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Global Warming...What Are Your Thoughts On The Matter?
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
Global Warming...What Are Your Thoughts On The Matter?
Jan 18, 2005 13:12
It' s the middle winter, during the middle of a very cold spell, and what am I posting about - global warming. I know, but I couldn' t resist once I read this article. I thought to myself..." what do I believe will happen?" The article begins with talk about ' global dimming' (explained in the article) and eventually links to ' global warming' . I' ll tell ya' ll this...I don' t want to be around when the stuff hits the fan! That' s for sure!!! What do you think?
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 1/19/2005 7:32:00 AM >
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RE: Global Warming...What Are Your Thoughts On The Matter?
Jan 18, 2005 14:44
The kids and I were doing a lesson on Global Warming today, matter of fact. In the last 10 years already, three of Antartica' s ice shelves have already crumbled and two more are expected to break up soon. Scientists believe that if Antartica was to lose all its ice, the sea level could rise as much as 200 feet or more-- that' s amazing. As far as Global Dimming goes, all you have to do is look over New York City to see how bad pollution is affecting the planet -- half the time you can' t even see the sun!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Global Warming...What Are Your Thoughts On The Matter?
Jan 18, 2005 19:41
I feel sorry for future generations when the results of global warming has a more drastic effect on the planet and giant walls of water inundate every where around the world.. People will then barely recall a movie ' classic' starring a looong passed actor named Kevin Cosner in a movie that seemed to prophetize such events.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Global Warming...What Are Your Thoughts On The Matter?
Jan 18, 2005 20:38
200 foot rise in the sea level, eh? Hmmmm.... at least I' ll still be safe and cozy here in denver, the Mile High City! And when it all comes right down to it, isn' t that what really matters?
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
RE: Global Warming...What Are Your Thoughts On The Matter?
Jan 19, 2005 05:39
I guess I better find out how much above sea-level good ole Saint Louis is...' cause I don' t want to be living under water! You lucky dog, Joe...at least you don' t have to move... But the article mentions the possibility of a massive release of methane into the atmosphere...no one will escape that! Just have to enjoy things until that time...unless mankind (as a whole) works to prevent these events...I don' t have much faith in that happening, as mankind has a past record of non-cooperation. But you never know...
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 1/20/2005 8:30:14 AM >
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Global Warming...What Are Your Thoughts On The Matter?
Jan 19, 2005 07:26
If you look at geologic time, there are always warming and cooling trends, and the warming trends get warmer than we have right now. The difference is we are speeding up this next warming trend, so the cycle will simpy happen sooner. We' ll all die, and then things can get back to normal.
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 1/19/2005 7:26:47 AM >
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- Joined: Jun 23, 2004
- Location: NS, Canada (living in Rhode Island)
RE: Global Warming...What Are Your Thoughts On The Matter?
Jan 22, 2005 07:12
But the article mentions the possibility of a massive release of methane into the atmosphere...no one will escape that! Shoot all the damn cows -- that' ll take care of most of it!
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- Joined: Oct 31, 2004
RE: Global Warming...What Are Your Thoughts On The Matter?
Jan 24, 2005 08:15
That' s right. Those cows are the reason that the atmosphere is the way that it is. I really don' t think much about global warming. I mean it is a big deal, but I never thought about my feelings. I know that nothing bad is gonna happen in the rest of my life time, but the kids in the future are gonna have it rough. But if the weather we are having in Minnesota is a result of global warming I wouldn' t mind. I mean we just had our first real snow and it' s already the end of January. Hee hee, all the other places are getting hit worse than us, the world is getting messed up. It' s sad, but I like this winter, it' s not as intense and not as cold, but it' s still Minnesota. [:' (]
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
RE: Global Warming...What Are Your Thoughts On The Matter?
Jan 26, 2005 06:13
Click here to read the first posting taken from an article about global warming... This ain' t no joke, that' s for sure!
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RE: Global Warming...What Are Your Thoughts On The Matter?
Jan 26, 2005 08:50
I don' t believe global warming is a problem. I think it' s perfectly normal. I' ve done research on it before and to be honest I think most of these tree huggers are full of crap. You see, the thing is the earth is in a constant shift of temperature patterns. that' s why we have ice ages every so often followed by periods of warmer weather. The wierd thing is we are actually currently over due for an ice age. This can be partially due to our polution but it is also in part to the fact we are falling into the sun and the sun is constantly getting warmer and big(heard of super nova' s and balck whole' s?). earth is constantly being dragged closer and closer to the sun. This causes a very slight change in average temperature each year. It' s so small that from year to year you don' t notice but think about how long it' s been since the last ice age. a change in the average temeperature by ten degrees over that amount of time is plenty to shift the time for an ice age to come. I don' t know if we' ve really shifted 10 degrees but I do know the average temperature have risen. This is actually one of the reasons why Mars is being pursued so much. In a few thousand years time the earth is naturally supposed to start dying out because of its proximity to the sun. I love the discovery channle, btw. When that starts happening to our planet Mars will actually be entering the life supporting area of the rotation in our solar system, aka can sustain life without need of space suits(as long as we create an atmosphere by that time, by planting trees and tapping into the frozen water under the surface). Our race will eventiually have to move on to space and to Mars in order to survive. It won' t be a quick change but the earth will slowly become less inhabitible. Once again though none of this matters(don' t you love this cycle  ?) because our solar system is actually preparing to pass through the worst area of our galaxy. This prtion of the galaxy is so densly populated with asteriods and what not, that every time we pass though it we(earth) get hit by one of those " global killers" . Pretty much everything on our planet gets wiped out by comets and asteriods. pretty much all the planets are going to get hit so no matter where our race travels at the time our chance of survival isn' t all that great. Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 1/26/2005 8:54:30 AM >
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Global Warming...What Are Your Thoughts On The Matter?
Jan 26, 2005 09:20
Good Post Rampage. I used to think very similarily about the constant temperature flux of the earth, and you are right about the temperature mvoing up and down like a sin wave. However the in the last half a century, the CO2 gas that has built up has trapped in so much extra heat that the process is being sped up significantly. It' s still fluxuating, but instead of 5000 more years we may only have 500(those numbers are complete guesses, not fact at all!). As for the whole bit on where our galaxy is moving I have no idea about that stuff, I' m sure it' s true, but undoubtably nothing to worry about in the next many thousand of years. I too like the discovery channel, but one thing I' ve noticed about it is to take things with a grain of salt. It' s a channel devoted to science, and since in all areas of science there are always conflicting opinions and research being done, the channel will often show different stories with conflicting opinions about the sme topic. Good for the channel, that' s what it shuld do, but sometimes people (like my grandparents) see only one story, take it as fact, and then phone me " Mat, you work in a Microbiology lab, why are you doing cloning research on human feotuses!" Then I have to phone them and assure them that no, no I am in fact not.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Global Warming...What Are Your Thoughts On The Matter?
Jan 26, 2005 11:47
Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day LMAO!!!! That right there is classic and sig worthy!!
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