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Favorite Fighting Games...
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
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Favorite Fighting Games...
Oct 04, 2004 23:36
On XBOX I like to play Soul Calibur 2, Dead or Alive 3, and Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. In the past, I have enjoyed the Virtua Fighter series and the Street Fighter series. What fighting videogames do you and/or have you enjoyed?
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
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RE: Favorite Fighting Games...
Oct 05, 2004 00:28
For me: Soul Calibur - Dreamcast Great fighting game that really wowed me with its graphics and fun gameplay. Fellow forum member Terry Bogard recommended this to me because he absolutely loves fighting games that have weapons, and I couldn' t agree more! Thanks Terry! Soul Calibur II - Xbox Another great fighting game marginally superior to Soul Calibur. Once I got this I couldn' t stop playing. The music isn' t *quite* as nice as the DC version, though. The Xbox version is the one for me due to the High Definition support and really nice Dolby Digital 5.1 soundfield. Spawn is also a great character to play as, although I care nothing for Spawn outside of this game. He' s better than the extra character in the PS2 game from Tekken whose name sounds like a bad sneeze. Street Fighter Zero 3 - Sega Saturn Also known as Street Fighter Alpha 3, the Saturn version is regarded as the best version of the game, surpassing the Dreamcast version and the (ug) PlayStation version. Not only does this game utilize the best controller in the world (Saturn pads rock), it also requires the 4MB RAM cart. That' s more RAM than you' d get if you took the RAM from every single modern computer in the world COMBINED!  Unfortunately Sega of America was afraid to release the RAM cart even though Capcom begged them to. Sega was afraid it' d turn into another 32X. Sega was crazy. X-Men vs Street Fighter - Sega Saturn The first game to use the 4MB RAM cart, this game let you pick 2 different fighters and switch between them on the fly without any drops in the animation. You could have 2 Juggernauts doing supers on the screen and there would be no flicker or slowdown. I have my difficulty level currently set to " 8" (the highest setting) because I play this so much. Great game. Poor Sega... they rejected Capcom' s love when Capcom was good. Capcom vs SNK 2: Millionare Fighting - Dreamcast This was a GREAT game as well, slightly better than Capcom vs SNK 1 (also on Dreamcast). If you have the Total Control 3, you could seemlessly use the Saturn control pads and that made the game a billion times better.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Favorite Fighting Games...
Oct 05, 2004 00:34
3D: Virtua Fighter and Virtua Fighter 3 2D: Super Street Fighter 2: Turbo and Fatal Fury 2
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Favorite Fighting Games...
Oct 05, 2004 02:45
Virtua Figher 4...hands down my favorite. My favorite 2d fighting game is Marvel Vs Capcom 2 on Dreamcast, because I haven' t gotten to play any 2d fighters for the Xbox.
Starman Anthony
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RE: Favorite Fighting Games...
Oct 05, 2004 03:24
Is Super Smash Bros. Melee considered a fighting game? Well it' s my favorite and the only fighting game I am best at.. well maybe Tekken but that was long ago. Nobody can beat my Pink Luigi. Hehehe. I love that game though I can never beat my friend he' s always Shiek and Shiek is such an unfair character.
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: Favorite Fighting Games...
Oct 05, 2004 12:16
I like fighting games even if I am not any good at them. My fave are the Dead or Alive series and Soul Calibre series. I played the second DOA on Dreamcast along with SC and was hooked on both for a while. I managed to do good on DOA2 but after an age of not playing it before I got to DOA3 I was crap. Same goes for Soul Calibre and number 2. In fact I' ve only just started playing SC2 again since I got it at Christmas. My girlfriend discovered she could kick my ass on it so we are both learning the game at the same time. What she doesn' t know is I' m putting hour sin on it when she' s not here. Mwuhahaha. Here’s something though. Has anybody playing Soul calibre 2 noticed the voice on the title screen change? Randomly once it became a strange alien language which freaked the hell out of me and yesterday Ivy’s voice was speaking. Scary stuff.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Favorite Fighting Games...
Oct 05, 2004 21:34
Yeah it changes. I change every game I can to have Japanese voices, and even those change.
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- Joined: Aug 28, 2003
RE: Favorite Fighting Games...
Oct 08, 2004 23:11
Power Stone. An absolutely awesome game and a reason to own a Dreamcast. Great in single player, even better in two. A classic. Shame the sequel wasn' t very good.
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: Favorite Fighting Games...
Oct 09, 2004 00:06
Power Stone was too frustrating for me. An ace game with friends but the computer could whup my ass way to easily on the harder settings. Jack is such a rip-off of Voldo though. Or is it the other way around...
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- Joined: Oct 09, 2004
RE: Favorite Fighting Games...
Oct 09, 2004 02:47
i haven' t played too many games myself (it' s just a pasttime) so i don' t even have a clue what half the games you' re mentioning are. no, i just play tekken 4 at my friend' s house every now and then.
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- Joined: Aug 08, 2004
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RE: Favorite Fighting Games...
Oct 09, 2004 12:20
street fighter 2 and mortal kombat. im all for the classics. even with all the flashy graphics and smooth animations boasted by games like soul calibre and tekken, i still cant see them surpassing SF2 and MK2.
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: Favorite Fighting Games...
Oct 09, 2004 12:53
I' m not sure about that. Games nowadays like Virtua Fighter and Soul Calibre are a hell of a lot more technical than SF2 and MK2, with the amount of moves alone you can do in each really surpassing anything SF2 or MK2 could do. Then there are the counter systems, combo systems and other things to consider. In my opinion Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat were good back in the day but with today’s games they defiantly needed dragging kicking and screaming into the 21st century, something which Mortal Kombat Deception seems to have done fairly well.
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