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Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 29, 2006 01:46
Hey dudes, You might remember that I bought a core 360 off ebay a month ago for more than I should have, and I was planning on trading it in to a 2nd hand shop while the price was high so I could get a premium 360 a month later with the same money! Well...it worked, woohoo! Prices seem to be returning to normal now in the UK. So I' m now playing PGR3. No system crashes yet, and its been on for 2 days straight!  The aliasing seen in the shops was due to those Samsung displays. Hooked up via vga to my lcd monitor, things look pretty sharp! Those blurred road markings I was talking about are only on the bridges on the New York stages, and I still think some of the car interiors are a bit shoddy, while others are excellent. The outside environments are spectacular though. The only wierd thing is PGR3 doesnt like my monitor' s native res of 1280x1024 (its not widescreen unfortunately). It tries to keep things widecreen even if I choose ' normal' in the dash, making everything squished sideways! The only resolutions that work normally are 640x480 (looks like a PS2 game!) or 1024x768 with the widescreen issue but using borders, however it still squishes the image a little. So I had to stretch the image slightly on my monitor, sacrificing about a 1cm of the picture on either side. Demos of other games run fine at 1280x1024, so PGR is just strange! Well I' m not particularly hot for any of the other launch games, altho I liked the demo for Condemned. But Im on Live for a month, which was very simple to access (tbh I never had any problems with ps2 games either!). So if you want a race on PGR3, my gamertag is Choupolo. Im getting pretty good! 
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 29, 2006 02:09
Grats man Get DOA 4, its really really good :) Also get condemned, super good game!
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 29, 2006 02:33
Congrats, and GARRR! all at the same time, congrats on the new system, and GARR! that it' s not mine. yeah PGR is good, you can' t go wrong with DOA 4, i don' t even like fighting games and i enjoyed it. Condemned is pretty sw33t. just because it' s the only game you get to weild a paper cutter.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 29, 2006 04:16
THE best games you could possibly get yourself is Call of Duty 2, it' s simply breathtaking! I got all the launch games (which seemed like a good idea at the time but wasn' t), and you definately need to stay away from Perfect Dark Zero (which is probably the most overhyped game ever and looks nice but is actually really shit) Quake 4, King Kong (because it' s so short), Gun, American Wasteland and any of the crap sports games. What you do need are; DoA4, PGR3 (which you already have), Condemned (the animation, lighting and texture work is fuck1n brilliant!), Amped 3 (it' s a little slow going but well worth it when you get further into the game, and the cutscenes are pure works of art, ...probably the best i' ve ever seen!), Kameo, which is admittedly short but since it' s tons of fun to play and looks gorgeous it' s worth getting, Need For Speed: Most Wanted and err, ...Call of Duty 2 OBVIOUSLY!
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 29, 2006 04:54
mmm.. DOA4: Backgrounds are pretty, has lots of options everything option-wise is all there. Charactor models are not saying much tho, just they ' do the job' .. Gameplay, this is where ive tried my best to put up with but came to the decision i really should just not bother with it.. Being a dedicated VF4/FT player, i find DOA4 just ' random' .. and ' extremley flawed' .. its system on some cases is just wrong.. DOA4 has just made me respect the unparalled fighting-sytem VF' s have even more.. Bring on VF5, Bring on VF5... (BTW obviously the more casual fighting-game fan wouldnt really see DOA4s flawed gameplay system.. just simply button mash ur way through it )
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 29, 2006 05:02
I hate the ninjas in all DoA games. Their moves doesn' t even resemble ninja techniques. Actually, all of the techniques in the DoA series looks like anime fighting. It' s a god damn cartoon! Incredibly fun games though. Kage in VF however uses very believable techniques. As do all the other characters in VF. It' s almost like a fighter simulator. With practise, your skill increases.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 28 Jan 06 21:02:56 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 29, 2006 05:17
f3hunter, you live in Japan then? Obviously since that' s the only place you can play Final Tuned... Plus, if you' d played DoA4 you would have noticed the changes in the gameplay that don' t allow for the kind of button mashing that the previous DoA games did. While it' s certainly not at tactical as VF, it' s still an impressive fighter and i' m overjoyed at the fact that a) it' s now really hard, and b) the fact that counters are much, much harder to pull off. Still, you don' t need DoA4 when you have VF4:FT eh?! EDIT: Hmmm, nope, i don' t think you live in Japan! " ..I am out 70 bucks for a battery. Stay cool folks and thanks again, Keep it safe. I think dirt bikes with a magneto driven ignition will run..." OK then!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 28 Jan 06 21:23:35 >
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 29, 2006 05:59
have u ever heard of the words ' work' , ' Arcades' and ' planes' ??
