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HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 22, 2007 08:36
Looking nice! Which game has the best graphics, GTHD or Forza 2? I think GT4 looked better than Forza 1 even though the Xbox was more powerful, so now when the PS3 and the 360 are pretty close GTHD and GT5 should look better than Forza 2 eh? Those guys at Polyphony are good.
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RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 22, 2007 08:42
Gimme a minute, i have an ingame Forza 2 screen somewhere and a couple of GTHD caps from last week...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 22, 2007 09:07
Okay, ...these 2 are GTHD gameplay caps... ...and this is from a replay... ...and this is a direct feed ingame Forza 2 screen that isn' t so old... ...now you' ll have to excuse the GTHD cap resolution, but the promotional screens release so far have only shown either replays or the in-car camera view. Anyway, GTHD goes up to 1080p and has superb lighting and car modeling. The background in the only existing track so far is gorgeous, ...kinda like a panoramic photograph. The track itself looks great but maybe not as sharp as it should and only the grass and bystanders let it down graphically. There is some very minor aliasing, but it' s nothing compared to PGR3. As for Forza 2, ...the track appears to be very sharp and the lighting looks nice, but not as natural as GTHD' s. The trees look more realstic and the background is nice enough. The car model doesn' t appear to be up to GTHD' s standards but it' s hard to tell. Either way it' ll run at 60fps and has realistic damage modeling and great physics, neither of which GTHD has. I need to play or at least see HD footage of Forza 2 before i can decide that one is better than the other. Right now Forza 2 looks more stylistic than photorealistic, ...more like PGR3. But who cares!? PGR4 will destroy both of them and probably GT5 too. Realistic weather effects and a new vehicle type y' see!
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RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 22, 2007 09:27
Mmm you' re probably right. Both GTHD and PGR3 are just slightly upgraded versions of the earlier games. GT5 and PGR4, done properly for the next-gen consoles, should be really impressive graphically. But while Forza 2 might lack some in the graphics it does have the next-gen physics, which affects the most important thing, gameplay. Maybe we' ll get Forza 3 on the 360 with some better graphicsin the future? Somehow I don' t think so, the developers doesn' t seem to be so great in that department considering Forza 1 looks less impressive than GT4.
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RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 22, 2007 09:39
Well as far as studio capabilities are concerned, Polyphony Digital are much more capable than almost all other driving game developers and Turn 10 will always be playing catch up. That said, i expect Forza 2 to be more fun than GTHD. I' m not a big fan of the Gran Turismo series. But then i didn' t really like the original Forza all that much either... I' ve been hooked on the Project Gotham games for years, and before that Sega GT. But meh, i have GTHD Concept because it was free and i' ll be getting Forza 2 when it' s released. But if you want a realistic driving game that' s graphially stunning, eclipsing both Forza 2 and GTHD then you should buy Formula One CE. It' s amazing.
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RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 22, 2007 09:41
I' ve been hooked on the Project Gotham games for years Including Metropolis Street Racer?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 22 Apr 07 1:41:35 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 22, 2007 09:43
I' ve been hooked on the Project Gotham games for years Yeah I prefer the PGR series more than the sim type of racers. Infact I can' t stand GT or Forza. PGR4 on the other hand should be something special, PGR3 is still one of the best 360 games.
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RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 22, 2007 09:49
I will take GT3 or 4 over PGR anyday. I also expect Forza 2 to be better. I love tuning every single bit of a car, from suspension to aerodynamics, and so far GT does the best job of that, with Forza right behind it(which looks to change with Forza 2, if it is as customizable as promised). I also look forward to DiRT a lot as well. For example, I still have more fun with GT4 than Motorstorm simply because I can change my cars and driving styles with it so much more.
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RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 22, 2007 10:01
ORIGINAL: ginjirou I' ve been hooked on the Project Gotham games for years Including Metropolis Street Racer? Yeah but i spent way more time playing Daytona USA, F355: Challenge and Cazy Taxi on Dreamcast than i did MSR. As far as this goes so far i' ve played Need For Speed: Most Wanted (Carbon is awful) and PGR3 to death and i' m loving every minute of MotorStorm. I think when it comes to realism i' ll prefer DiRT and GTR2 over the GTHD and Forza 2.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 22, 2007 10:01
I prefer F-Zero GX more than any other racing game in existence. I wonder when we' ll get F-Zero Wii. Yeah but i spent way more time playing Daytona USA, F355: Challenge and Cazy Taxi on Dreamcast than i did MSR. Oh yeah, Daytona is great!
