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Vx Chemical
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GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 25, 2006 14:19
• Ubisoft today announces the launch in the fiscal fourth quarter of Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter™ 2, which will capitalize on the first episode’s success (more than 2.4 millions copies sold). • This launch will take the place of Assassin’s Creed™ and Brothers In Arms Hell’s Highway™, which will now strengthen fiscal year 2007-08. • 7 additional games will be available on the Wii™, including one non announced new brand, bringing the total number of games available to 14 by the end of March 2007. Hell yeah
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RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 25, 2006 14:27
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RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 25, 2006 16:54
YES!!!!!!!! This launch will take the place of Assassin’s Creed™ and Brothers In Arms Hell’s Highway™, which will now strengthen fiscal year 2007-08. While i would obviously much prefer GRAW 2, it sucks that they' re delaying Assassins Creed. Brother in Arms probably needs the extra development time to sort the framerate out but i was really looking forward to Assassins Creed which will now likely turn up in September, delayed until the PS3 userbase is significant enough methinks...
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RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 25, 2006 17:09
Assassins Creed which will now likely turn up in September I really hope you' re wrong about this. The new fiscal year begins April 15.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 25, 2006 17:09
They should just release it to the 360, its improved over the PS3 version, so why bother with it?
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RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 25, 2006 17:13
ORIGINAL: Zoy Assassins Creed which will now likely turn up in September I really hope you' re wrong about this. The new fiscal year begins April 15. Release it before summer after it slipping from March?! Never gonna happen, and they won' t release it during summer so it' ll likely be Q3 before it hits. Ofcourse, that' s just how i see it.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 25, 2006 22:25
Any info ' bout the game? I had the first GRAW game and thought it was a good game for ' bout a week. Now I' m about to give it away to friend that helped me with a programming course. It' s not that the game was bad, but there wasn' t really anything special about it. Also, WTF was up with those incredibully stupid A.I' s, especially during Co:op (i killed 40 enemies during 3 and a half minutes). There was no challenge, simply because the A.I was dumb. Hope that the second solves this though (I bet they will), as well as make it standout in some way. BTW: Any of you tested the Rainbow Six demo? If so, any good?
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 25, 2006 23:08
Thats a real shame about Assassins Creed   Do you think Graw 2 will be needed when GOW will be around?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 25, 2006 23:27
ORIGINAL: Gaiden BLACK Do you think Graw 2 will be needed when GOW will be around? Different kind of games but i think RB6 could end up being " better" than GoW, mostly because of the extensive multiplayer options, the 4 solo campaign player co-op and the face mapping dynamic. Gears is obviously more visually impressive but i think RB6 will give it a run for it' s money. So, ...GRAW 2 could be even better than them both and if you take into account the fact that GRAW hasn' t been visually surpassed yet at retail and the fact that while RB6 has sharper & more detailed textures, better lighting and effects, GRAW looks " cleaner" and sharper overall because it uses anti-aliasing whereas the UE3.0 doesn' t " allow" it. Questions i want answering are: Which team is developing the game? Is is a true sequel or an extension on GRAW? What engine is it using? Will it be 3rd person or 1st like the PC version? What happened to the PS3 version of GRAW? Will it be set in Mexico?
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 25, 2006 23:40
Yeah i guess you are right majik but graphics isnt where i am looking for an improvement. I think GOW gameplay is much more faster and fluid that Graw 2. Unless they improve some of the gameplay flaws then i cant see GRAW2 being required. I am just hurt that Assassins Creed had to be delayed just for the development of a Slightly improved game.   But If they can recreate and make an even better VIP2 down moment then i am definetly sold.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 25, 2006 23:43
Ill be very dissapointed if its set in mexico! i dont know more wilderness levels would be great, since thats what Ghost Recon started as!
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RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 26, 2006 03:13
Will it be 3rd person or 1st like the PC version?
Doesnt GRAW give you the option? My demo has 1st & 3rd person options. 3rd is the only way to go though in my opinion.