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 29, 2006 06:02
On contrary to Majik, i think King Kong is a great game, i had fun all the way through it, though it was kinda short. Also Perfect Dark Zero is over hyped but it is not bad game, it has solid action the story just sucks, and the multiplayer is really good. What on earth possesed you to get all launch titles Majik? Im not even finished with Kameo yet, and i got King Kong, PDZ, Condemned, PGR 3 (which i haved playhed at all yet) and Kameo at launch
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 29, 2006 06:06
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 29, 2006 06:35
I like games VX, ...muchly! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Work? YEP, heard of that. Arcades? ......YEP that too. Planes? ..YEP, been on a couple of those! So, you what, live in the US, save your money from work to fly to JAPAN to play VF4:FT?! Huh, ...dedicated VF4:FT player eh?! So you' ve got VF4:Evo and you' ve heard/read about Final Tuned then?
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 29, 2006 08:02
Work? YEP, heard of that. Arcades? ......YEP that too. Planes? ..YEP, been on a couple of those! So, you what, live in the US, save your........ Stop,.. stop right there.. if ur first assumption is totally wrong no point carrying on with more (wrong) assumptions.. I don' t like DOA4, sorry to hurt anyones feelings.. Are you saying that you work at an arcade onboard a plane???? That is SO friggin AWESOME!!! haha, that would be awesome.
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 29 Jan 06 0:05:21 >
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RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 29, 2006 08:19
...there' s no point in criticising DOA when it' s obvious that it' s not really aimed at highly technical professional players.. ..it' s main focus is on fun, pick-up and playability, and appealing to a younger and more varied audience... ...it' s pointless saying " It' s not as complex as VF" because it' s not made to be like that.. ...if you' re not into smashing through walls, schoolgirls, super-human ninjas or bouncing boobs, play VF or Tekken instead... ...simple really....
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 29, 2006 09:00
Stop because you ARE full of shit?! VF4:FT debuted in Japan (only) in August last year. So how many times would you say you' ve flown to Japan, and how many times WOULD you need to play it to call yourself a ' dedicated VF4:FT player? Sounds like bullshit to me! I love VF as much as anyone, but there' s no denying DoA4 is fun. My guess, based on your ' weak' outline of the series and simple generalization of it being a button masher, is that you actually haven' t played DoA4 and have just assumed it is more of the same. It isn' t!
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 29, 2006 18:25
Thanks everyone, didnt reply earlier cos I was busy playing PGR! I love my TVR Sagaris! :PP Well... I played through CoD2 on the PC, it' s got great atmosphere. It seems Infinity Ward really worked hard on the visuals and the sound. Personally I like CoD1' s gameplay style a bit better, but I still enjoyed this one. As for DOA, well I used to be a Tekken fan, so its not really my style. The intro movie with the shirt popping and boob grabbing was fun, but kinda put me off a bit. Still I had a quick go on it before and it looks like fun. I want Condemned but I reckon I might get it on PC as well when it arrives in March. Quake4 I' ve played through on PC, and tbh I loved it! It' s all about the sound and twitch gameplay, but I know why loads of ppl didnt like it. I thought the visual quality was pretty sweet too. NFS:MW I also finished on PC, the gfx are fantastic, but its really just a rehash of earlier NFS games. King Kong I played a little but the gameplay got kinda boring early on, just running and shooting giant crabs and centipedes. Not my thing I guess!  And PD0 had so much potential, but what I' ve tried of it, the gameplay is pretty simple and the shiny bricks look wierd! I' ve not tried the mp however. So I guess Im really waiting for Gears of War and Elder Scrolls IV atm. And possibly Halo 3 since I' m not much of a Halo fan.  These games have a lot of potential. A few other games like Ghost Recon, Alan Wake and Prey might turn out pretty decent too, although the PC option is there too. The thing I' ve found though is that games I tend to want on PS2 (Black, Okami, DMC3, Shadow of the Collossus, Killer 7 etc) are usually console exclusives, whereas many games on the 360 are on PC too. So the value of having both is diminished. Still, I had to have one now my PC is reaching its limits!
