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Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
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Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 04, 2006 04:45
Pre-sales for Gears of War are " ...second only to its [Microsoft' s] 2004 blockbuster " Halo 2" REUTERS Now if you take into account that Halo 2 " had pre-orders of 1.5 million and an additional million copies were sold in its first day of release" and a further million on day one, ...Gears is going to make Epic very rich and Microsoft very happy.
Chee Saw
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RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 04, 2006 05:06
Gears is shaping up to be a blockbuster for sure. I' m wondering how the other 360 games will fair this month. I mean, yeah, releasing near Christmas is a smart move, but releasing the same month as Gears of War... scary! Here' s my most wanted for this month: Will buy: DOAX2 Gears of War May buy: Rainbow Six: Vegas F.E.A.R. May buy later (after price drop): Fusion Frenzy 2 COD 3 Not buying: Star Trek: Legacy Tony Hawk Viva Pinata Sonic Superman Returns
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RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 04, 2006 06:32
Gears is the only real interesting title for the 360 this chistmas [paring multiplatform], everybody with a 360 is going to get it.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 3 Nov 06 22:34:32 >
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RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 04, 2006 14:59
Its definatley the first system seller
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RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 04, 2006 15:34
without doubt GOW is gona be the first 360 title that is really gonna turn peoples heads and certianly give a valid reason for owning a 360.
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RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 04, 2006 19:13
That' s utterly true f3hunter. In the console war IPs' are the ones to make the difference, not console characteristics (at least this is my opinion :P:P)
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RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 05, 2006 02:02
without doubt GOW is gona be the first 360 title that is really gonna turn peoples heads and certianly give a valid reason for owning a 360. What a fanboy. Then you wont have a reason to buy a ps3 until late 2007 i hope?
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RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 05, 2006 05:43
Just because N3 wasn' t a blockbuster doesn' t mean you have to take it out on everyone else.  Seriously though, stop calling people fanboys.
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RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 05, 2006 06:10
I' ve played all the big titles 360 have to offer and the only one that i' ve really enjoyed is Dead Rising. My expentations of GoW is high, and if this game would turn out to be a failure, I would be dissappointed in the whole console.
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RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 05, 2006 21:36
I for one won' t be buying one on day 1. I' m perfectly happy with the excellent Dark Messiah for now, and am waiting to see if gears of war shapes into anything more than " Move to cover and fire at bad AI" . Oh, and fuck Epic for not releasing a demo; guess they' re just too fucking big for that.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 05, 2006 21:54
Oh, and fuck Epic for not releasing a demo; guess they' re just too fucking big for that. My latest pet peeve is hearing people knock Epic for not releasing a demo of GOW...as if its mandatory. Epic must have explained it a hundred times that making a demo takes time with testing. When you make a demo you have to test to make sure it works. People have a hard time understanding this. So it was between having GOW without a demo two days from now or having a demo now and the game two months from now. They made the right choice. They aren' t trying to hide anything, they are just trying to get the game on shelves for the holiday season. The reviews and gamers will speak for the game. We' re going to be spoiled with an amazing game, crying about the idea of no demo is just selfish and ignorant.
< Message edited by Agent ghost -- 5 Nov 06 14:15:39 >
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RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 06, 2006 01:25
But I want a demo.
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RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 06, 2006 01:35
Who needs a demo? Just buy it! Everyone that has played it up to this point loves it. I haven' t heard any negative feedback from anyone that had actual hands on time with it. this game is pretty much garenteed to be excellent. Since I' ve seen it first hand I can vouch for it being amazing. My Gears of War faceplate is going to gleem when it is finally united with the game. Oh the joy!
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RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 06, 2006 01:41
I know, I' m just having a fit for the sake of having a fit. There' s nothing better to do.  It' s not November 7th yet.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 5 Nov 06 17:42:31 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 06, 2006 01:43
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RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 06, 2006 02:10
Someone else than me think the Mad World song in the Gears Of War cinematic trailer is very good?
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RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 06, 2006 02:31
Yea, I thought that trailer was excellent. Kinda contradicted all the other trailers I' ve seen for it though which were all focused on action and buzzsaws. This one was interesting. It' s just a shame the music was dubbed over the actual cutscene, which will probably be nowhere near as atmospheric without it. Imo, the only problem with not having a demo, is that many people will have to buy it to see what the game is actually like. I' d have preferred to try before I buy, but then I seem to be one of the only ones still on the fence about this game! The number of pre-orders only reflects how much hype has been generated about the game, not how good it' ll be. To me it seems people are only getting this cos the main character is a big army dude with a chainsaw on the end of his gun, and of course cos da grafiks r gud. [:' (] Think I might wait until I see what all the fuss is about. Another 2 weeks until the UK release tho...
< Message edited by choupolo -- 5 Nov 06 18:34:19 >
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RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 06, 2006 03:32
The read speeds from the HDD aren' t up to scratch. That' s why some demos have framerate issues while the final product does not. Take Need for Speed: Carbon for example. The demo was dreadful and had a terrible framerate and yet the final game (i was given a copy of the CE today) is just fine. The could have provided us with a demo months ago, maybe the E3 build/level, but then who says they won' t?! The game has been gold for a fortnight now and is released in the US on Wednesday?! Ha, you guys are lucky, Europeans have to wait another 10 days! Anyhoo, CoD3 is out on Friday!!!
Vx Chemical
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RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 06, 2006 18:09
its annoying, i hate delayed releases, why on earth not make it global, i nearly didnt buy DR because i was pissed off!
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Gears of War crushes everything but Halo 2
Nov 06, 2006 18:15
won' t?! The game has been gold for a fortnight now and is released in the US on Wednesday?! Ha, you guys are lucky, Europeans have to wait another 10 days! I love living in America, picking up COD3 tomorrow, its going to be hard focusing in Anthropology class today.
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