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Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
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Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 10, 2007 22:09
" According to Gamestop officials, over four million preorders have been made for Halo 3 on Xbox 360. Xbox Evolved has verified this information at five different Greater Cincinnati Gamestop locations, including Gamestop stores, EB Games stores, and Funcoland stores, all under the same umbrella. This information was verified at all locations, however company a document showing this information was not revealed. In the coming months, if this information is verified this would be the most preordered videogame of all time. Many of Gamestop’s employees believe that a large portion of the preorders are being made by consumers that don’t even own a Xbox 360, that are just waiting for the price of the system to go down. In comparison, Grand Theft Auto IV’s combined PS3 and 360 preorders at the chain of stores comes in a very distant second. Microsoft reported three weeks before the release of Halo 2 in 2004 that the combined retail outlet preorders for the title was 1.5 million, which at the time was a record in itself. Gears of War, the best-selling title on Xbox 360 has worldwide barely cracked the four million mark. If this is all true, it is very likely that Halo 3 will outsell even Halo and Halo 2 combined. We will have more as it develops." http://onthexbox.com/news1029.aspx That' s nuts. I bet they' ll sell 15 million copies.
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RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 10, 2007 22:13
Four million pre-orders... wow that' s... alot. Is that number for North America only? What' s the number for the whole world then? 4.1 million?
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RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 10, 2007 22:16
Four million pre-orders... wow that' s... alot. Is that number for North America only? What' s the number for the whole world then? 4.1 million? LOL! Well its only really the yanks who give a fuck about Halo anyway.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 10, 2007 22:22
Yeah just North America. Like the article said, Halo 3 might outsell Halo 1&2 combined.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 10, 2007 22:22
Thats not true at all! Digs around for UK sales figures....
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2007
RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 10, 2007 22:37
Holy crap, and the release date hasn' t even been anounced yet.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 11, 2007 02:17
No pressure, Bungie.
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RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 11, 2007 02:23
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RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 11, 2007 03:59
Well, that' s Gears losing the spotlight already. They were pretty chuffed with their 3 million too. Cliffy B was popping out in public once more, they were crediting themselves in their own trailers.. Now it' s all gone to sh!t... Well, i guess Bungie can thank CrackDown... Or not.. We' ll see after the 16th of May. Crackdown maybe Halo 3' s unknowing undoing.
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RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 11, 2007 05:19
Where can you still pick up a preorder? I didn' t know they were still taking them at EB Gamestop. I could' ve sworn that was a short-time event kinda dealie.
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 11, 2007 09:09
Yes but how many of those pre orders are Halo fans buying multiple copies, for example I have personally preordered the Legendary (Helmet version) and the standard version. So if you say what 50% are like me then that figure drops to what 2.5 million possibly 3 million which still seems high but more aceptable.
Evil Man
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RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 11, 2007 09:49
4 million people are stupid as fuck.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
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RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 11, 2007 09:53
ORIGINAL: alijay034 Yes but how many of those pre orders are Halo fans buying multiple copies, for example I have personally preordered the Legendary (Helmet version) and the standard version. So if you say what 50% are like me then that figure drops to what 2.5 million possibly 3 million which still seems high but more aceptable. Does it matter to Bungie who is buying them? A sell is a sell, no matter who contributes. 4 million people are stupid as ***. Have to agree there, this world is plagued with idiocy, idiots make the world go round and it' s a sad fact.
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- Joined: Nov 03, 2006
RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 11, 2007 10:08
LOL! Well its only really the yanks who give a *** about Halo anyway. yeah, I never run in to Brits on Live playing Halo 2. Whatever. This game could bury PS3 in North America this holiday. Picture this, N00bish quasi gamer (buys Madden and two other games a year) walks into retail store. Sees PS3 for $X. Sees Xbox360 Elite for $Y. Does quick math and figures out that $X is > $Y + Halo3 + extra conroller. Looks at PS3 exclusives. This gamer will cheap out and buy a Wii or Pony up and play Halo3 all holiday. Only the most rabid SONY fanboy or Final Fantasy addict would do otherwise. PS3 better push Konami to get MGS4 out the door for November or they are going to be the one left standing with out a chair when the music stops christmas morning. SONY' s weak start in North America is bad for all gamers, if Microsoft gets cocky we could have a real problem. Competion is what keeps these juggernaughts in line, without it those companies would rape us. At least the Wii is doing well, I just doubt the console has any legs.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 11, 2007 11:04
Yes but how many of those pre orders are Halo fans buying multiple copies, for example I have personally preordered the Legendary (Helmet version) and the standard version. So if you say what 50% are like me then that figure drops to what 2.5 million possibly 3 million which still seems high but more aceptable. I really really doubt that %50 of the preorder-ers(yes, i can make up words like that) are gonna pay over $200 for it. But im sure some did buy extras to put on ebay or something like that Picture this, N00bish quasi gamer (buys Madden and two other games a year) walks into retail store. Sees PS3 for $X. Sees Xbox360 Elite for $Y. Does quick math and figures out that $X is > $Y + Halo3 + extra conroller. Chances are, if he plays madden, he doesnt know how to add numbers that big and just buys the ps3, says its the TEH GREATZORZZ! and considers it Jesus
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2007
RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 11, 2007 14:09
ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw Yes but how many of those pre orders are Halo fans buying multiple copies, for example I have personally preordered the Legendary (Helmet version) and the standard version. So if you say what 50% are like me then that figure drops to what 2.5 million possibly 3 million which still seems high but more aceptable. I really really doubt that %50 of the preorder-ers(yes, i can make up words like that) are gonna pay over $200 for it. But im sure some did buy extras to put on ebay or something like that Picture this, N00bish quasi gamer (buys Madden and two other games a year) walks into retail store. Sees PS3 for $X. Sees Xbox360 Elite for $Y. Does quick math and figures out that $X is > $Y + Halo3 + extra conroller. Chances are, if he plays madden, he doesnt know how to add numbers that big and just buys the ps3, says its the TEH GREATZORZZ! and considers it Jesus QFT
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 12, 2007 03:38
quote: LOL! Well its only really the yanks who give a *** about Halo anyway. yeah, I never run in to Brits on Live playing Halo 2. Whatever.
I was only taking the piss. Do you not know what this smiley  stands for?
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 12, 2007 08:48
This gamer will cheap out and buy a Wii or Pony up and play Halo3 all holiday. Only the most rabid SONY fanboy or Final Fantasy addict would do otherwise. PS3 better push Konami to get MGS4 out the door for November or they are going to be the one left standing with out a chair when the music stops christmas morning. SONY' s weak start in North America is bad for all gamers, if Microsoft gets cocky we could have a real problem. Competion is what keeps these juggernaughts in line, without it those companies would rape us. At least the Wii is doing well, I just doubt the console has any legs That' s actually a really well written look at this Christmas.  Mind if I use that? (sourcing you of course)
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 12, 2007 08:59
4M pre-orders in EB/Gamestop only!? Bullshit. That said, this game will still shift by the truckload and it' ss make consoles fly off shelves rapido.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Halo 3 preorders reaches 4 million in North America
May 12, 2007 17:24
Have to agree there, this world is plagued with idiocy, idiots make the world go round and it' s a sad fact. If there weren' t as many idiots in the world, we' d never appreciate intelligence.
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