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Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
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Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 05, 2008 18:03
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 05, 2008 18:45
Its very speculative! its going to be fun to see what it is they are up to though!
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RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 05, 2008 19:44
More like applied logic.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 05, 2008 20:59
More like applied logic. not necesarily. Maybe its something from the past! Something huge from back then. Gearbox doesnt really have a record for working with MS do they? Maybe they got hired to do something for id
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RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 05, 2008 21:52
Something from the past? Something for id? Gearbox has been around for less than a decade so it' s not a sequel or remake of one of their own games. They have a history with 3D Realms, but again, nothing 3D Realms have ever done could be described as " as good as it gets" . The only other thing i can think of is an Opposing Force 2, which would be huge because it' s set in the Half Life universe, ...but " as good as it gets" ??? Gearbox are one of the premier FPS development studios, and i can' t think of anybody else who Microsoft would let near their Halo franchise. Bungie likely doesn' t want the job and Microsoft obviously want to keep the franchise going... so they will have looked at who is not only available but up to the task. Why would Gearbox do somehting for id???
Vx Chemical
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RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 05, 2008 22:39
Why would Gearbox do somehting for id??? Didnt gear box do a Quake 2 expansion? Ground Zero? (i havent checked too lazy) It does give grounds for speculation thats for sure. Id think maybe Bungie has split their team in two, one working on halo the other working on something else. I dont see MS giving Halo 4 to someone totally 3rd party. I hereby give you the right to say " i told you so" if it turns out to be Halo, im skeptical.
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RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 05, 2008 23:02
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Why would Gearbox do somehting for id??? Didnt gear box do a Quake 2 expansion? Ground Zero? (i havent checked too lazy) Nah, Gearbox hadn' t even formed then. Ground Zero was handled by Rogue Entertainment - which became Nerve Software (Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Ressurection of Evil, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (360 version)) Gearbox have only really used It does give grounds for speculation thats for sure. ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Id think maybe Bungie has split their team in two, one working on halo the other working on something else. I dont see MS giving Halo 4 to someone totally 3rd party. Bungie is working on Halo: Chronicles with Wingnut Interactive, overseeing Halo Wars and working on a new IP. I' m sure Bungie will have some role in Halo 4' s development, but i can' t see them being the main development studio. Gearbox ported Combat Evolved to PC and Mac so it' s not like they have no connection to Microsoft and Bungie. As for giving it to an external studio... if Bungie didn' t want to do it, who else do Microsoft have to tun to? Their only internal studio with the relevant experience is Rare... and NOBODY would want Rare to touch Halo. Hell, even looking at external studios, there' s only Epic, Valve, id and Gearbox who could manage it. Out of those, Gearbox is the most likely candidate. Either way, Randy says it massive, ...bigger than the stuff they' ve already done and the stuff they' ve got in the pipeline (the Alien game will be kickass!) so whetever it is it' ll be interesting.
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RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 05, 2008 23:57
If they do take it over I' m hoping they will actually push the art Direction this time around. It would be nice for the humans to actually look realistic.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 5 Feb 08 16:02:13 >
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RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 06, 2008 00:35
Gearbox are good devs, Halo 4 has hope.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 06, 2008 00:42
Gearbox ported Combat Evolved to PC and Mac so it' s not like they have no connection to Microsoft and Bungie. totally forgot about that! Sounds more likely in my ears now! I wanna know ! MS should aquire some studios!
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RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 06, 2008 00:48
A Halo that didn' t focus on Master Chief would be nice. Maybe a game centred around a squad like the BiA games. That' d work nicely.
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RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 06, 2008 00:57
Cant wait for the new bia game.. but what is with all of the delays? as long as they smooth out the framerate I' m ok till Q4 08.
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RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 06, 2008 02:00
Maybe Gearbox can fix the inherent melee problem with Halo 3 online!!!!! LOL I agree that a new Halo game that did not focus on Master Chief would be great. Why not do what was proposed for the movie, in which Master Chief is not at all the focal point of the Halo movie, but rather a squad of marines.
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RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 06, 2008 04:15
We saw what happened when they tried to take the game away from MC and we got the Arbitor. F*ck that sh*t, MC better stay the same character. Next thing you' ll know we' ll play as a f*cking Grunt.
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RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 06, 2008 04:32
We saw what happened when they tried to take the game away from MC and we got the Arbitor. F*ck that sh*t, MC better stay the same character. Next thing you' ll know we' ll play as a f*cking Grunt. So then why not just give us control of the Marines then?
