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Ninja Dog
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GameCube Portable?
May 19, 2005 05:42
hey was just thinking about this... do you think the true successor to the GBA will utilise the GC back catalogue? When the GC discs were originally revealed, the big N hinted at its uses in handheld gaming in the future... so do you think the next Game Boy will be able to play GameCube games? With the PSP able to pull off PS2 quality graphics, surely it' s possible? What do you think next years E3 holds in store for Nintendo on this matter? Do you see it happening? What are your thoughts?
< Message edited by evangelion -- 22 May 05 11:53:34 >
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Apr 05, 2005
RE: GameCube Portable?
May 19, 2005 06:01
Yeah it would be lovely to have a portable GC, but battery life would be a huge problem, GC games are designed to stream from the disc almost constantly so it would kill the battery life if it were on a portable. If you think about the PSP those games are designed to load as little as possible and the battery life is still quite short. Maybe in a few years time if ultra-low powered screens and new battery technologies come along it would be possible but I don’t think ninty would make one.
Terry Bogard
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RE: GameCube Portable?
May 22, 2005 01:23
With the PSP able to pull off PS2 quality graphics, surely it' s possible? Well technically the PSP is a little more powerful than the PS2 in ' some' areas... It features better texture compression than the PS2. Basically utilizes a similar type of texture compression as the GameCube. Also contains a number of hardware features and effects that the PS2 would need to simulate in software.. One developer claimed that pound for pound the PSP was more powerful, and Sony claims that it' s more powerful in some ways and comparable to the PS2 in others..
Joe Redifer
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RE: GameCube Portable?
May 22, 2005 01:25
...and less powerful in other ways.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2003
RE: GameCube Portable?
May 23, 2005 11:51
In terms of polygon pushing power it' s around half the power of the PS2. Theoretical maximum of 33 million polys per sec, which translates to 5 to 6 million in game.
Terry Bogard
Kikizo Staff
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RE: GameCube Portable?
May 23, 2005 16:37
Actually according to a developer in this article, polygon for polygon, the PSP is more powerful than the PS2... http://gamesradar.msn.co.uk/news/default.asp?subsectionid=1584&articleid=29201&pagetypeid=2 Is PSP really more powerful than PlayStation 2? At the ongoing Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Jose, Sony have expanded on that claim and also unveiled the first official PSP title, which goes by the inviting moniker of Death Jr. They also revealed that the Havok physics engine is being ported and optimised for their new handheld. Sony explained some of the more techie abilities of PSP, such as its improved clipping management, alpha blending, light mapping and surfacing on polygonal objects (bezier style). The upshot being that, due to its inherent hardware capabilities, PSP will be even more powerful than PS2 in some respects and in most areas will be at least comparable. Sony visually demonstrated PSP with tech demos and in-game footage of the newly-announced Death Jr, developed by Digital Eclipse and development consortium Backbone Entertainment. Presented by Chris Charla, the game' s senior producer, it appears to be a fairly standard platformer featuring a Tim Burton-esque figure of the grim reaper (see character art to your right). However, the salient point is that the game did boast looks comparable to earlier PS2 titles, providing visual evidence of PSP' s graphical power. Chris Charla reiterated Sony' s sentiments on that very subject, stating, " Polygon for polygon, PSP has more power than PS2."
Mass X
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RE: GameCube Portable?
May 23, 2005 23:00
seems logical for nintendo to do that. With the obsession with smallness I can easily see that happening.
Winner! JAN 2005
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RE: GameCube Portable?
May 24, 2005 07:01
With the obsession with smallness Are you saying something about Reggie???? Careful, he' ll find you and kick your ass!
Joe Redifer
Winner! JUN 2004
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RE: GameCube Portable?
May 24, 2005 17:06
And take your name!
Terry Bogard
Kikizo Staff
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RE: GameCube Portable?
May 24, 2005 17:09
Actually if any of you watched the Nintendo Press Conference, Reggie got pWned this year by Iwata.. I got a kick out of all those comments he made about kicking Reggie' s @$$ and taking his name, LOL... I was cracking up when he mentioned wireless play and said that with wireless play wherever Reggie was he' d be able to kick his butt..
Ninja Dog
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- Location: lancaster, uk
RE: GameCube Portable?
May 25, 2005 03:41
haha i enjoyed that aswell actually... so do you guys think that its possible then? do u think that it could be hinted at as early as next year? or do you think the next Game Boy will be something completely different? imagine RE4 on the bus... hehe how good would that be?!
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