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Gears of War cant run on a PS3
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Vx Chemical
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RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 01, 2006 18:51
" we couldn' t do this on DVD9" claims are falling on deaf ears. Unfortunately it isnt falling on deaf ears, since people believe every word sony says. most of the time
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 01, 2006 18:52
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical " we couldn' t do this on DVD9" claims are falling on deaf ears. Unfortunately it isnt falling on deaf ears, since IDIOTS believe every word sony says. most of the time Fixed.
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 01, 2006 22:28
I' m taking you off my friends list. Oh no please dont do that i wouldnt know what to do with myself.   I think gears could run on the ps3 but who cares its running on the 360 so to enjoy you have to buy a 360. This thread is stupid, now lets move on to more pressing matters, like trying to convince majik not to remove me off his friends list.
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RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 01, 2006 22:54
Okay, i was wrong, someone already pointed that out. You don' t have to call me a idiot just because we don' t share the same opinion. That' s just plain fanboyish Majik is pointing out that you were wrong, that has nothing to do with being a fanboy. Im tired of hearing fanboy in every damn comment. " hey guys whats up?" " he used a question mark he must be a fanboy" , Jesus Christ that is annoying
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RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 01, 2006 23:15
No, pointing out that i was wrong have nothing to do with being a fanboy. Im glad someone corrected me. The way he did it on the other hand... Geez, no wonder there aren' t alot of PS3 and hardly any Wii fans here. You guys scared them all of. :/
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 01, 2006 23:51
I think most people in this site are looking forward to the Wii, as well as looking forward to the PS3, dont always take it personally if you get called an idiot!
Agent Ghost
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RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 02, 2006 03:39
No, pointing out that i was wrong have nothing to do with being a fanboy. Im glad someone corrected me. The way he did it on the other hand... Geez, no wonder there aren' t alot of PS3 and hardly any Wii fans here. You guys scared them all of. :/ Like VX said don' t take it personally, we' re a tight knit group and many of us have known eachother for over a year. The type of hostility we have here is more comparable to the kind brothers and sisters would have as opposed to other forums where people genuinly hate eachother. At the same time we value the games more then eachothers company so we tend to have short fuses. It' s an interesting dynamic, there' s only one Kikizo. As for the PS3 and Wii fans, things will even out once the two consoles are actually released. Although there are going to be a lot of angry/fustrated Sony/Nintendo fans later this month. People eager for the PS3 will be pissed as it will be almost impossible to buy one, and not everyone here that wants one will get it this year. Nintendo fans will grumble because the launch lineup for Wii looks like shit.
< Message edited by Agent ghost -- 1 Nov 06 19:45:08 >
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- Joined: Aug 11, 2006
RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 02, 2006 03:40
Great, but i didn' t know that, and i' m new to this forum
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RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 02, 2006 04:28
Like VX said don' t take it personally, we' re a tight knit group and many of us have known eachother for over a year. The type of hostility we have here is more comparable to the kind brothers and sisters would have as opposed to other forums where people genuinly hate eachother. At the same time we value the games more then eachothers company so we tend to have short fuses. It' s an interesting dynamic, there' s only one Kikizo
Well said.
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RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 02, 2006 07:52
Actually there are a lot of Wii fans here, and most people here are open to getting a PS3, they just have a tendancy to call sony on its bullshit. Trust me, if MS was lying about things like Sony, we' d be ripping them a new one too (or at least I would, if only out of envy of Bill Gates and his money)
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- Joined: Aug 11, 2006
RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 03, 2006 00:54
Just to show how meaningless this calculation is... " IGN: Quick Fanboy wars question -- Could Lair be done under its current spec on the Xbox 360? If so, why go with the PlayStation 3 " only" instead of going cross-platform? Eggebrecht: Lair in its current form couldn' t be done on 360. We are using large amounts of Cell' s SPUs for all of our geometry, landscape, simulations, animations, even troop AI. When we create a game, we absolutely focus on the platform it is designed around. Would we do one for 360, it would be a different game and a different engine -- most crucially perhaps though: Lair is an entirely different game without the motion control and gesture recognition since it was designed around it."
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- Joined: Jul 15, 2006
RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 03, 2006 03:05
Its just like most games where for last gen. Sure, Xbox was more powerful, but because most of the game where created with the PS2 in mind, they really didn' t show off the power of the Xbox too much. Games nowdays will probably have to be more taliored to each councles strengths and weaknesses then last gen.
Chee Saw
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RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 03, 2006 07:31
ORIGINAL: JalleNalle Just to show how meaningless this calculation is... " IGN: Quick Fanboy wars question -- Could Lair be done under its current spec on the Xbox 360? If so, why go with the PlayStation 3 " only" instead of going cross-platform? Eggebrecht: Lair in its current form couldn' t be done on 360. We are using large amounts of Cell' s SPUs for all of our geometry, landscape, simulations, animations, even troop AI. When we create a game, we absolutely focus on the platform it is designed around. Would we do one for 360, it would be a different game and a different engine -- most crucially perhaps though: Lair is an entirely different game without the motion control and gesture recognition since it was designed around it." This is just a reiteration of what Joe said earlier. If a company codes a game on a specific system, then no, it can' t be done on one of the others. As far as I' m concened, multi-platform games should always be done from the ground up for each console. Yeah, I know, only big developers can afford that, but if you can' t do it right, you shouldn' t do it at all. I look at it this way; the 360, Wii, and PS3 will all have great games. It' s up to each individual person to decide which system has more bang for their gaming dollar. As far as I can see, this Christmas the 360 owns the other two, just for the simple fact that there are a lot more games available, and thusly you' re more likely to find a game or two (or, like me FIFTEEN) that suit your tastes. This is, of course, for people who feel that games are the most important aspect of owning a console.
