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 Gamestop has full stock of PS3s
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Ninja Dog
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RE: Gamestop has full stock of PS3s - Feb 13, 2007 15:28

Resistance - Fall of Man, Motorstorm, Formula 1 - CE, Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom, are the exclusives, I' m gonna get.
I' m also going to get Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, and Virtua Tennis 3.

I wouldn' t get Marvel unless you are a big fan of those games. I liked Xmen legends, but this one has way to much story for its own good. It' s still a good game, but I think Virtua Fighter or Oblivion are better buys, assuming you haven' t played Oblivion on PC or xbox already.

IMO if the ps3 had already had 8 million sold like Xbox did when Gears came out, it would get close the same hype. This game is great, and doesn' t get nearly enough credit for its graphics. Sure they might not have insane textures, but the viewing distance is huge, the detail is immaculate, good story, and the level design is top tier. Not to mention its quite a long campaign, and a ton of fun, and has a good amount of replayability.
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RE: Gamestop has full stock of PS3s - Feb 13, 2007 18:10
Didn' t EDGE give Formula One a 4.0???
Ninja Dog
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RE: Gamestop has full stock of PS3s - Feb 14, 2007 02:37
If they did, I don' t know why. I have the demo and I find it quite enjoyable. Sure its not the best racing game, but we have Gran Turismo for that. I find it to be an exciting and realistic racing experience, and the sounds and graphics only add to the fun. Unless you are a fan of F1, or racing sims, I don' t think it should be played or reviewed by anyone who isn' t. It would be like asking me to review DDR, or any of those games, and you would have to pay me an awful lot to do so.
Ginger Atrocity
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RE: Gamestop has full stock of PS3s - Feb 14, 2007 08:37

It just says it' s in stock, it might be 1, it might be 100, it does not says it is in ' full stock' .. :P
All the consoles are in limited suply :-/

Uhhh... no.

You really need to start doing your homework. If there were only 1 in stock they would have had the " limited supply" banner, like they have for the past month now. I accentuate the fact that it had been ONE MONTH, and still nobody cleared out their stock. Every major retailer has at least one in their stores, and very few Americans want it right now, just face it.

As a bit of advice though, DON' T get Untold Legends. Played it, & it' s ever so slightly better than playing with the " no signal" screen.

When it comes to racers, the only ones I can tolerate are Burnout & Ridge Racer. If I want automobile realism, I' ll go outside & drive a car.
Ninja Dog
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RE: Gamestop has full stock of PS3s - Feb 14, 2007 11:41

When it comes to racers, the only ones I can tolerate are Burnout & Ridge Racer. If I want automobile realism, I' ll go outside & drive a car.

If I was a millionaire I would do that too. Sadly, I' m not, and I don' t have free access to racetracks and a huge assortment of cars. Plus, I just got fined $900 and my car impounded for having fun outside in my car. Friggin cops getting angry for rally drifting in an empty parking lot at 4am
Ginger Atrocity
  • Total Posts : 8015
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  • Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Gamestop has full stock of PS3s - Feb 14, 2007 22:47

If I was a millionaire I would do that too. Sadly, I' m not, and I don' t have free access to racetracks and a huge assortment of cars. Plus, I just got fined $900 and my car impounded for having fun outside in my car. Friggin cops getting angry for rally drifting in an empty parking lot at 4am

Funny that, half the people rally drifting in our local parking garage ARE off duty cops. Gotta love the suburbs.

I' d love to go around & be able to have realistic turning & all that, but the simple fact is that I don' t like doing things in games that I can do in real life. I don' t play sports games because I own a football, I don' t play realistic racing games because I can get the same sort of thing on an empty freeway at 2 in the morning. I just find it hard to get into something so normal I guess.
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