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RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 06, 2008 05:39
Either way, Randy says it massive, ...bigger than the stuff they' ve already done and the stuff they' ve got in the pipeline (the Alien game will be kickass!) so whetever it is it' ll be interesting. " And we' ve got real time... and in real world, immersiveness.... uhm... unparalleled in technology... um... intelligent buddies... these guys are your buddies! and uh, here' s Col. John Antal here to dig me out of this fast-talking grave I' ve been digging!" In all seriousness though, I can' t think of anybody I' d rather see do a Halo game, save perhaps Valve (Who I couldn' t see doing one under near any circumstance). Gearbox, despite their socially inept CEO are a fantastic studio, and I for one would love to see a tactical Halo shooter. They' d have a man in every corner of the shooter market if it sold well, with their primary Halo trilogy, Halo Wars, and that.
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RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 06, 2008 05:52
Alright, this could actually be quite interesting... If you were in charge of the team developing Halo 4 - what would you change and how would the game play? If you wouldn' t change the formula as we know it, how would you have the story play out? Personally, i think the series needs to be taken in a completely different direction. I would move the focus away from the Chief and onto a squad of " Helljumper" Orbital Drop Shock Troopers who' s mottoe is " Feet First Into Hell" ... They' re regarded as the most effective fighting unit after the Spartans and partake in only the most dangerous missions. They consider themselves to be above the marines and there' s a rivalry between the ODST and Spartan commanders which could make for an interesting story - especially since most Spartans are dead or MIA. They' ve been used to test experimental and modified weapons which i' d use to introduce several new additions to the arsenal, and since they work in small squads, i' d change the gameplay mechanics to something akin to Brothers in Arms or GRAW. The ODST are featured in Neill Blomkamps ' Combat' trailers for Halo 3 - See Part 1 HERE and Part 2 HERE :) I' d change the art direction, making the game more realistic and gritty, much like Blomkamps trailers and more like... uh... Killzone... actually...  I think the Colonial Marines in james Cameron' s Aliens have great dynamics and screen presence. I' d be looking to impliment something similar with the ODST squad - distinct personalities and bad attitudes towards each other and the normal marines. They' re a spec-ops unit so you could change the missions pace around quite a bit with huge fast moving firefights and slower stealth missions back to back. The Chief would have to be involved somehow, but i wouldn' t have him as a playable character. I' d probably set the game up so your squad is sent to recover him from wherever... ...in fact, i probably wouldn' t call it Halo 4. It' d have to be a spin-off title of sorts set before and leading up to the events in Halo 4. It' d be a cool way to pick up a lot of the backstory to the series too. Shit... Microsoft should just hire me... my game would do 10 mil on day one easy!
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RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 06, 2008 06:58
I like the idea, and I' ll continue with it, but I' m bushed, and therefore not bothering with sentence composition. Helljumper " Feet First Into Hell" It' s a longer title, but you' d want something with a tag line, so if it were successful, you could release a follow up title. 4-man tactical squad shooter. Refine the interesting, though broken Medal of Honor: Airborn combat-drop formula with more emphasis on tactical drop locations. In every airborne assault, there' s an inherently good place to land... and an inherently bad place to land. This wasn' t emphasized nearly enough in MoH, and it made for an " all over the place" feel. This could be reexamined in the title, giving you some control, while giving the level a composed feel to it, and allowing for things like functional scripted events The gameplay itself would be reminiscent of SOCOM with a tighter camera, with extraction or retreat to the front line being a primary element of each segment, as opposed to a Brothers in Arms approach, where you moved from point a to point b, and skipped around in the story. I can see it now, 4 men dropped behind enemy lines looking to assasinate a covenant higher-up. The assassination is a failure, they' re discovered, and you have to retreat with your 3 team members back to the front line. All 3 die in the first level, and you' re stuck with new recruits, which you heckle for being FNGs.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 06, 2008 07:11
Other than make the story longer, I think they should make it sort of like COD where you play as multiple people on separate stories. Like have MC fighting the covenant on a far away planet, the Arbiter fighting Gravemind, and have humans defending Earth from covenant invasion. I actually played halo 3 multiplayer the other day for the first time since Novemberish, and as far as multiplayer, I want halo 2 back minus the superbouncing and other glitches. I like the assault rifle from Halo 1 better than this one because on H3 you can just shoot from 40 meters away and the accuracy barely changes at all. I like most of the maps from H2 better. I hate the equipment, and at first I didnt mind them switching reload from X to RB, but after playing COD4 for so long, I cant stand it. And they need to fix the melee in general because they' ve never gotten that right. I like the spartan laser and the grenades in H3. They need to change the achievements too. All the online achievements were in Lone Wolf, so for the first 3 or 4 days everyone was trying to get the achievements, and when I would play Lone Wolf the first thing people said in the pre-game lobby was " Hey, can you guys help me get these achievements?" and of course they did.
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RE: Gearbox Software to develop Halo 4???
Feb 06, 2008 07:27
ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw Other than make the story longer, I think they should make it sort of like COD where you play as multiple people on separate stories. Like have MC fighting the covenant on a far away planet, the Arbiter fighting Gravemind, and have humans defending Earth from covenant invasion. Heresy! Nobody wants to play as the Arbiter again. EVER! It was awful.
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