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GTA for ps3 online>>>
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Michael Star
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- Joined: Feb 11, 2006
GTA for ps3 online>>>
Feb 17, 2006 03:34
All commentary I made upon this article is speculative, and has not been confirmed by anyone. Just copied this from the Rockstar North site [link=]www.rockstarnorth.com[/link] where these positions kinda give away a little on the next title of GTA. By the looks of it, it' s probably gonna take a while for the next episode of GTA to hit the shelves, if they haven' t even started devellopping it. It' s very unlikely that this title will be released with the launch of the ps3, like maybe many of you (and certainly me) had hoped for. The good thing, GTA' s next title will probably be an online playable game. (that is, if you look at the position of a network programmer, and the pressure and attention Sony' s giving the online capabilities and possibilities of their next-gen console. I know this will probably be just another rumour, but nevertheless it' s something to speculate about. Let' s just hope they will kick team SOHO' s ass!! ROCKSTAR NORTH, the award winning developer behind Grand Theft Auto, is looking to expand their experienced and talented teams working out of the studio in Edinburgh . For the successful candidate we offer a highly competitive salary, a working environment second to none and an extensive benefits package. Network Programmer We are looking for talented network programmers. Candidates will have considerable experience writing high and low level network code across a variety of systems and be able to demonstrate fluent C++ programming skills. Environment Artists We’d like to hear from the industries most talented environment artists. You will be designing, building and texturing our worlds. You will have the technical knowledge to achieve great looking results and the skill to get the most from next gen consoles. Vehicle Artists The candidates must have good car design knowledge with excellent attention to detail and accuracy and have good technical knowledge of vehicles and how they work. Experience of medium to high poly game modeling and texturing is a must along with a good understanding of 3DSmax & photoshop. Level Designers We' re looking for creative individuals to design & script game missions and gameplay scenarios Familiarity and use of scripting languages would therefore be beneficial. You will have good communication, technical & problem solving skills and be an avid games player with a good understanding of a wide variety of genres. All applications should be accompanied by demos and examples of your work. Please note that these cannot be returned. CV’s with samples of work should be mailed to: cv@rockstarnorth.com Or posted to the Studio for the attention of Charlene: Rockstar North Calton Square 1 Greenside Row Edinburgh EH1 3AP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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RE: GTA for ps3 online>>>
Feb 17, 2006 03:51
I think we don' t need any confirmations - I doubt they could make next GTA without online - Sony will push all their huge franchises (3rd party as well) into online play. Still I don' t care for the series ...hmm no I actually hate this crap :)
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 16 Feb 06 19:52:40 >
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RE: GTA for ps3 online>>>
Feb 17, 2006 08:39
sony is definately relying on online play, as much as they' re keeping mum on it though, it is strange. as for me, graphics and plot are none too original for rockstar in the gta series, (no offense to rockstar, i loved red-dead) I just posted to say WELCOME Michael!
Michael Star
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- Joined: Feb 11, 2006
RE: GTA for ps3 online>>>
Feb 21, 2006 08:05
thnx eddie, I just posted ' cause I think kikizo is an awesome site, with all the updates ' bout the next gen consoles and of course speedstream hd-videos I could only dream of before I ever found this excellent place! Thing is, I grew up with driver 1 + 2 on the ps1, and have been sold to the genre ever since. Rockstar did what Reflections left me waiting for way too long, and when they finally did it (driver 3) I was só heavily disappointed. I really miss the gameplay and the feel of the cars wich were in my opinion perfect in the previous games. I played a couple of levels through driver 3, but I just hate it. Since then I started liking gta more and more, because they really updated the game from gta3 to where it' s now. Some say they' re just uppdated clones, but even though I don' t really care for the driving quality of the game; the gameplay has kept me satisfied for a long time. By the way, I don' t know if anyone' s gonna read this thread or not, but I' ve recently bought another game which was one of the best I' ve ever played. It' s for ps2 and it' s called second-sight. Maybe this is more of you' re interest than the driving stuff. If you don' t know it, I really recommend you check it out. Oh, and I' m sorta wondering if there' s ever gonna be a second part of sky oddyssee too. Being on of the first games on the ps2, this game, even without grafical wonders, had this right " feel" to it as well. Never had a flying game kept me enjoyed as this one. Stealthy combat fighter-games suck. This game really puts you' re flying skills to the test in an easy to learn way, so I' d love to see another release on the ps3. (ps: with driver 4 coming out shortly, I really, really hope they' re gonna do it right this time) greetz mike
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RE: GTA for ps3 online>>>
Feb 21, 2006 21:39
.. never really been too big a fan of GTA, but i can see that if they make the next one fully online, it will surely be the greatest installment in the series so far.. ... the thought of hooking up with fellow misfits and causing anti-social havoc online, with next-gen graphics, is just too much to bear!!  ..
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RE: GTA for ps3 online>>>
Mar 01, 2006 22:47
...tell you what also... ...there should definitely be a kikzo gang-clan for it too... ..can you imagine the shenanigans?.... ...we could all hook up in MPV' s, toting Uzis and Glocks and drive up to IGN' s hood and bust a cap in bloated-gaming-site @$$!  ..
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RE: GTA for ps3 online>>>
Mar 01, 2006 23:24
And we' ll do British drive-bys. (Family Guy joke)
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: GTA for ps3 online>>>
Mar 02, 2006 00:01
GTA sucks. It' s that simple, ....and i' ve never understood why it' s so popular. Yes they did some cool stuff with San Andreas for PS2, but i' m talking about the size and scope of the gameworld. The next GTA will no doubt sell out but it' s about time the game grew up. People are starting to get bored by it. GTA online?! No thankyou... EDIT: Actually, isn' t the next GTA going to be set in 6 European cities?! The fact that Network Programmer would likely be to do with PS3' s download service from PS3 HUB rather than the game being online (SONY won' t be pushing online no matter what anybody thinks, they' re just including it because they' re expected to). Downloading new vehicles, weapons, clothes, music, missions etc...
