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Gears of War could release before the 12th November
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Vx Chemical
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Gears of War could release before the 12th November
Aug 10, 2006 00:18
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Gears of War could release before the 12th November
Aug 10, 2006 00:58
ow.. GOW is clashing too much with the Wii.. would be my fill-in game.. Lol imagine if Wii Metroid is properly funtioned for the Wiimote and plays like a dream.. GOW could well be left feeling old, uninteresting, haggered and dated..
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RE: Gears of War could release before the 12th November
Aug 10, 2006 01:03
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical As topic It won' t be feeling old by any standards when compared to any Wii games. Wii' s remote doesn' t make it feel next gen.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Gears of War could release before the 12th November
Aug 10, 2006 01:06
Is there an official Wii date? in US and in Europe?
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Gears of War could release before the 12th November
Aug 10, 2006 01:08
Well if thats the case, Nintendo are F%ked.. Which i' ll doubt very mch..
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Gears of War could release before the 12th November
Aug 10, 2006 01:09
Is there an official Wii date? in US and in Europe Around late October - early November times.
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RE: Gears of War could release before the 12th November
Aug 10, 2006 01:40
Now why would epic try to rush the launch when MS want the game out when ps3 comes?
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RE: Gears of War could release before the 12th November
Aug 10, 2006 01:41
ORIGINAL: f3hunter Well if thats the case, Nintendo are F%ked.. Which i' ll doubt very mch.. Rampage was actually at E3, so out of all us he knows what the Wiimote actually fells like.. I' ve been saying from day 1, if it' s not properly supported Wii could possibly be de-railed, I sure as hell am hoping that it gets supported and doesn' t feel too gimmicky, but games like Sonic Wildfire aren' t really helping. Rampage I sent you a friend request, my gamertag is IMeReDiTHI.. Noticed that you' ve played NBA 2k6... Thought I was the only one..
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Gears of War could release before the 12th November
Aug 10, 2006 02:27
Rampage I sent you a friend request, my gamertag is IMeReDiTHI Ohhh your ImeReDiTHI!??! I was wondering who it was :) I should start playing with you guys someday! Though i mostly play in mornings and afternoon as my GF Hogs the tv at night ;)
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RE: Gears of War could release before the 12th November
Aug 10, 2006 02:30
You' re telling me all the times we could have been playing some quality X-box live... You didn' t know it was me?  Well, my not-so-secret secret is out... I might have to change my gamertag as I get unwanted attention fro geeky halo guys when I kick their arse... " I' ve never been beaten by a girl before... Dyu want a one on one?"
< Message edited by Tiz -- 9 Aug 06 18:30:51 >
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RE: Gears of War could release before the 12th November
Aug 10, 2006 02:32
ORIGINAL: Tiz Rampage was actually at E3, so out of all us he knows what the Wiimote actually fells like.. I' ve been saying from day 1, if it' s not properly supported Wii could possibly be de-railed, I sure as hell am hoping that it gets supported and doesn' t feel too gimmicky, but games like Sonic Wildfire aren' t really helping. But then, lots of big videogame journalists have reported that they liked the controller. Everyone can' t like the Wii, as Rampage proves. His hands-on alone does not decrease my faith in the Wii.
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RE: Gears of War could release before the 12th November
Aug 10, 2006 03:14
Ginjirou, don' t kill me.... please.. I want the Wii to succeed, I see serious potential. But with games like Sonic Wildfire... I just can' t.. You' re actually (so it seems) doing less in Sonic Wildfire than you would be on the Sonic for PS3 and the 360..  I still have Wii on my cards for a purchase though..
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: Gears of War could release before the 12th November
Aug 10, 2006 03:55
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Now why would epic try to rush the launch when MS want the game out when ps3 comes? i wonder if this means Unreal Tournament 2007 for the PlayStation 3 launch??? So both epic titles wont have to quite face each other on November
< Message edited by fernandino -- 9 Aug 06 19:56:18 >
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RE: Gears of War could release before the 12th November
Aug 10, 2006 04:24
There are very few of us here that have actually held a real Wii controller. I' ve held a weighted mockup of the older one sans-microphone, and it wasn' t bad, but I think it' s going to be one of those thing' s you' re gonna have to try first. Hopefully Nintendo' s gonna put up kiosks in game stores, or anywhere for that matter. It' d be an excellent way to get the word out.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 9 Aug 06 20:24:59 >
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RE: Gears of War could release before the 12th November
Aug 10, 2006 05:47
IGN rated Wildwire as possibly the best Sonic game since the 16bit ones.. and ive heard alike from other site like 1up / Magic box..
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RE: Gears of War could release before the 12th November
Aug 11, 2006 06:56
Too many respected editors were praising Wii with some real passion so I wouldn' t worry. Rampage hated the Wiimote idea from the start and was focusing on it' s negative aspects way too much (your hand will get tired and so on) :) But I have to agree - no game will feel old after playing on Wii - cause we' ve been playing games on standard controllers for so long it' s like second nature to us- this potentially unintuitive control scheme is 100% intuitive to us :). It won' t be feeling old by any standards when compared to any Wii games. Wii' s remote doesn' t make it feel next gen. That' s way too " fanboy" if you ask me. Rampage was actually at E3, so out of all us he knows what the Wiimote actually fells like. He hasn' t played Zelda or Red Steel so it' s hard to take his opinion as very accurate. Anyway I don' t expect Wii to influence GoW sales in any way :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 10 Aug 06 23:00:18 >
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RE: Gears of War could release before the 12th November
Aug 11, 2006 07:14
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