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 29, 2006 23:20
I have not played DOA4?? my Xboxlive gamecard.. hehe your avatar really suites you. Your over agressive and love to dig yourself even deeper into that hole.. BTT: choupolo, If your into arcade racers, you must get RR6, its soo much fun and gets more enjoyable as you progress. The games BIG too with upto hundreds of routs Ect AND plays extremely super-smooth never going under 59.99 FPS :) Since owing it i have not even touched my PGR3 .
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 29, 2006 23:34
Streets of Rage eh?! Well that' s SOMEONES gamercard, it' s could have nothing to do with you! Anyhow, that aside, if you do have DoA4 and you don' t care for the series, then why get it? And why have you now changed the subject? Just how often DO you go to Japan to play VF4:FT?! And, Ridge Racer 6 is terrible. It does nothing new whatesoever with the series and is an utter disappointment. My advise would be to wait just over a month until Burnout Revenge is released and buy that instead, ...or get Need For Speed: Most Wanted which although flawed is still a better game.
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 29 Jan 06 17:01:06 >
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 30, 2006 10:02
I used to love Ridge Racer at the arcades. Those Rage Racer units with 4 player, force feedback wheels and surround sound built in to the seats! (And that commentator shouting " there' s somebody on your TAIL!" constantly!) That was awesome. Our local arcade also had what looked like a convertible Mazda MX5, hooked up to a room sized projector screen and surround sound. So you could feel like you were doing 360s in a full sized car! There were of course two seats so you could take a passenger for the ride too! The music in RR4 was so cool. RR6 plays nice too, but I didnt get the chance to listen to much of the music. Nowadays the genre is so saturated, with Burnout and NFS as well. And I would say Revenge and Most Wanted do very little new for their respective franchises either. Ridge Racer' s a classic, but still I dunno if I' d pay 40 quid for this one.
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 30, 2006 11:17
Yep..RR is cool, its dosnt promise to the the next big thing, just pure and simple classic 60fps ' arcade racing' .. and it does that way better than any burnout or NFSU could ever dream off.. RR6 is all about mood, music and superslick drifting gameplay, with excellent dynamic lightening and ultra-cool vehicles, excellent draw distance a very long world-explorer and 16 player online battles, its what any true arcade racing fan would want from the seris..
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Finally got my 360! ^^
Jan 30, 2006 20:28
Ridge Racer 6 sucks ass, and that' s exactly the reason why Namco didn' t put a demo on Xbox Live. Yes it looks nice, yes it' s a solid arcade racing game but it' s got exactly the same game mechanics as the Playstation/arcade original. Accelerate towards corner, release accelerate and start to turn, accelerate out of corner, insert boost wherever you like. It does nothing new and while some may argue that it doesn' t need to you can' t quite get over the fact that it' s really really boring. I want to be able to drive the car, but instead, with Ridge Racer it' s virtually on rails and the magnetic walls are terrible, allowing you to still get round the corner even if you' re turning the other way. The cars don' t feel like cars, they feel like car shaped sleds that just slid to whatever side of the screen you tell it to. It makes me wonder whether the coders at Namco have ever actually driven a car. RR6 has some major downsides other than those stated in that while Namco create some very nice looking fictional cars, they have never allowed you to danage the models themselves. But it' s all about the racing right? Well yeah, but bouncing a car off several walls and the car staying perfect totally detracts any sense of realism and reminds you that you' re playing a game (you are i know). There' s over 200 races, which would be nice if there were more than about 12 courses!! Personally i' d rather play PGR3 which is a completely superior game in every respect with a great online mode for those that wish to show off and rewards you for developing your driving skills. It' s much more technical than any bloody RR game and it looks, handles, sounds better too. I' ve got RR6 and i payed the £50 ($88) that it retails for here in the UK, but i can' t stand it. It' s rubbish. Even NFS:MW is tons better than RR6 and i' d rather play that for the police chases, damage modelling, faster racing, different game types, real customizable cars etc... NFS:MW isn' t as good as PGR3 but it' s night and day better than RR6!
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