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- Joined: Nov 03, 2006
RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 03, 2006 10:12
My first post in this forum. Greetings. I am not a rabid 360 fanboy but lets take a good look at this. What is Sony offering I can' t get elsewhere? Somebody give me an argument that states why I, as a single console buyer, would Sony $200 (canadian) more than I would have to give Microsoft to play games. I own a HD TV (no HDMI) and have Dolby 5.1. I do not have a gaming PC. I' m not interested in Blu-Ray or HD-DVD until there is a clear Winner. I do not play Turn based/Anime RPGs. I prefer to have a trigger when playing an FPS. Was never into Metal Gear. I Will not get both a PS3 & a 360, too cost prohibitive. A Wii as a second console if I see enough good exclusives on it. Favorite Games of last generation include: Brackets indicate console played on * represents exclusivity Ninja Gaiden (XBOX)* God of War (PS2)* Halo series (XBOX)* Splinter Cell (XBOX) Prince of Persia series (XBOX) TLOZ: Windwaker (GC)* ICO (PS2))* Shadow of Coloussus (PS2)* Brothers In Arms (Xbox) Knights of the Old Republic (XBOX)* SOCOM (PS2)* Jade Empire (Xbox)* Morrowind (Xbox)* Baldur' s Gate Dark Alliance (PS2) Deus ex (Xbox)* Most Anticipated Games: Assasins Creed Bioshock Gears of War Halo 3 TLOZ: Twilight Princess Mass Effect If it flat-comes to exclusives I' ve got to go 360. It' s not Fanboyism it' s just shrewd consumerism. If you love Final Fanatasy and Metal Gear then but all means buy a PS3 you will undoubtably be treated to some incredible exclusives along the way. From my perspective it dosn' t add up to $200 and losing Bioware support, Bungie support and the critics choice at the last E3, Bioshock (I don' t have a gaming PC). Think carefully, you may have good reasons to buy a, PS3 IN WHICH CASE GO FOR IT, but before you spend the money ask youself are you going to watch HD Movies? Do I need HDMI? Does MGS trump Halo or the other way around? Does Bioware trump Square? Do you already have a gaming PC? Do you really believe Sonys hype that their console will blow the doors off a 360? Did you believe a PS2 was going to pump out Toy Story graphics? Finaly, I will admit my experience with sony electronics has probably been worse than most. I bought a PS2 at launch busted in 6 months payed $175(canadian) to refurbish it, it broke again in 8 months. They fixed it free this time broke in 6 months at which point I rented an Xbox played Halo rentuned it that night and bought an xbox while I was there. Never had a problem with my xbox and it is difficult to judge how bad the 360s problems are; I know several people who have them and are experiencing no problems and one who shipped his back for replacement, no charge, after warranty expiration. Good Luck this holidays to all you crazy PS3 fans, you will be after the hottest product on the market. I am on my way to EB after work and am buyin am 360 I will be playing FEAR tonight and Gears of War next week.
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 03, 2006 10:21
My first post in this forum. Greetings. My first post in this forum. Greetings. Yer Right!
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- Joined: Jul 15, 2006
RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 03, 2006 13:18
Sounds like Majic has compeition...first post and Ica is already writing a novel.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 03, 2006 15:56
Welcome to the forum waxboy! Pick yourself an Avatar, you can see how in the Everything thread, or i could just say that you have to send a 100*100 pixel jpeg/gif to avatar@kikizo.com. I need you to have an avatar so i can tell you apart from the other loons that dont have one! And great first post, just my way of thinking!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 03, 2006 16:32
I own a HD TV (no HDMI) and have Dolby 5.1 Hey, you' re [rubbish] HDTV is ideal for Xbox 360. Lucky that...
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- Joined: Aug 11, 2006
RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 03, 2006 19:48
If a company codes a game on a specific system, then no, it can' t be done on one of the others. As far as I' m concened, multi-platform games should always be done from the ground up for each console. Like I already said, if I got you correct. That post was to show, that saying that game can' t run on PS3 or that game can' t run on Wii etc, is irrelevant.
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- Joined: Aug 11, 2006
RE: Gears of War cant run on a PS3
Nov 03, 2006 19:54
I prefer to have a trigger when playing an FPS. The PS3 have a trigger, haven' t you heard? I' m happy someone is writing from their point of view, instead of saying " PS3 iz DE B3ZT!" or " m1cr0z0ft kik sonys Azz" Did you see how i wrote with digits and exchanged S for Z? I' m so cool!
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