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Fuck these dev who let their A.I cheat on Hard.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
Fuck these dev who let their A.I cheat on Hard.
Jul 02, 2007 06:35
been playing some COD3 on veteran and MTW2 on hard,and well I expect it to be hard but when a computer is cheating its just so...fucked up. I kept dying a lot of times today only to realise the computer in cod3 kept spamming new axis from nowehere next to me,took me 10 rounds to realise that,I had to run and run while getting shot at to make them stop respawning from a small house which was empty when I was in it. And same in MTW2 keep coming giant armies from noweher and when I take their city everyone hate me,but when the comp took one of my fucking city,ofc the public order was raised to 200% even though that faction was the most hated in west. Why cant dev make the A.I hard without cheating,its so fucking boring this. Enemies just showing up out of nowehere and keep coming,thats not hard,hard should let me know what to expect but raise the bar,it shouldnt just spawn armies from nowehere non stop.
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RE: *** these dev who let their A.I cheat on Hard.
Jul 02, 2007 06:49
Dude, if you think that is cheap play Settlers of Catan. The dice rolling is far from random. Yeah, when the AI cheats to make games harder it can really ruin the game.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: *** these dev who let their A.I cheat on Hard.
Jul 02, 2007 06:57
Cod 3 single player can kiss my ass.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: *** these dev who let their A.I cheat on Hard.
Jul 02, 2007 09:22
CoD:3, the only game that has an achievement for dying a lot.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 2 Jul 07 1:23:25 >
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: *** these dev who let their A.I cheat on Hard.
Jul 02, 2007 10:16
CoD:3, the only game that has an achievement for dying a lot are u serious lol? then i' m glad i didn' t get that achievement... but you' re right quez it gets very frustrating when the computer is trying to cheat, SPECIALY on old consoles... Play Mortal kombat on hard 2 o 3 any fucking sequal, stupid shit , it detects Almost every move you can pull off and counter it. whetever you do it' s blocked ... Play mario kart 64  back at the day i wanted to slap Nintendo bitch to japan
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: *** these dev who let their A.I cheat on Hard.
Jul 02, 2007 18:50
I know where he is coming from, I remember trying to play rome total war on the hardest setting, it was imnpossible. Massive armies came out of Nowhere with 5 star generals, all maxed out troops and right next to my capital. Happy days.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: *** these dev who let their A.I cheat on Hard.
Jul 02, 2007 19:37
I know where he is coming from, I remember trying to play rome total war on the hardest setting, it was imnpossible. Massive armies came out of Nowhere with 5 star generals, all maxed out troops and right next to my capital. Happy days Happend to me too,with their king or prince. Im playing France,and facing spain from the south,Milan from the southeast and germany from the east,and northeast Denmark and North England. And the computer is cheating as hell,they have a city which I have pillaged and burned down many times,and when im close to it nothing happends,but if I leave it one round then suddenly its a big twon again with trillions of trops,as long as I cant see in the fog of map they cheat like hell. Its so lame because the onmly way to win is to use a giant massive army and to burn their faction as fast as you can,or else out of nowhere trillions of trops shows up. Thats not hard and fun,that is lame and cheating.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 2 Jul 07 11:38:40 >
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: *** these dev who let their A.I cheat on Hard.
Jul 02, 2007 23:13
are u serious lol? then i' m glad i didn' t get that achievement... Purple Heart -5 GS
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