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Famitsu verdict on Bullet Witch
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Famitsu verdict on Bullet Witch
Jul 22, 2006 01:54
27/40????? WHAT?!!! My dreams, shattered.... My soul, no more.... The end... is nigh. But hey... who listens to Famitsu right? RIGHT?! They gave some crappy mech shooter 32/40 and looking at that compared to Bullet Witch, I would say BW pisses all over it.. Can' t remember the cackmech- shooter.... Regardless, I will still be buying the game myself.. 
< Message edited by Tiz -- 21 Jul 06 17:54:41 >
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Famitsu verdict on Bullet Witch
Jul 22, 2006 02:06
Isn' t it out sometime this month in japan?. Anyway I don' t really listen to famitsu anymore. Odd that it' s out on the 27th aswell (I think).
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 21 Jul 06 18:07:14 >
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RE: Famitsu verdict on Bullet Witch
Jul 22, 2006 02:11
ORIGINAL: dasher232 Isn' t it out sometime this month in japan?. Anyway I don' t really listen to famitsu anymore. Odd that it' s out on the 27th aswell (I think). OMAGOSH!!  You' re right! Hey... Is this some kinda sick joke? Anyway who cares about Famitsu, I hope they have fun sucking their Sony flavoured with a swirl of enix lollipops..
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RE: Famitsu verdict on Bullet Witch
Jul 22, 2006 02:12
Dont you get it,27+13=40 but 27-13=14but 27+14=41=41/40. It kick ass!!!
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RE: Famitsu verdict on Bullet Witch
Jul 22, 2006 02:14
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Dont you get it,27+13=40 but 27-13=14but 27+14=41=41/40. It kick ass!!! Thanks for clearing that up Quez, now nothing will stop me from buying Bullet Witch!! Except if by God' s grace Ninja Gaiden suddenly pops up on my local WH Smith shelf..
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Famitsu verdict on Bullet Witch
Jul 22, 2006 02:15
Or else you can join my,fukk famitsu wagon
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Famitsu verdict on Bullet Witch
Jul 22, 2006 02:15
Dude, you know just as well as i do that even though the game looks cool, it could suck muchos ass. I' m more interested in N3 but i had high hopes for Bullet Witch too. I might just be too repetative though and the latest footage, while awesome looking did have some stand out " needs fixing" areas, but if the game has/is about to go gold then i would hold my breathe for it being of say Otogi quality.
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RE: Famitsu verdict on Bullet Witch
Jul 22, 2006 02:25
I know, but sometimes you have to play games that suck ass like MGS2. And I loved it, even though the game was few steps away from el boredom I still loved. Hopefully Bullet Witch turns out to be as repetitive as Otogi, but you can level almost any building, I hope the art directions worth it. Or else you can join my,fukk famitsu wagon  Already riding shotgun and taking names. (Here' s looking at you square)
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Famitsu verdict on Bullet Witch
Jul 22, 2006 02:34
MGS2 OWNED!!! I seriously loved the first and second games in the MGS series. The first game (on Playstation) was sheer genius, and the 2nd (on Playstation 2) was just as cool. The second game did have more cutscenes than actual gameplay but it was an experience and i would gladly pay £39.99 again to be kept entertained for the huge number of hours i spent " playing" MGS2. The third game bored me to death and was more of the same (but it did have some of the coolest cutscenes in any game), but i have HUGE hopes for MGS4 (although i' m secretly hoping for online play more than i am a great single player campaign). The MGS games are massively popular for a reason and it' s that reason that Sony funded the setting up of Kojimas studio and keep pestering him to carry on the franchise. Can you guess what the reason is?
Mass X
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RE: Famitsu verdict on Bullet Witch
Jul 22, 2006 02:50
That big 3-part trailer made it out to look very nice. I couldnt see any major flaws. Massive enviroments, complete destruction, crazy action. However, I did notice that a meteor went thru a building but didnt cause one bit of damage. Overall tho it looks like a very very very improved BloodRayne.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Famitsu verdict on Bullet Witch
Jul 22, 2006 02:56
ORIGINAL: Mass X That big 3-part trailer made it out to look very nice. I couldnt see any major flaws. Massive enviroments, complete destruction, crazy action. However, I did notice that a meteor went thru a building but didnt cause one bit of damage. Overall tho it looks like a very very very improved BloodRayne. Really?! I imagined it destroyed everything in it' s path. I noticed that too, as did my brother, who then went on to say this game is worth nothing more than a sliver of dog turd. Then I kicked his ass at DOA4..
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