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 1 Mar 06 16:06:14 >
Michael Star
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- Joined: Feb 11, 2006
RE: GTA for ps3 online>>>
Mar 02, 2006 00:42
GTA CRAP?? You must be joking dude. You might not like the genre, but this game was 1 huge step up. Yeah sure it' ll bore you after a few hundred hours, but I know very very few games that keep me or other people interested that long. The thing I don' t get tired of, is wandering around a bit creating chaos and mass destruction. Just tell me, what other game gives you so much freedom and possibilities as GTA? Driv3r messed up, and so did the getaway, when they tried to fill the needs, and true crime (1, I didn' t buy 2) had a sloppy gameplay as well. I' m not saying it' s fucking incredible, but it was damn close. I guess people like the set up of the game: make money doin crime, buy property along the way and do whatever you want to. Now I think that' s where the others just fucked up. Even though the getaway 2 (bm) was a lot better then one, there' s no fun in free roaming mode, nothing to achieve and a very weak storyline. Driv3r didn' t have any of those things either, and although it looked a lot better then 2, it wasn' t more fun to play. way too static. I know they designed it to be a driving game with great special effects, but damn I' ve never experienced a fuckin walking and shooting mode as bad as that. It just ruined the whole game. True crime was a little more fun, but it just stops being fun to play, when you Have to fuckin drive around for ages just to find anything. And although I like to be forgiven a little bit for bad driving, A fuckin tree might fall over when you hit it, but damn, They just fly all over the screen with roots and all like they' re made of fuckin light-weight plastic. For the moment, I just hope driver 4 is gonna be a hell of a lot better than it' s predecessor, and for a bit further along the way, 2 days 2 vegas hopefully comes to ps3 too. I' m just tryin to point out that, being a big fan of this kind of games, it takes a lot more to create a good game of this kind, than it takes to create any other.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: GTA for ps3 online>>>
Mar 02, 2006 01:28
I' m not saying it' s fucking incredible, but it was damn close. San Andreas?! Pah! The GTA series isn' t popular at all here, ...most of us in fact severly dislike the games. What they managed with GTA3 was a landmark technical achievement for a console game, same thing with both San Andreas on PS2 and Liberty City Stories on PSP, ....but to be quite blunt, ...the games are boring as hell and the plots are laughable (i know that' s kind of the point but it comes accross as stupid). What you should be impressed with is the sandbox nature of the gameplay not imature and pathetic things like making money.. " ..doin crime.." The Getaway games sucked, i didn' t like either of them. They were full of bugs and had terrible control issues, ...and Driv3r was outrageously crap as were both the True Crime games. These games are only played by 15 year olds and people with IQ' s lower than 90. it takes a lot more to create a good game of this kind, than it takes to create any other. ??? You don' t play RPG' s do you?!
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RE: GTA for ps3 online>>>
Mar 02, 2006 01:42
I don' t think GTA:LCS for the PSP is boring. If it were a console game, it would be. Just as GTA:VC and GTA:SA. GTA works great on the PSP not because of the story mode, which is boring as usuall, but because of the freedom. It is very fun to play a short session of riding a car in the city and run people over or blow things up or kill a couple of hundreds of people. So it works pretty good as a portable game. The story mode is worth playing though since it' s got a lot of humour in it. But the mission themselves sucks as it' s pretty much the same thing as it has always been.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 1 Mar 06 17:43:46 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: GTA for ps3 online>>>
Mar 02, 2006 01:49
I actually agree with that. It' s a great achievement on PSP and the mission based nature lends itesld to mobile play but it could have benefited from a save anywhere function or even and autosave function (unless i' ve missed it somewhere?!). But the missions are dull and repetative and the load times are stupid. Hopefull the next PSP installment will be better. The console versions are rubbish though just like Rockstars other game, ...Midnight Club. Sucks! I want my PSP version of Tomb Raider Legend!!!!
Michael Star
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- Joined: Feb 11, 2006
RE: GTA for ps3 online>>>
Mar 02, 2006 03:03
Nope, rpg' s are not my type of game, but I do enjoy some RTS. Kids aren' t even supposed to play any of the previously named games as they are 18+ (which isn' t much of an issue, I know) but still. In my opinion it' s the rpg' s that look childish, because of their mostly fantasy-like background; but hey, not everybody' s the same. And I don' t really agree on the point where you say it is only the graphics and so what made it remarkable. The GTA series enable you to do realistic things, you normally would never do, and that' s what makes it good. Now if it was really true to go online as well, this would make things even more realistic, because you' re not dependant of the AI anymore. Real people don' t " forget" things you did to them, because they ran out of memory, so you will have to stay aware all the time. It surprises me you find every game in the genre crap, like if you really know them well. If you do, you must have liked them for a while or you wouldn' t be able to be so judgemantel, if you didn' t, you wouldn' t be able to have an opinion that strong.
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RE: GTA for ps3 online>>>
Mar 02, 2006 03:32
The GTA series enable you to do realistic things, you normally would never do For instance? It surprises me you find every game in the genre crap, like if you really know them well. If you do, you must have liked them for a while or you wouldn' t be able to be so judgemantel, if you didn' t, you wouldn' t be able to have an opinion that strong. I' m on a games development course, ...i have to play good games and bad games, ...but i definatley wouldn' t waste my free time with games like those. Like i said, they' re popular with teenagers and that' s who they' re aimed at.
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