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Halo 3 reviews/impressions
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Adam Doree
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RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 25, 2007 11:24
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx How could you agree with anything on Kikizo? Other than interviews and the forums the site is utter garbage.(Late/inaccurate news etc.) Examples of inaccurate news please.
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RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 25, 2007 12:17
IMO, Halo isn' t the best or even special in any certain area (exept perhaps music). Graphics in Halo the original was meh, and the level design often awful, the problem with Halo 2 was that it didn' treally do anything new, instead they shrunk the levels, tossed in pretty visual, and added good multiplayer, and IMO the story is way too american stereotype to be good. Still! Even thoguh this, Halo is one of the most fun games I' ve ever played. I just do not get it. It doesn' t excell in any area (' cept music), nor is it innovative or even different, but never the less it' s just so damn fun to play with a friend. It' s like magic, I cannot explain it in any other way. The first time I drived the warthdog, and the still just as cool feeling of sticking a plasma grenade on an elite are some of the finest moments of gaming I' ve played. Still, if I' d rate Halo (the original) I wouldn' t give the specific elements, such as graphics or gameplay any outstanding scores. But if you' d ask for a score of the game, I would give it all praise. ***, it bothers me that I cannot say why Halo is just so fun, ***!
< Message edited by dionysius -- 25 Sep 07 4:18:08 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 25, 2007 12:51
Halo excels in ranged audience. When Halo 1 came out it was the first FPS that casuals could pick up and get. At the same time there' s enough depth to keep the hardcore gamers happy. That' s what it does really well. The game is streamlined and everything works as you would expect. The thing that makes it really interesting for more advanced players is the difficulty on Heroic and Legendary. Difficulty scales so well, when all these other games are mearly changing the handicap to give the NPC an advantage at higher settings. Halo manages to change enough so that game feels different. Not many people notice but on higher settings the AI is smarter, they even swear more, in addition to having more health greater numbers and better weapons. Legendary is really challenging without being fustrating. Playing in co-op is a ***ing blast and Halo was one of the first games to have that feature in an FPS campaign mode. Certainly the first to execute it so well. The other thing is the physics and enemy behaviour. Tag and Grunt with a sticky grenade and watch him run around screaming for his life. In 2001, that was really special. Even today on " next Gen" platforms we still have games like Resistance (PS3) where you shoot an enemy in the face and he doesn' t even move. And when he does move he' s going to move the exact same way they all move. You don' t even have to shoot at them to get a reaction, they already know you' re coming in Halo. In many cases they' re already fighting with someone. Then you have this rich story behind the game. If you don' t believe me you should read the books. Most of the time you don' t just feel like you' re playing a videogame, you feel like you' re playing the part of a greater picture. The beauty of halo 3, is that it does all of this and then some. The graphics considerighn the scope of the game does infact brush it' s shoulders among the best. The production values alll around are top notch. Finally four player co-op is going to be very addictive to say the least. Unfortunaletly I can' t play too much tomorrow, I imagine you guys either work or are in school but I hope we can set up some Kikizo co-op this weekend. Gamer Tag: Agent Ghost
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 25 Sep 07 4:55:43 >
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RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 25, 2007 16:36
Well I went and bought it at the midnight launch. Lineup of 20 people even at 1am when I got there. And thats with Best Buy, and Future shop not more than a 2 minute walk from eachother. It was sort of funny to see all these old guys and kids waiting for the game on a work/school night. They had all the crap set up like a 12 foot tall set of legendary boxes, Halo 3 xbox' s and controllers everywhere. Along with all the cables and crap they want you to buy for your Xbox. Anyhow, good times, not playing till tommorow night when I get off work though. I just wanted to make sure I got a copy, even though I doubt they will sell out. Oh, and I just got the normal edition, no preorder or anything.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 25, 2007 16:59
ORIGINAL: Adam Doree Are you guys for real? I think you are missing one review from that list. Really liking the seasonal faclifted front end mate!
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RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 25, 2007 23:48
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Halo excels in ranged audience. When Halo 1 came out it was the first FPS that casuals could pick up and get. At the same time there' s enough depth to keep the hardcore gamers happy. That' s what it does really well. The game is streamlined and everything works as you would expect. The thing that makes it really interesting for more advanced players is the difficulty on Heroic and Legendary. Difficulty scales so well, when all these other games are mearly changing the handicap to give the NPC an advantage at higher settings. Halo manages to change enough so that game feels different. Not many people notice but on higher settings the AI is smarter, they even swear more, in addition to having more health greater numbers and better weapons. Legendary is really challenging without being fustrating. Playing in co-op is a ***ing blast and Halo was one of the first games to have that feature in an FPS campaign mode. Certainly the first to execute it so well. The other thing is the physics and enemy behaviour. Tag and Grunt with a sticky grenade and watch him run around screaming for his life. In 2001, that was really special. Even today on " next Gen" platforms we still have games like Resistance (PS3) where you shoot an enemy in the face and he doesn' t even move. And when he does move he' s going to move the exact same way they all move. You don' t even have to shoot at them to get a reaction, they already know you' re coming in Halo. In many cases they' re already fighting with someone. Then you have this rich story behind the game. If you don' t believe me you should read the books. Most of the time you don' t just feel like you' re playing a videogame, you feel like you' re playing the part of a greater picture. The beauty of halo 3, is that it does all of this and then some. The graphics considerighn the scope of the game does infact brush it' s shoulders among the best. The production values alll around are top notch. Finally four player co-op is going to be very addictive to say the least. Unfortunaletly I can' t play too much tomorrow, I imagine you guys either work or are in school but I hope we can set up some Kikizo co-op this weekend. Gamer Tag: Agent Ghost This is why i love kikizo , everything i wanted to say and more . And not all games have to be innovative , it should be fun to play . I dont think Half life 2 did anything that was innovative but it was an awesome game none the less .
