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Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
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Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
Jan 06, 2007 00:02
Was i wrong about Wii being significantly more powerful than Gamecube?! No, and the morons who listened to dumbass sites like IGN who have zero technical understanding will see soon enough... We just got back from a marathon gaming session, and Metroid was one of the most interesting titles that we played at Nintendo' s super-secret, invite-only gaming session. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Definitely stole the the show. The graphics looked amazing -- better than Halo 2 on the Xbox without a doubt -- and the levels showed off sparkling details, proving the Wii is far more powerful than the Gamecube. Out of all the games we played, the Wii controller seemed most at home with Metroid. You don' t fire with your index finger, but with your thumb (using the A button). This sounds a little goofy, but in practice it worked very, very well. You could press the directional pad to fire rockets or enter your scanning mode, and the trigger (aka the B button) handled jumps very nicely. Samus has a few new moves that take advantage of the motion-sensitive controller. By locking onto a target and thrusting the left nunchuku forward, Samus could launch a grappling beam. The beam is similar to Half-Life 2' s Gravity Gun, but was mostly used to push rubble out of the way, open grates, or in a nice touch, yank shields from enemy hands. The other major Wii functionality was that some control panels needed to be lifted, rotated, and pushed back into slots -- these movements were all handled on the Wii controller. Aiming with the point-and-shoot controller felt very nice, though it took a few minutes to become truly comfortable. The experience was much like playing a PC first-person shooter, especially since the nunchucku analog stick controlled movement We found that standing roughly four feet from the TV provided the best motion, and the cursor stayed smooth and steady -- no shakiness! The frame rate was also smooth and consistent, even when the screen got crowded with special effects. Metroid was probably the best Wii game on display. Wii can' t wait to play more! LINK
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RE: Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
Jan 06, 2007 00:27
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RE: Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
Jan 06, 2007 00:44
The graphis better then halo2? OMH ROXXOR WHAT A POWERFUL MAHCINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone replayed halo2 yet? I remember when i said i replayed halo2 with my 360 and tuought the graphic was great and got downspammed on how ugly halo2 really was.
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RE: Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
Jan 06, 2007 00:45
Oh the Xbox and Halo 2 is shit. What I' m happy about is this part: proving the Wii is far more powerful than the Gamecube
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 5 Jan 07 16:45:49 >
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RE: Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
Jan 06, 2007 01:08
who cares metroid prime is not all that..plus halo 2 is what 2-3 years old now? one would hope that a new console has games looking better than it
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
Jan 06, 2007 01:08
Metroid prime 1 and 2 has better graphics than Halo 2 IMO.. HALO 2 Looked dull and pale and of course ran half the framerate of MP' s. Anyone can see the difference on graphic quality between GC and Wii just by Super Smash comparisons. Ive had a 480p 20min ingameplay movie of an early build of MP3 and even then it looked gorgeous.
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RE: Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
Jan 06, 2007 01:12
I' m just happy Metroid Prime 3 seems to be a good game. IGN said before that the controls where great. Metroid Prime or the Wii isn' t about graphics anyway but it' s nice to see that Retro Studios once again show that they can do beautiful games. Good graphics isn' t a bad thing and I can' t say the graphics we' ve seen so far on the Wii has been satisfying. The words I like in that article is " without a doubt" and " far" . It' s obviously not just slightly better, it' s faaaaaaaar better. The previous Metroid Prime games looked so damn good that a " far" better looking game must be awesome.
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RE: Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
Jan 06, 2007 01:50
The graphis better then halo2? OMH ROXXOR WHAT A POWERFUL MAHCINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone replayed halo2 yet? I remember when i said i replayed halo2 with my 360 and tuought the graphic was great and got downspammed on how ugly halo2 really was.
Yeah, I still play Halo 2, it' s awesome for what Xbox provided. Metroid prime 1 and 2 has better graphics than Halo 2 IMO.
Technically speaking, no. Shiny stuff, explodey stuff, reflecty stuff, bumpy stuff, furry stuff, & close up stuff looks leaps & bounds better in Halo. However, before you go ape Sh17 on me, I like Metroid Prime' s art direction better. I couldn' t really get into 2 though, don' t know why.
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RE: Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
Jan 06, 2007 01:55
YES !!!!! I am fucking delighted! Good old Retro Studios, I knew they would not let us down. Metroid Prime is one of the finest games I have played in the last 5 years and I have no doubt now that Prime 3 Corruption will be any different. The fact that the gameplay is ment to be excellant is what I am most happy about!  The previous Metroid Prime games looked so damn good that a " far" better looking game must be awesome. Exactly! And as I have said before, the graphics in Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube are incredible and if the Wii is pushed to its limits like the GC was, the graphics will be fantastic.
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RE: Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
Jan 06, 2007 02:48
Halo 2 is hardly an ugly game. I mean in comparison with Echoes it' s nowhere near as vibrant looking but Halo 2 is technically superior. IGN made a big deal about the clock speeds being extremely close to those of the Xbox, and several people didn' t believe me when i said it wasn' t that simple and that Wii isn' t just an overclocked Gamecube as is commonly believed but a machine that' s more powerful by multiples. With such a big deal being made about how basic and bland looking some early Wii games are, Red Steel being likened to Goldeneye and Far Cry actually managing to look worse than the over-a-year-old Xbox version - i figured that for some Corruption looking " without a doubt" better than an already nicer looking Xbox game than what we' ve seen on Wii so far would be a big enough deal. Ignoring the Halo 2 comment and looking at games like Resident Evil 5, Twilight Princess, Echoes and Rebel Strike, ...games that look better in multiples of those will obviously destroy current Wii titles and approach early 360 and PS3 games.
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RE: Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
Jan 06, 2007 05:14
Rebel Strike Do you think we' ll see a Rogue Squadron game from Factor 5 on the Wii?
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RE: Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
Jan 06, 2007 05:16
ORIGINAL: ginjirou Rebel Strike Do you think we' ll see a Rogue Squadron game from Factor 5 on the Wii? No. Unfortunately.
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RE: Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
Jan 06, 2007 05:21
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RE: Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
Jan 06, 2007 05:23
ORIGINAL: ginjirou *disappointed* However, if you buy a PS3 you' ll be able to play Lair - strangely enough it doesn' t currently support the analog sticks though and only tilt...
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RE: Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
Jan 06, 2007 10:14
I never liked Metroid Prime. This has no Impact on me, NONE whatsoever.
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RE: Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
Jan 06, 2007 11:00
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on ORIGINAL: ginjirou *disappointed* However, if you buy a PS3 you' ll be able to play Lair - strangely enough it doesn' t currently support the analog sticks though and only tilt... Yes!!! I want to know what it' s like to elbow people on purpose!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
Jan 06, 2007 11:02
Hated Metroid serie,would my Metroid Prime to a friend,however my big bro loved it,it all depends if you get stuck on the " adventure feeling" or not i guess.
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RE: Gamepro play recent build of Metroid Prime 3
Jan 07, 2007 06:08
who cares metroid prime is not all that..plus halo 2 is what 2-3 years old now? one would hope that a new console has games looking better than it Thats ok, companies are still looking for their " Halo (1) Killer" Cant wait, as soon as this and the next Super Smash Bros comes out Im buyin those, a Wii, and Zelda.
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