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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
First GBA Micro face plate images
Jun 09, 2005 11:18
Hey everyone how does everyone feel about the GBA micro? ALso here is a shot of the first face plates i bet there will be more. Jus curious about everyones thoughts about it. From what i read at more then one place Nintendo is considering bringing the japanese Play-yan to the US as a bundle deal with the Micro to play Mp3s and Mpeg4 movies using the SD memory card. Which sounds cool i just hope it' s better quality then the GBA movie player which i have which is cool but it was cheap so i didn' t expect the best quality.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2005
RE: First GBA Micro face plate images
Jun 09, 2005 15:02
They look nice indeed, but i see the GBMicro failing. Its simply nothing more than a more compact Gameboy Advance SP. That said, it plays GBA SP games, and is not considered a different handheld. That also said, the GBA games production are coming to a screeching, yet slow stop, and by holiday time this year, there will be nothing being developed on it, something i can almost guarantee. With the DS and the PSP in play, developers have turned its cheek, thus the dying of GBA games. I still have my SP and play it everyday, and i got as much fun out of it as i possibly could, but I could see myself selling it (after im done playing minish cap).
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: First GBA Micro face plate images
Jun 09, 2005 18:25
yeah they are just trying to kill time until they finish the successsor off the GBA like a new GBA2 to fully compete against the PSP. IF the price is right and if it does come with the play-yan i will just buy it for the play-yan since it cost like $80 in japan and just use the play-yan on my DS or GBA. Plus i have all the incarnatin of the GBA might as well complete my set with the micro hehe i am a loyal fan of Nintendo well the GBA has been around for quite a while. Do you think they will keep the name Gameboy for the new supposed GBA 2? Or give it a new name? I mean the name gameboy has world recognition.
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- Joined: Apr 25, 2005
RE: First GBA Micro face plate images
Jun 09, 2005 18:28
But hey, look at it this way. Everyone will know that you' re a nerd cause your eye doctor will be prescribing you with the thickest glasses with black lens. Ahhh...only a true nerd would buy a micro!
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: First GBA Micro face plate images
Jun 10, 2005 00:20
Didn' t you ever the movie Revenge of the Nerds? We win and get the girl. Things have changed and there are more of us nerds out there. SO " NANY NANY BOO BOO"  