< Message edited by eddie_the_Hated -- 25 Oct 06 19:13:57 >
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RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 26, 2006 05:41
The way I see it, Ubi are just releasing a full priced expansion pack to keep consumers happy while they sneakily delay more games. How long' s GRAW been out? Probably uses the same engine too. [:' (]
< Message edited by choupolo -- 25 Oct 06 21:46:49 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 26, 2006 06:41
The way I see it, Ubi are just releasing a full priced expansion pack to keep consumers happy while they sneakily delay more games. How long' s GRAW been out? Probably uses the same engine too. If its a game the same length as GRAW and with improvements to the graphics and gameplay, they can charge full price, even if it is the same engine, which isnt even vital to a games success!
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 26, 2006 09:30
Any of you tested the Rainbow Six demo? If so, any good?
Yeah, I downloaded it from my German XBL account. The controls had me screaming for mercy, because I had been playing a game with controls almost polar opposite of it. But, once I got a handle on them, it played like a dream. I noticed a framerate dip once, and that was with shattering glass, a smoke grenade, a flash grenade, firearms blazing, 6 characters on screen, and locker doors falling off. And even at that, it was only for a second or two.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 26, 2006 22:51
From the sounds of things it seems that GRAW2 will be released on 360, PS3 and Wii... Ubi president, Yves Guillemot issued a statement following the healthy financial, stating, " Ubisoft managed to take full advantage of Microsoft' s Xbox 360 and should now benefit from the much awaited PlayStation 3 and Wii launches. LINK Now, if it' s an expansion like Summit Strike then surely PS3 will get the original + this in one bundle... THAT would be awesome for PS3 owners that missed out on the 360 version, but it would also surely mean that the 360 version would be released at a reduced price. If it' s a proper sequel, abeit using the same engine (which holds it' s own against UE3.0 if you compare GRAW and RB6:V), with a similar length and a ton of new online stuff and new gameplay features/better graphics/better physics etc then PS3 probably wouldn' t get the original GRAW. I am expecting it to be an expansion, but they' re calling it GRAW2 which is confusing. If it' s an expansion then it better not be full price. It needs to be set in a different location and provide enough new content to make it worth buying. The Wii version could be like the PS2/Xbox/PC versions of GRAW and completely 1st person, or it could be over the shoulder (my personal preference) like the 360 version. Either way, after hearing that the Wii version is marginally more impressive than the PS2 version i' m not expecting much. Now, if only Sony and Microsoft could sort out some sort of cross-platform service so i could wipe the floor with Sony flavoured GRAW newbs! Doesnt GRAW give you the option? My demo has 1st & 3rd person options. 3rd is the only way to go though in my opinion. Yeah but the 1st person perspective is just a crosshair, ...there' s no weapon visible like in the PC, PS2 and Xbox versions. But since the 360 version is the only one with the awesome 3rd person view then it' s all good. What i' m saying is that it' d be nice to be able to play GRAW2 in 3rd person like the 360 version or 1st person like the PC version, although the cover mechanic wouldn' t work properly unless the 1st person view switches to 3rd like RB6:V... Any of you tested the Rainbow Six demo? If so, any good? Not on my 360 but i played it for a while at Microsoft' s Games Tour and was extremely happy with it. In fact, it' s overtaken Gears as my most anticipated title for the rest of the year. I' m obviously Clancy biased...
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 26, 2006 22:59
I wonder when we will see screens and movies hopefully as soon as R6 is released
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 26, 2006 23:09
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical I wonder when we will see screens and movies hopefully as soon as R6 is released Yeah i don' t see it happening before next month. I have to wait until tomorrow night at the earliest to play RB6 again, but ofcourse i have to download it before i can do that. Either way, i' m going to record a demo walkthrough on Saturday as a test for my new DVD recorder. On that note: Gaiden, did you buy GRAW yet?
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 26, 2006 23:12
I downloadet the demo this morning, but havent played it, ill probably play Splinter Cell isntead of that, since im buying R6 no matter what, ill look at the demo if i dont have anythign to play untill R6 and GoW
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: GRAW 2 March 07
Oct 27, 2006 02:28
On that note: Gaiden, did you buy GRAW yet? Nah sorry mate i havent i dont think ill bother buying it ill just wait for GOW and take your face at that instead. Besides im still kinda busy with kingdom hearts 2 SEPHIROTH is too HARD.  
< Message edited by Gaiden Black -- 26 Oct 06 18:28:45 >
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