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GC for Game Collection
Jun 07, 2006 02:19
I was just wondering if anyone here had any game or game related thingie that they find to be somewhat special. Now I don’t mean favourite game, rather something like a “Rare item†or something you felt was needed if you were to call yourself a “true†gamer… Like a collectable. For me it has to be my perfect condition, original Final Fantasy VI for the Snes, which I cannot even play as I haven’t got a Japanese Snes, nor read the Japanese language. It’s a game I bought mainly because of my liking towards the FF series and not because I actually have a need to play it… Weird, I know. So anybody have something like that?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 07, 2006 02:29
My Sonic2 for mega drive,was from japan,so have the japanese cartridge and package. Looks kind of cool,and you need the japanese adapter to play it in your own Mega drive.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 07, 2006 06:32
My Super Famicom copy of Street Fighter 2 which I paid a whopping $120 - $125 for when it was first released. It was also my very first import game ever, so it' s special in that regard.. Oh wait, too bad my dumb f' ing little brother lost it!!! I guess today I' d have to say that my video game soundtrack CD collection. A few of them were rare back when I first got them, but lately I' ve been noticing that most of my collection is becoming rare as places like Game Music Online aren' t restocking them...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 07, 2006 08:03
Is it allowed to write about emulation on kikizo? I know emulation is legal but i might have putted games i own into one giant DVD with classicks... oh nvm forget it :P
Joe Redifer
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- Location: Denver, CO
RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 07, 2006 08:11
I have lots of supposedly rare stuff: Panzer Dragoon Saga - US Sega Saturn/Mint/Purchased it brand new at release. Snatcher - US Sega CD/Mint/Purchased new when it was released along with a Konami Justifier (which I can' t seem to find) Radiant Silvergun - JP Saturn/Mint/Purchased new at release Phantasy Star -US SMS/Excellent condition/Purchased new at release (almost purchased Thunder Blade instead). Panorama Cotton - JP Mega Drive/Mint Batman - JP Megadrive/Mint/Not really rare, but special. It took forever to come out in the US so I bought the Japanese version not long after its release there. It comes in a super-small clamshell box and the cartridge looks different, just like: Super Fantasy Zone - JP Mega Drive/Mint Gleylancer - JP Mega Drive/Mint Gaiares - JP Mega Drive/Excellent condition/I bought this at the same time I purchased Batman. It is special to me simply because the box art rocks so hard over the ugly orange American version. Out Run 3D - UK SMS/Excellent condition/I now have all SMS 3D games. I' m sure there are probably others that are considered " rare" .
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RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 07, 2006 13:33
I have a copy of Crono Trigger with instruction booklet and box. Not mint condition (or even near it), but it' s pretty rare to own one, from what I understand.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 07, 2006 16:51
My copy of the first and original Monkey Island, including 2 floppy disks, one 1,44mb, and one 768Mb, and the pirate protection cardboard discs!
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 07, 2006 17:58
I have a copy of Crono Trigger with instruction booklet and box. Not mint condition (or even near it), but it' s pretty rare to own one, from what I understand. Give it to me. No, I' m not joking. Just hand it over!
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 07, 2006 19:49
I' ve never really been sure if this is of any worth as I' ve never seen anything about it on the internet: Street Fighter II Turbo Tin - 1 & 2. Crap photos. Apologies. Got it a few years back with my SNES for Christmas. Also have the Sonic 10th Anniversary DC pack, but that' s not as impressive.
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- Joined: Dec 06, 2004
- Location: DC
RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 08, 2006 00:39
I have a bunch of random stuff Sony sent me while I was reviewing games in college. My favorite is my Jax and Daxter zen garden.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 09, 2006 06:29
Just saw this on eBay. Not sure if it' s worth £150, but a hell of a buy. Clicky. EDIT: This isn' t bad either.
