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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
Final Fantasy X Extras
Jul 17, 2004 03:38
How many of you went and got all the extras in this game? Like the extra aeons, all the overdrives and weapons, etc.? I am at the end and can go to the final battle at any time but am working towards the last couple of extra aeons. Is it worth getting anything else or should I just not bother with it?
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- Joined: Jun 12, 2004
RE: Final Fantasy X Extras
Jul 17, 2004 04:08
Others may not agree with me on this, but I don' t think there is much of a point. In hte other FF' s I did this, but somehow I had to actually force myself to play FFX. It just didn' t pull me into the story like the other ones have. If you' ve really liked the game I would get all the ultimate weapons, but if you are like me and didn' t really get into it, getting all the extras may be a waste of time
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Final Fantasy X Extras
Jul 19, 2004 15:04
I did, of course. It took about 120 hours, but I did it. I didn' t like some of the side-quests and " mini-games," but the legendary weapons (fully-activated) were worth it. The only thing I never did was defeat the last few Original Creations in the Monster Arena. That' s just freakin' CRAZY. You need to have all your stats maxed, especially speed, if you want to do this. You also need the Magus Sisters maxed as well...not easy, and I just didn' t have enough motivation to do it.
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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
RE: Final Fantasy X Extras
Jul 19, 2004 15:27
As of right now I have 4 of the ultimate weapons, none of the extra aeons, and missing only 3 or 4 overdrives. I didn' t fight the arena things because they were way to hard. I beat one and that was enough I am not bothering with the extra stuff right now but I have it saved so I can go back and do it whenever I feel like it and beat it again I might change my mind and get the extra aeons though.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Final Fantasy X Extras
Jul 19, 2004 16:07
The extra Aeons are WELL worth it, and not nearly as difficult (or as time-consuming) as fully activating all the legendary weapons. You absolutely cannot miss out on such Aeons as Yojimbo, Anima, and The Magus Sisters, IMO. You might need a little FAQ help to get them, but they RULE. Anima' s Pain is just one of the coolest damn things ever. If you didn' t know, fully activating the legendary weapons requires that you have both the Crest and Sigil for each (i.e., for Tidus' Caladbolg, you need both the Sun Crest and Sun Sigil). The Crests are pretty easily found, but the Sigils are the tough ones. For example, to get the Sigil for Lulu' s Onion Knight, you need to dodge 200 bolts of lightning without getting hit once or stopping to save. And this isn' t even the toughest challenge... Once the weapons are fully activated, though, wonderful abilities get added, and they include an ability that lets every spell cast cost only 1 MP (yeah, you heard me), and the Break Damage Limit capabilities as well (these allow you to deal in excess of 9,999 HP damage). In my game, Tidus and Auron generally do between 15,000 and 40,000 HP damage per regular strike, and Lulu and Yuna do about equal with their spells and summons (Aeons). Of course, the Aeons need the Break Damage Limit on THEM for that to work, so it' s a bit tougher. There are also the Break HP Limit abilities, so your characters can have more than 9,999 HP. I think most of my characters had between 12-15,000 HP. It just gets crazy after a while. LOL
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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
RE: Final Fantasy X Extras
Jul 19, 2004 18:22
I was not aware you needed the sigils and all that for the legendary weapons. Might explain why I couldn' t get Tidus' I got the Onion Knight without doing the thunder plains thing though I didn' t get Yojimbo yet because I don' t have the money. Anima I don' t have yet because I think I missed one destruction sphere The sisters I don' t have because I am missing one monster in Mt. Gagazet (plus the chocobo guy dissappeared?!?!?) I have the legendary weapons for Wakka, Rikku, Lulu, and Yuna
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Final Fantasy X Extras
Jul 19, 2004 18:33
You can get the legendary weapons easily enough, but they' re useless without at least the accompanying Crest, and for them to reach their full potential (which is light years better than anything else you' ll have), you need the Sigil too. Once both the Crest and Sigil are attached to the weapon, it' s " fully activated," and you' re good to go (you can get them attached by going to that mirror thing up in the trees in Macalania Woods). For your weapons, you need the Jupiter Crest and Sigil for Wakka' s World Champion (you can get the Sigil by winning it as 1st prize in a Blitzball tournament; you just have to play until it shows up as the prize, and then make sure to win it), you need the Mars Crest and Sigil for Rikku' s Godhand (you need to complete the Cactuar minigame for the Mars Sigil; I would STRONGLY suggest you have the No Encounter ability for this), you need the Venus Crest and Sigil for Lulu' s Onion Knight (the Sigil is obtained from the merchant in the Lightning Plains after you successfully dodge 200 bolts of lightning in a row), and I forget about Yuna' s. Go to GameFaqs for the full skinny on this stuff.
