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Game Informer Raves About CoD:4!
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Game Informer Raves About CoD:4!
May 20, 2007 05:58
I just got the latest GI, and on the cover was Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Expecting it to be a frame-by-frame analysis of the trailer (with much less information than mine & Majik' s  ), I opened the cover to find what amounted to an information blowout, with craploads of new in-engine screens. I' ll get you guys some of the more interesting quotes in just a sec. Most of these are from Grant Collier-Infinity Ward Studio Lead (or one of them) We have not taken their Call of Duty and turned it into a tactical shooter. We still want the squad to be lifelike and you are still a member of the squad but you are not the leader." After describing a level they were shown where US troops were ambushed by troops, tanks & aircraft,. " Fighting his way to the rocket launcher he eventually found a clear line of sight and the weapon to take advantage of it. As he lifted the high-tech weapon' s sight into place we learned that the Call of Duty trademark " aim down the sights" system translates perfectly to modern weaponry. " Call of Duty:3? What? The Game (Call of Duty:3) caught a lot of flak for being merely more of the same. Infinity Ward may have it' s own thoughts on the Call of Duty continuity, since the executable files we saw in their offces for Modern Warfare were named " cod3.exe" " " Who' s war is it anyway? To avoid politics as well as get a little more creative freedom, Infinity Ward decide to make up a war, rather than set Call of Duty 4 in an existing conflict like Iraq or Afghanistan. " We wanted an enemy that is going to give the player a stand up fight" delares Collier. " When people hear modern warfare, is that driving in a Humvee untill an IED blows your tire off, then people shoot at your Humvee and you shoot back at the them and they run away? Strangely enough that' s not Infinity-Ward style combat. So we are creating a robust enemyy that is going to give the Western powers a run for their money. They use high technology, just like we do. To that end, a nefarious Russian warlord with ties to the mob and old oil money has been written in as the main villain. This evil mastermind goes by the name of Zakhev, and he' s calculating enough to stage a bloody mili8tary coup in an unnamed Middle-Eastern nation simply to distract the Western powers while he consolidates his power in Russia. The story starts with first-recon missions by the US Marines deploying to the facelss nation in respons3 to the coup and quickly grows into a massive look at what kind of large-scale war would be fought tomorrow. " The load times were only around 10 to 15 seconds long when we saw the early-version of the game." As gorgeous as Call of Duty 4 looks, there' s little purpose to the graphical fidelity if a choppy framerate keeps you from consistently hitting your target, as Infinity Ward will tell you. " Being 60 frames-per-second is really importaint to us. Some people don' t think that there' s a difference between 30 and 60, but we feel like there' s an unconscious understanding that when you' re at 60 frames per second it feels much more realistic," enthuses Collier. " We push it all the way we can, but we stop at 60 - anything that would make it go under 60, we get rid of" . That' s right. Call of duty 4: Modern Warfare should never, ever drop below 60 frames per second on Xbox 360 or Playstation 3. Battle Actions? Remeber " Battle Actions" from Call of Duty 3 where you got to do little mingames for things like setting C4 charges or punching a Nazi in the face? Well, it turns out Infinity Ward thinks the same thing about this Treyarch invention as we do - they' re nowhere to be found in Call of Duty: 4 Depending on the ballistic properites of a firearm and the material and thickness of a barrier, bullets will be ablet openetrate walls and doors to damage anything on the other side. Choose your cover carefully, you' ve been warned. The implications of bullet penetration on multiplayer alone are astounding. Everything we saw looked as epic and amazing as anything we' ve seen in video games to date, from a nighttime search-and-destroy mission arboard a storm-tossed freighter to a scene in the Russian steppes. This is the most photo-realistic video game we' ve ever seen, and that' s no overstatement. I' d post pictures, but I lost my scanner drivers when I updated my box. Either way, I' m ecstatic about this game!!!
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 19 May 07 22:30:11 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Game Informer Raves About CoD:4!
May 20, 2007 06:04
Scan the damn thing Eddie!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Game Informer Raves About CoD:4!
May 20, 2007 06:13
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Game Informer Raves About CoD:4!
May 20, 2007 06:33
Steal my thunder why don' t you.[:' (]
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Game Informer Raves About CoD:4!
May 20, 2007 16:33
All hail Majik, the Thunder God.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Game Informer Raves About CoD:4!
May 20, 2007 23:44
You get those scans from somebody Majik or do you get GI in the UK?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Game Informer Raves About CoD:4!
May 21, 2007 00:47
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated You get those scans from somebody Majik or do you get GI in the UK? We do get Game Informer but i grabbed those from fpsadmin.com. A quick search for ' CoD4 scans' netted me the GI piece. I haven' t even read it yet, ...i' ve been that busy.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Game Informer Raves About CoD:4!
May 21, 2007 05:45
It' s excellent. Way better than standard GI fare.
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