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Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
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Vx Chemical
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Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 15, 2007 17:06
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php...36&page=11: This is where most of your worries or doubts come to an end. Everything said here is logical and stable. Seems some people got their magazine and shared them with us. Here they are: - Game runs on an evolved version of the Oblivion engine. Third person view has been reworked since the verdict was that the Oblivion version was bad. - Game starts with your birth and your mother' s death in a vault hospital. This is essentially the character customization part of the game. Your father hands you up to have your DNA analyzed and you get to pick out all your character traits. Your dad takes off his mask to reveal similar traits to the ones you picked. - You grow up in the vault and as you grow you get your first book titled " You' re Special" which allows you to choose you baseline stats for each of your 7 primary aptitudes. You' ll also get your first weapons and wrist computer (menu) as you get older and take tests to determine the initial layout of your skills and traits. - Every aspect of character creation is based on S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system. Of your 14 skills you can tag 3 to grow at a faster rate than the rest as you level up. - Battle system is called the Vault-tec Assisted Targeting System (V.A.T.S.). The article states. " While you' ll certainly be able to tackle enemies in real time using first person shooting, V.A.T.S. lets players pause time and select a target at their leisure" . Battle system still uses action points, but once you' ve used them up you' ll still be able to fight targets in real time while they charge back up. - Game is still violent and gory. One of the featured screens is of a guy' s head exploding in super gory detail. Apparently all gory deaths in the game will be in slow motion. - More than one way to play the game. Go balls out and kill people, or sneak past situations, or perhaps talk your way out of situations. - Enemies can target you just like you can target them, so you can get injured in very specific points on you body. This in addition to an all new health/radiation system. This new system has you measuring how radiated certain things (like water) are and how they affect you when you consume them. - Karma system returns - The game does not scale like oblivion, so if you enter a high level area expect to be promptly murdered. - Level cap is 20. - Definite ending to the game, but there are 9 - 12 possible endings. - There are NPC' s you can hire, but this is not a party based game. I confirm the above mentioned specifications. They are all based upon the interview among GameInformer Magazine I take full responsibility This has put some of my fears to rest! Now i just hope they keep the dialogs as open as possible, more like Mass Effect than Oblivion.
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- Location: Minneapolis
RE: Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 15, 2007 17:30
This sounds sweet. I' ve always prefered real-time over turn based because there is more freedom.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 15, 2007 17:44
Well at the time of the first fallout games turnbased was best. but now a real time solution is best, id like to see how its handled, i think its going to be somewhat like KOtOR, but im not sure!
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RE: Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 15, 2007 18:59
you can tag 3 to grow at a faster rate than the rest as you level up. Plz no more OB level system god dammit!!! Oh nvm.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 15 Jun 07 11:00:45 >
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RE: Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 15, 2007 22:57
The person that wrote that needs to work on their clarity. Is the entire game going to be in first-person? I' m not opposed to the idea, and the real-time weapon stuff could be cool, but it depends on how it' s done. Should this have made me more nervous than excited.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 15, 2007 23:58
No eddie it shouldnt make you more nervous, less nervous, they have kept S.P.E.C.I.A.L and most of the skills. It sounds like they are making it KOTOR style to me, hopefully when Scans of game informer show up, we will know more!
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 16, 2007 00:14
Im glad that fallout 3 is coming out atleast. And that a great RPG developer is making it.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 16, 2007 01:40
It better be an over the top view.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 16, 2007 01:53
It better be an over the top view. They spent lots of time optimising the Oblivion engine for 3rd person view, but you can still zoom into first person, and they kept action points and called shots in the game, so it cant be all bad
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 16, 2007 01:54
And that a great RPG developer is making it. Replay Fallout, Planescape, Baldurs Gate and you will see Oblivion isnt an real rpg, just a action game with rpg elements, neartly like diablo
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RE: Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 16, 2007 02:37
I should probably play Oblivion sometime shouldn' t I?
Vx Chemical
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RE: Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 16, 2007 04:44
I should probably play Oblivion sometime shouldn' t I? Well only if you want your hopes for a true fallout game to fall
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RE: Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 16, 2007 11:20
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical And that a great RPG developer is making it. Replay Fallout, Planescape, Baldurs Gate and you will see Oblivion isnt an real rpg, just a action game with rpg elements, neartly like diablo I knew I didn' t like RPGs!
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- Joined: Apr 02, 2007
RE: Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 16, 2007 15:03
Well only if you want your hopes for a true fallout game to fall Wait a second. You actually know what you' re talking about? You' re not absolutely wrong about Bethesda screwing up TES and most likely Fallout? How did you get that right while being wrong about everything else?
Vx Chemical
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RE: Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 16, 2007 23:49
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RE: Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 17, 2007 01:58
NeoGaf is a flat out insult to humanity. I wouldn' t call my worst enemy a NeoGaf troll. Anyway, my contribution was pointing out that VX Chemical was shockingly right about SOMETHING. If you have hopes for Fallout 3 then they will be dashed upon playing Oblivion. Oblivion ruined the TES series with consolish gameplay. Fallout 3 will experience the same fate. Plus, microtransactions. No hope for Fallout 3.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 17, 2007 12:26
Fullsize (and readable) scans HERE ...  
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
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RE: Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 17, 2007 14:47
Fallout 3 is gonna r0x my s0x. p.s. I just got back from peeing on billy.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Fallout 3 Seems to be done right
Jun 17, 2007 22:57
Fullsize (and readable) scans HERE ... You can' t read that?
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