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 22 Apr 07 2:02:47 >
Mass X
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RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 22, 2007 10:20
I love Forza overall cause you car is in every way YOUR car. You customize every bit of the in and every bit of the outs. Tweaked to just how you like it and painted and remodeled in a way that looks cool to you. I miss my Cadillac from Forza. When I first go tthe car it barly peaked at 200mph. By the time I was done with it I had that thing hittin 220 and handling less like the big brute it was. Once that was done it was time to personalize the exterior. The paintjob took me a few ours but I knew no matter how many races I put it in I would never see my car elsewhere or in anybody elses hands except mine.
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RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 22, 2007 12:55
It' s all subjective but I prefer a racing sim to any of that NFS/Burnout nonsense, so for me the physics in a driving game are more important than the gfx. Forza 2 looks awesome from that point of view. It also runs at 60fps which gives it the edge over DiRT but we' ll have to see how they play. F-Zero GX - Great game. :) *Edit* Best racer on DC was 355 hands down, no contest and I still do the odd lap of Monza occasionally. I did like MSR, the graphics look dog rough now mind you and the jaggies were distracting even at the time.
< Message edited by spacejase -- 22 Apr 07 5:01:12 >
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RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 22, 2007 15:10
Hmm, I reckon GTHD overall looks better than Forza 2. I dont think either really push the limits of graphical fidelity though! The car models in GT have always been nice, but like Mass said they never really feel like your car. Forza 2 should not only have better physics and sound, but the customisation and online aspects will really bring that feeling of car ownership home. That said when it comes to pure realism, games like GTR2 and netKar Pro have set the bar, Richard Burns Rally when you' re talking rally sims. None of those will ever have the online presence and fun factor of console racers though. That replay was hot though! But I never quite understand how racing games manage to make racing cars sound so sedate?? How hard is it to make a racing car sound like a beast? One rev of the engine should make you think ' Holy crap!' . Those cars sounded as though they were just out for a cruise...
< Message edited by choupolo -- 22 Apr 07 7:50:51 >
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RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 23, 2007 00:21
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RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 23, 2007 00:43
ORIGINAL: SpaceJase I need to play or at least see HD footage of Forza 2 before i can decide that one is better than the other. Look here: http://forzamotorsport.net/default.aspx 720p version of the replay vid. Sorry, i meant gameplay footage.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 23, 2007 00:47
this looks cool..but. Give me Sega Rally / Mario Kart / F-Zero anyday.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 22 Apr 07 16:51:33 >
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RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 23, 2007 00:53
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 Give me Sega Rally / Mario Kart / F-Zero anyday. Has Sega Rally (Revo) been annonced for Wii yet?
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 23, 2007 01:01
I would' nt care for a dumbed down version when i can get it for PS3. Edit: And play it on a top Steering wheel, my G25 or Momo
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 22 Apr 07 17:07:05 >
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RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 23, 2007 01:20
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 I would' nt care for a dumbed down version when i can get it for PS3. Good point. Did you buy MotorStorm? I know you said you bought VF5 (duh!) but i can' t remember if you said you' d gotten MotorStorm. Whatever you do, don' t buy Resistance. It' s terrible.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: HOT Forza 2 replay
Apr 23, 2007 01:26
Did you buy MotorStorm? I know you said you bought VF5 (duh!) but i can' t remember if you said you' d gotten MotorStorm. Yes, though i have not played it in a while. Whatever you do, don' t buy Resistance. It' s terrible. I downloaded the Demo and reminded me why i stay clear of Console FPS' s. It was terrible.. Thing is, i know people who decided to go for a PS3 over 360 for this game  Even 360 COD2 kills resistance in every area. Going off topic, sorry.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 22 Apr 07 17:28:32 >
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