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 26, 2007 00:54
Then you have this rich story behind the game. If you don' t believe me you should read the books. Most of the time you don' t just feel like you' re playing a videogame, you feel like you' re playing the part of a greater picture.
Well, if you ask me then I shouldn' t need to read books to get depth to the storyline of a videogame. And to me the videogames storyline is really childish and reaks of american stereotypes. You don' t even have to shoot at them to get a reaction, they already know you' re coming in Halo. In many cases they' re already fighting with someone.
Actually, there' s alot of cheating with the programming of the A.I. in Halo (at least in the first one). The enemy isn' t smart, they' re just all ace shooters, and seem to have satilite pictures, knowing always where you are. Once I sneaked with the gun scope on a rock above an enemy, it should be imposible for him to notice me, but suddenly he made a sharp turn, blasting me away before he should even have seen me. I just noticed this when I started playing the game recently, hadn' t noticed this, back when the game was released. And not all games have to be innovative , it should be fun to play .
That' s just the thing. Halo isn' t Innovative, nor do I think it' s the it' s the best in any certain area. However, it IS so very much ***ing fun to play. I dont think Half life 2 did anything that was innovative but it was an awesome game none the less .
It had the Gravity Gun.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 25 Sep 07 16:55:43 >
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RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 26, 2007 01:02
ORIGINAL: Dionysius That' s just the thing. Halo isn' t Innovative, nor do I think it' s the it' s the best in any certain area. However, it IS so very much ***ing fun to play. Then whats the problem ?  . Isnt a game judged by how much fun it is ? Fuck innovation , as long as i am having a good time i dont care if it has been done before.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 26, 2007 01:38
I' m not complaining, I' m praising. I recently started playing through the Halo games on Co-Op with a friend, in order to warm up for tomorrow, and I' m having a blast. Sure there are parts I don' t like about the game, but I don' t care, I' m just having fun.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 26, 2007 02:23
Don' t listen to dinoysius you will have trouble finding a bigger sonyfanboy and someone who hates the 360 as much as that ***er. His halo talk is full of shit,I have sneaked up on plenty of enemies which has never seen me and done the " one hit kill" from behind,he talks rubbish,fuck that sonyfanboy.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 25 Sep 07 18:25:05 >
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RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 26, 2007 02:24
 ...or so says MaruMaru
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 26, 2007 02:25
Grow up sonyfanboy.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 26, 2007 02:29
I just read through sony defence force today, theres a nice fun read for everyone except the gullible
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 26, 2007 02:34
i just played Halo 3 , finished the first level and man i can' t hide my disappointment, there is nothing (except the background video on the main menu) that amazes me, Graphics specialy are underwhelming, which for a game of the size of Halo 3, we all expected better than that in the department, now i hope that the game will get better and better later on, because it would suck if it keeps on the same level as the beginning ... and don' t spoil anything you bastards .
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- Joined: Jan 28, 2006
- Location: Los Angeles , CA
RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 26, 2007 02:37
Isnt the first level really short ? Damn , I need to wait 5 days for my pay day to buy halo 3 ..
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 26, 2007 02:47
the length was normal i think , but seriously i absolutly had nooo vibe playing this level, it doesn' t feel epic it' s lacking something... it' s not the same thing when you first play: God of war or gears of war or zelda or a final fantasy or a resident evil or a metal gear or half life 2 or shadow of colossus and recently Bioshock... The menu gives that vibe absolutly that background is amazing and it looks like it' s in-game but apart from that, nothing whatsoever feels great... i' ll give the second level a shot later on, damn i don' t want to be disapointed.
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- Joined: Jan 28, 2006
- Location: Los Angeles , CA
RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 26, 2007 02:50
I dont think u will be .. I dont beleive in reviews too much , but almost all the sites say that the game is excellent . Its probably cos u expected it to me something else .. I must say the first time i played gears , it gave me goosebumps .. Gears is awesome , give me the sequel already ..
< Message edited by 2pac -- 25 Sep 07 18:51:59 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 26, 2007 02:51
the length was normal i think , but seriously i absolutly had nooo vibe playing this level, it doesn' t feel epic it' s lacking something... it' s not the same thing when you first play: God of war or gears of war or zelda or a final fantasy or a resident evil or a metal gear or half life 2 or shadow of colossus and recently Bioshock... The menu gives that vibe absolutly that background is amazing and it looks like it' s in-game but apart from that, nothing whatsoever feels great... i' ll give the second level a shot later on, damn i don' t want to be disapointed. Look mate, generelly i think you wind yourself up pretty much about games like this. I cant say about halo yet though, as im getting it tomorrow morning.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 26, 2007 02:57
Look mate, generelly i think you wind yourself up pretty much about games like this. what' s " wind yourself up" again? sorry i didn' t understand your comment, but what i said is true, by the way THe AU ign reviews gave it a 8.9, they say they focused more on the CORE of the game not on additional features that' s why they gave a " low" score , because at the end it' s the Core that is memorable, indeed. i' m one of those who think that Halo and Halo 2 are overhyped, overrated.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Halo 3 reviews/impressions
Sep 26, 2007 03:01
what i meant is that these past few days you have been wishing halo 3 to be the second coming of christ (or your profet  ) but its just a game! Relax, dont believe in hype, have fun, and take if for what it is!
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