< Message edited by Kaze -- 8 Jun 06 22:33:04 >
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 10, 2006 06:26
You might be getting janked with the mint condish link to the past now, but that' d be a good investment. I regret ever taking mine out of the box, still have all the packaging though. Hmm, something special, I was dumpster diving the other day, and i found an original NES console that was purchased October 18, Launch day(checked the reciept inside the box) Too bad it doesn' t work though, Me think' s i' m gonna spray it blue and use it for a piggy bank, if i can' t repair it that is. Ahh, http://cgi.ebay.com/SUPER-MARIO-BROS-Brothers-Sealed-NEW-Nintendo-NES_W0QQitemZ8291068577QQihZ020QQcategoryZ62053QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem an original Mario Bro' s, factory sealed. Lucky bastage, I wouldn' t sell that for anything.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 9 Jun 06 22:28:21 >
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 10, 2006 07:27
.... you where looking through dumpsters? ... you have a job right?  ... this makes me want to go thtough everybodys attic and fun valueable retro game, buy it off the fools for a buck, or get it for free and sell it for millions.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 9 Jun 06 23:30:02 >
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- Joined: Jan 30, 2006
RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 10, 2006 09:10
Instead of 1 really cool gaming piece, I' ve got 2 of slightly more than moderate interest. A full talkie CD version of Sam and Max Hit the Road, with box and, and Terminator: Future Shock, an early Bethesda game, you know back when they did stuff other than Elder Scrolls.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 11, 2006 01:46
.... you where looking through dumpsters? ... you have a job right? ... Y' know, I didn' t want to tell the story behind it Silentbomber, but you make me... You Make Me!!![:' (] Alright, prepare to be confused. My Dad' s Best Friends Sister' s Garage had some windows and doors in it that weren' t being used. My dad and his friend took me and my brother along to get them. They weren' t the right size, but they had one of those rent-a-dumpsters for garage cleaning and the like, and inside were a few Sega Genesis parts, some Issac Asimov books, and an old dirty NES. I took it home, cleaned it, found out yesterday that it doesn' t work, so i took it apart, spray painted it, and will be using it as a piggy-bank. And yes, I do lawncare in the summer to make ends meet. there' s the story.
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 11, 2006 18:57
I have Illusion Of Time/Gaia and Harvest Moon for the Snes, both in mint condition, cartridge, box and manual. They even have the small comercial flyers in it too, you know, those ones with all the New Snes games that are out or coming out.
< Message edited by SaFt -- 11 Jun 06 10:59:54 >
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 11, 2006 23:01
I have almost-brand new, never played copies of Final Fantasy VIII and IX right next to me. The only reason I haven' t played them yet is because I still haven' t completed Final Fantasy VII.[:' (] I am also proud to own a copy of Donkey Kong for the Gameboy. All of the levels from the original Donkey Kong(including the special oil factory level), with shed-loads of other brilliant, mind-boggling new levels(and then some)! Donkey Kong is also there for boss battles and the like. Easily one of my favourite Gameboy games!
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- Joined: Mar 29, 2006
- Location: Here
RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 12, 2006 13:31
ORIGINAL: Dionysius I have a copy of Crono Trigger with instruction booklet and box. Not mint condition (or even near it), but it' s pretty rare to own one, from what I understand. Give it to me. No, I' m not joking. Just hand it over! Over my dead body![:' (] I love that game! I' ve played throught it at least twice already (which is rare for me) and am thinking of another play-through. ORIGINAL: SaFt I have Illusion Of Time/Gaia You lucky S.O.B.  I' ve looked for that (Gaia). I gave up after a while and was going to play it on emulator, but emulated games just aren' t the same  . Also, that is an . . . interesting avatar Marink, what made you choose it?
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 13, 2006 00:07
This would have counted for a special gaming collectible. If one of my classmates didn' t let his brother pawn it off, I almost recieved a Panasonic Q from him. That was one I was willing to pay the $400 for.
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: GC for Game Collection
Jun 13, 2006 04:33
Also, that is an . . . interesting avatar Marink, what made you choose it? Let' s just say it is... a sudden interest for the genre.
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