely will have extra content for sale in the marketplace, I would even bet on an expansion also sold at retail months after release. Microsoft won' t give away their gold. Remember we' re talking about a multi billion dollar corporation that sells it' s office suite seperately from it' s 400$ OS.
Ninja Dog
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RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 23, 2007 09:54
coming from MS i wouldnt be so sure, if they got the nerve to force Epic to charge for the new maps then im sure as hell they can force Bungie to charge for the multiplayer component, to me this is retarded anyway, the game shouldnt come until november because is not yet done, look at the fuking animations for heavens sakes, they are terrible, and at sometimes it does looks like Halo 2 HD, (sometimes it looks god though) and no online co-op, in my opinion MS is forcing Bungie to get this game out there too soon, just like they did with halo 2 and that was a ugly mess, remember the guys at bungie saying the second one needed more work before the release??, i can clearly see that statement again 2 years from now.
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RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 23, 2007 10:06
Fernanindo you' re a retard,have you heard what they said abotu halo3? The sp demo that was behidn door was what they was supposed to show because it look so damn good,every reporter has said the same thing,that SP looks extremly good visual. What you go by is a ***ing beta,atleast these guys have the ***ing guts to show a multiplayer beta. Square-enix promised a demo of FF13 this year but says it will come somewhere 2008 and all they showed at e3 was a CGI image,see some companies can actually give fans stuff,while others are shitting their pants to show beta/alpha footage and instead hide behind CGI until everything is done. When will sony ever do what MS did? Oh they skimped warhawk,yeah im sure warhawk was their biggest title. MS deliver,sony doesn' t. I dont understand SONY at all hyping a avg shooter like Killzone to be an AAA title. Concering halo2 it sold 8 million copies,and people doesnt think its a mess just because fanboys like you do it. Mona Lisa was never done ,Leonardo like with his other stuff always tried to improve it,some people think they always needed more time,halo2 is already out ofc they seen flaws in it as with any other game has. MGS2 was hated for skipping Snake and just having movies,im sure Kojima really expected people to feel that way., right? Thats your damn logic.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 23 Jul 07 2:10:34 >
Ninja Dog
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RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 23, 2007 12:25
First off quez, calm down, i cant understand what you are saying if you are upset. Second, What i said is not based in the looks of the beta, the beta looks fine to me, its based on the looks of the trailer, look at the animations when the brute kicks the marine, god it looks terrible animation-wise, thats all we have seen up until now from the SP campaign and from the looks of it, it really need a lot of work i think we can all agree on that. Now, MY OPINION is that since Halo 3 is a key title in MS´s strategy, this game will meet the release date no matter whether is ready or not, i am certain of that, now is my opinion that the game is not yet ready and it needs more development time. MS has said time and time again that this is the most important holiday season in the console wars and they want to take it, no matter what. Now off topic, how on earth do you want SONY to release betas when the whole fuking net is filled with biased game reporters and fanboys ready to bite the shit out of every single PS3 game??, what happened with Motorstorm?? what happened with Lair??, if they release a non final version footage of the game it gets trashed as hell, it has nothing to do with guts, is just common sense. I really dont know WTF has Square-Enix to do in this shit. As i said, im not trashing the beta, you just assumed that and based you hole answer on it, but i think is just completely retarded from your part to say that SONY doesnt delivers just because they dont make open betas, Heavenly Sword, Lair, and Warhawk all were set to release on launch, but the teams needed more development time and SONY gave it to them, 10 FUKING MORE MONTHS UNTIL THE FUKING GAMES ARE READY, thats the meaning of delivering to me, not just an stupid open beta. On Killzone, yes, it was an average shooter, but the second game can be a AAA title, the team that is making the new one has a lot new and very talented people, they always had incredible artist, and most importantly, they have time because SONY is not rushing the game to sell more consoles, and besides, the game as it is now looks great so get over it Quez, i mean you sound like a little girl bitching, BTW im not defending it, it can flop for all i care, it wasnt me who brought Killzone to the topic.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 23 Jul 07 9:10:53 >
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RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 23, 2007 12:31
I thought Microsoft said that they wanted to give Halo 3 all the time it needed. Isn' t it delayed already?
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Oct 05, 2006
RE: Halo 3 won' t include online co-op.
Jul 23, 2007 16:04
I think F3hunter & fernandino should start dating. They seem like a fanboy match made in heaven...
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