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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
RE: Final Fantasy X Extras
Jul 20, 2004 02:26
So I just finished getting the 3 extra aeons. Not going to bother with the legendary weapons (sigils seem to be too much work) Oh and I finished the omega cave thing. Anima dealt 40 000 damage to him, it was great. I have all of the overdrives except one for Tidus, Wakka, and Auron (I have all of Kimarhi' s Lancet moves) All I am doing now before going after SIn is getting some of the better spells like flare (I have ultima already), full and auto life and holy.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Final Fantasy X Extras
Jul 20, 2004 12:41
Yeah, getting the Sigils for the legendary weapons is by far the toughest chore in the game, with the exception of beating the Original Creations in the Monster Arena. Just so you know, the final Creation, Nemesis, has 10 MILLION HP. Yup, you heard me right.  The only way to beat it is to have all your stats maxed (which means completing the Sphere Grid at LEAST once with a character), and making sure that Mindy (from the Magus Sisters) and her stinger attack that hits multiple times is hitting for 9,999 HP damage every time. Just crazy, I was never able to do that. Beat most of the other ones, though. The toughest Sigil to get, IMO, is actually the Saturn Sigil for Kimahri' s legendary weapon. You have to complete the Butterfly Hunt in Macalania Woods, and I just about drove myself insane trying to complete that.
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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
RE: Final Fantasy X Extras
Jul 20, 2004 15:17
Yea I don' t think I will be bothering with the sigils. They don' t really add anything to the story whereas the extra aeons added a little bit (plus they are cool). I am also not going to bother with the arena because that is just too crazy hard to beat. Maybe at some point in the future if I get real bored I might try it out but for now I have like 15 or more other games that I haven' t really touched yet.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Final Fantasy X Extras
Jul 20, 2004 22:53
You' ll want Tidus' s final overdrive, it' s really strong...at least if you have his ultimate weapon, plus crest and sigil. He killed all forms of the last boss with just his overdrive alone if I remember correctly. And on a side note...I think this game had possibly the weakest final boss in the series, but again it could have been because I leveled up all my characters to max and Tidus and Auron were dealing out crazy amounts of damage.
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- Joined: Jun 03, 2004
RE: Final Fantasy X Extras
Jul 21, 2004 01:02
And on a side note...I think this game had possibly the weakest final boss in the series, but again it could have been because I leveled up all my characters to max and Tidus and Auron were dealing out crazy amounts of damage. No, you' re right, it was weak. Even with weak characters, the final boss is a sinch to beat. All you have to do is inflict Zombie on it, then use a Pheonix Down on it and it' s dead. Yeah, that' s right, it really is that easy. Even with weak characters, it' s the easiest boss I' ve ever seen in a Final Fantasy game.
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RE: Final Fantasy X Extras
Jul 21, 2004 03:45
Final Fantasy XII: Official Trailer Just in case you cats haven' t checked out the main page -- get to downloading. http://games.kikizo.com/news/200407/041.asp Haven' t been able to get into a FF game since 8 (which I didn' t like but beat regardless). Maybe I' ll like 12 to play all the way through.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Final Fantasy X Extras
Jul 21, 2004 12:41
I don' t know about XII...the whole format change could annoy me. Then again, if it plays like Vagrant Story, how bad could it possibly be? And I can never guage the difficulty of final bosses in FFs, or any RPG, for that matter. By the time I face the final boss, I' ve usually done everything, found everything, and created a pretty much invincible party. It' s a sickness. So they all seem crazy easy, especially because most RPG' s I' ve played have optional challenges that are much more difficult than the final boss. The WEAPONs in FF VII, Omega in VIII, Ozma in IX, Celeste in Star Ocean 2, etc. The final boss in FF X seemed easier than others, but I guarantee nobody here beat Nemesis, or any of the other Original Creations. And if you did, then you' ve got no right saying that the final boss was " easy" ...if you can take down 10 million HP (a party of maxed stats, especially speed and strength at 255 is necessary), then I seriously doubt you' d have a problem with Sin.
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- Location: Canada
RE: Final Fantasy X Extras
Jul 21, 2004 21:56
back to teh original question, I did get bored of all the side stuff, so i went and finished the games. I had all the aeons, only Yuna' s secret weapon and no final overdrives. I just didn' t feel like putting in the exttra hours (my brother in law did, he said it was too easy then). So, in my opinion, they weren' t worth it.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Final Fantasy X Extras
Jul 23, 2004 15:15
Oh come now, Rikka, that' s EXACTLY the point. To get to where your party is essentially invincible and can' t be killed by ANYTHING. That' s my primary goal in just about every RPG I play.
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- Joined: Feb 07, 2004
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RE: Final Fantasy X Extras
Jul 24, 2004 16:18
See, and I get bored. I know a lot of people love sidequests, but I get so bored of them, if it doesn' t drive the storyline, I really have no desire to do it. I guess when I played through FFVII the last time, I did them all (bred the golden chocobo, got knights of the round, killed all the weapons and so on) but that didn' t make them anymore fun, I just did them so I could say I did them.
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