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Finally, the ultimate video game palace is finished!!
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Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
- Location: SoCal USA
Finally, the ultimate video game palace is finished!!
Dec 02, 2005 22:16
Finally, after months of blood, sweat and tears (actually, money, elbow-grease and soda!) it' s finished (almost) Behold... Yes, the cords need to be dealt with, and the 360 is noticeably absent from the top shelf of my component stand, but there it is! Last night we watched War of the Worlds! Awesome!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Finally, the ultimate video game palace is finished!!
Dec 02, 2005 22:21
Get rid of all of the furniture and it' ll be perfect!
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RE: Finally, the ultimate video game palace is finished!!
Dec 03, 2005 04:55
I don' t see any porn therefore it' s not finished.
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RE: Finally, the ultimate video game palace is finished!!
Dec 03, 2005 05:24
Gaming paradise i admit,but when i play seriously i need to sit 1 m from my 32 inch tv. Enough said.
Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
- Location: SoCal USA
RE: Finally, the ultimate video game palace is finished!!
Dec 03, 2005 06:19
ORIGINAL: lotusson I don' t see any porn therefore it' s not finished. Who the hell puts their porn out in the open?! My porn is hidden away in the closet, where it belongs! ORIGINAL: QuescatoL Gaming paradise i admit,but when i play seriously i need to sit 1 m from my 32 inch tv. Enough said. Fair enough, but seeing as how my screen is 133 inches diaganal, you could sit approximately 4.16 meters away and get the same effect!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Finally, the ultimate video game palace is finished!!
Dec 03, 2005 10:52
How much did you pay for all that?
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RE: Finally, the ultimate video game palace is finished!!
Dec 03, 2005 10:59
..... i read somewhere that, porn is the single most important driving factor behind most advances in Audio, Digital and Communications technology.... ....it would also appear to be the same for home entertainment systems!
Boss Hogg
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RE: Finally, the ultimate video game palace is finished!!
Dec 03, 2005 15:29
Nice rooms Chee Saw. Do you need any Roommates?
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Finally, the ultimate video game palace is finished!!
Dec 03, 2005 16:49
Impressive Chee Saw, nice big screnn anyway, to get a decent picture on that that projector you got must have cost a bundle!. No surround sound? in the pictures i cannot see any speakers in the couners of your room so.. you need it. Nice job, you need to tuck away those wires, and everything else is fine. I am doing the same thing, but low budget, projector [home made, not sure if it will work tough] and all, i should get back to doing it..
Joe Redifer
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RE: Finally, the ultimate video game palace is finished!!
Dec 03, 2005 19:35
How about a 23 foot wide screen instead? Click The link only seems to work in Firefox. Otherwise you get the front page of the site and not the room pics. Firefox kicks ass.
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RE: Finally, the ultimate video game palace is finished!!
Dec 03, 2005 22:46
It took me to the front page with firefox, IE, and opera. It must have some cookie or something saved on your browser. Firefox is an excellent browser, but Opera is better. IE is trash.
Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
- Location: SoCal USA
RE: Finally, the ultimate video game palace is finished!!
Dec 05, 2005 15:13
ORIGINAL: ginjirou How much did you pay for all that? About $8000 ORIGINAL: Silentbomber Impressive Chee Saw, nice big screnn anyway, to get a decent picture on that that projector you got must have cost a bundle!. No surround sound? in the pictures i cannot see any speakers in the couners of your room so.. you need it. Nice job, you need to tuck away those wires, and everything else is fine. I am doing the same thing, but low budget, projector [home made, not sure if it will work tough] and all, i should get back to doing it.. The projector is a Sony VLP-HS51. The MSRP is $3500 but you can usually find it for about $2500 online. I got mine for just under $2000 on Ebay. I do have surround sound. The front and center channel speakers are built into the screen! It' s the DaLite Acoustic Imager. The surround sound speakers I have placed in more of a rear position, on top of my dvd rack. I want to upgrade to 7.1 (found the surround sound speakers being sold separatly on only ONE website!) but I can' t afford to spend any more just yet. I' m renting the house, so I didn' t want to run wires through the walls (which I DID consider, though). I got some wire ties, though, so that should help. Nice rooms Chee Saw. Do you need any Roommates?  As a matter of fact, I have been looking for roomates for about 4 months!! It' s been tough, and still very little as far as leads go.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Finally, the ultimate video game palace is finished!!
Dec 06, 2005 07:59
Wow. My pops got a similar setup for watching movies, minus the super sweet screen. I am extrememly jealous, I' d love to play PD) on that thing!
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RE: Finally, the ultimate video game palace is finished!!
Dec 06, 2005 10:18
Impressive Cheesaw - does such a LARGE screen account for a lack of something else?
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RE: Finally, the ultimate video game palace is finished!!
Dec 06, 2005 10:38
Congratulations!!! That' s my dream, too ...to have a HUGE screen for my entertainment room! What am I saying...I still need to get an entertainment room!
Gaius IV
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- Joined: Dec 06, 2005
RE: Finally, the ultimate video game palace is finished!!
Dec 07, 2005 06:50
Get rid of the nasty couch and paint the walls. Then it' ll be perfect! But wow that screen is ace dude!
Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
- Location: SoCal USA
RE: Finally, the ultimate video game palace is finished!!
Dec 07, 2005 08:15
ORIGINAL: Sharon Impressive Cheesaw - does such a LARGE screen account for a lack of something else? Of course!! A life! Thanks for the praise guys, and yes mxpx182, PD0 looks damn good on it. The only disappointment I have is playing DVDs. I mean, high-definition tv looks AWESOME on it, but DVDs have such a low resolution, that it doesn' t look as good. Can' t wait for HD-DVDs!! I' m also glad I got that chaise-sofa instead of theater style seating, because I would' ve only been able to get a three-seater. As it is, I regularly have over about 6 or 7 people on Wednesdays and Thursdays to play video games and watch movies. That' s the only reason I haven' t taken the futon out of there yet. Someone has crashed on that thing EVERY TIME!
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