Im suprised you think its pathetic that I said Nintendo has pretty much died. Ill agree that maybe it was a bit of a sweeping statement. But I still belive it to be true to a large extent. In my opinion Nintentndo HAS pretty much died, they havent had a competative console out since the SNES.
Like I have said in a previous post I do own a console and that is a Gamecube, of which I belive it to be the best of the present generation of consoles, simply because I can get games for it that simply are not avaliable for any other format.
However I and a lot of older gamers were huge fans of Nintendo back in there prime when they launched the NES and SNES, but unfortunatly they made very bad bussness decisions and I feel they have aimed there consoles and games at a really young audience that has alienated a lot of gamers.
There are 2 typos in that sentance alone. My point is that by mocking people who' s native language isn' t English you' re making one step closer getting yourself banned..
When did I mock him? I simply pointed out that I couldnt understand what it was that he had written, which I cant.
Dumbass, don' t you know anything about console architecture? Would you say that PS2' s performance has stayed the same since it' s launch?!
You just cant resist flaming me can you

If you think your 360 can keep up to speed with a regulay updated PC i think YOUR the dumbass, also
" The difference between theoretical performance and real-world performance on the CPU level is growing fast. On, say, a regular Xbox, you can get very large fractions of theoretical performance with not a whole lot of effort. The PlayStation 2 was always a mess with the multiple processors on there, but the new generations, with Cell or the Xbox 360, make it much, much worse. They can quote these incredibly high numbers of giga-flops or tera-flops or whatever, but in reality, when you do a straightforward development process on them, they’re significantly slower than a modern high-end PC."
The only thing worse than an idiot is an idiot stuck on loop.
You gonna get all Holden Caulfield on me now?!
The only reasson im stuck in a loop is because every time you reply to me you insist on going through and quoting me rather than acctaully comming back with a sensible reply
Once again, seen as you seem to be so incapable of reading what I type Ill post it again.
Here is my list of top ten rpgs (non western)
1. Ultima 7 part 2
2. Ultima Underworld 1-2
3. Baldurs gate 1-2
4. Gothic 2
5. System Shock 1-2
6. Fallout 1-2
7. Morrowind
8. kotr
9. Planescape torrment
And here is a list of reassons why I belive PCs to be superior to consoles.
1) PC has superior sound
2) PC has superior graphics
3) Greater variety of games, RTS, indie games, MMOGs etc etc, the like you would rarely get on a console
4) PC games get patches/updates
5) Modding community alows great comunity updates to games for free
6) HUGE back cataolge of games
7) Ability to play emulated console games
8) Superior control set up for RTS and FPS style game
9) Not only can I play games i can watch porn, play music, browse the web
Please feel free to add nothing to this discussion and flame me some more
< Message edited by CrimsonBlade -- 28 Feb 06 13:45:00 >