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Joe Redifer
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- Location: Denver, CO
Fake Boobs
Jun 25, 2008 15:36
Do you like fake boobs? I don' t. They look nasty. And the thought of man-made artificial boobs in a living woman is also gross. I' d rather have a woman with small real boobs than a woman with fake big boobs. Big real boobs are, of course, awesome. The only time I support fake boobage is when one differs from the other or one has had a masectomy or whatnot. Discuss.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 25 Jun 08 7:38:00 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 25, 2008 15:42
There are varying degrees of fake boobs, the ones that looks gross are the ones you recognize as fake boobs, there are boobs that are fake and cant be seen as fake, depends on whether or not the girl wants torpedo boobs are wants the fake boobs looking like real boobs. All in all i like smaller breasts.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 25, 2008 16:15
I like the ones that fit neatly into my hand, so B-C in the middle. Fake or not, as long as they look good, and feel the part, then bring em!
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RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 25, 2008 16:23
didn' t you post this a long time ago?
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 25, 2008 16:24
The real thing is definitely better. Usually look better, always feel better. Personally I prefer smaller boobs, but that' s mostly due to shape, not size.I like ' em pert.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 25, 2008 17:31
ORIGINAL: locopuyo didn' t you post this a long time ago? I probably expressed my opinion on it at one point but I certainly never got other peep' s opinions.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 25, 2008 20:28
Like ' em real and like sizes A-D!
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RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 25, 2008 23:57
Like ' em real and like sizes A-D! Id like to second that motion.
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RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 26, 2008 02:20
I' m going to have to agree with the as long as they look/feel good sentiment, and I prefer a B/C but perk smaller tits on a smaller woman can be quite attractive, that being said if they don' t look like belong on the body they are on they aren' t as appealing.
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- Joined: Apr 01, 2007
RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 26, 2008 02:26
It really isn' t that much of a big deal nowadays, the fake ones are made to look and feel real. The nasty jobs you see out there is from women who had them done in the 90' s, which still isn' t as bad as some of the awful boob jobs of the 80' s, like some of those 80' s porn stars that looked fucking ridiculous with giant stony boobs.
< Message edited by emofag -- 25 Jun 08 18:26:56 >
Chee Saw
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RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 26, 2008 02:43
Honestly, I was TOTALLY against them for many years. I still do believe that they are not necessary for a woman to look beautiful. They' ve grown on me, though (not literally, you bastards!) Probably because my last couple of girlfriends had them, and DAMN, they' re just as much fun when you play with them! I think my change of mind has come about because Asian girls do not usually have large boobs. In fact, they are usually rather small (if not non-existent). The fact of the matter is, in California it' s pretty common for the Asian girls to go get boob jobs. And honestly, it' s pretty hot to see a fine ass Asian girl with nice knockers! I mean, trust me, I tried to talk one of my exes into not getting them, considering the medical risk, and the fact that she was pretty anyway. But, she went ahead and got them, and I must say she DID look very good with them. I guess it can depend on the doctor doing the surgery, but my two exes had AWESOME boobs!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 26, 2008 03:24
Honestly, I was TOTALLY against them for many years. I still do believe that they are not necessary for a woman to look beautiful. They' ve grown on me, though (not literally, you bastards!) Probably because my last couple of girlfriends had them, and DAMN, they' re just as much fun when you play with them! I think my change of mind has come about because Asian girls do not usually have large boobs. In fact, they are usually rather small (if not non-existent). The fact of the matter is, in California it' s pretty common for the Asian girls to go get boob jobs. And honestly, it' s pretty hot to see a fine ass Asian girl with nice knockers! I mean, trust me, I tried to talk one of my exes into not getting them, considering the medical risk, and the fact that she was pretty anyway. But, she went ahead and got them, and I must say she DID look very good with them. I guess it can depend on the doctor doing the surgery, but my two exes had AWESOME boobs! Dude, you should totally post pictures!  With (or without) their permission of course!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 25 Jun 08 19:26:35 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 26, 2008 06:33
Terry I thought you said you were gay... I think everyone would prefer real ones over the fake ones. But as Evil mentioned the new ones are far better than the older ones. The surgeon makes a difference, so does the patient herself as well as the material used. I find the scaring to be very unappealing. If I look at them and can tell they' re fake then it' s not a good job. I' ve never felt fake ones before but I think they' d be a poor substitute for real ones. I personally don' t think they' re worth the pain, effort and risk. People should just be happy with what they have. I understand if you need reconstructive surgery, but if it' s just to make them bigger, fuck it. They can cause cancer, disfigurement, they can rupture and leak, they need to be replaced every 10 years or so... People are obsessed about their appearance. Who cares? All these quirks that people hate about themselves are the things that make us unique. Most people who go to plastic surgeons should see a psychologist instead if they have a bad self image. You' re still going to grow old only to watch your body turn to shit anyways. Assuming you live that long. I wish people weren' t so vain.
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RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 26, 2008 08:20
I prefer real boobs, if the girl had implants... " well it shouldn' t matter it' s what inside that counts" right? It' s like if a guy had a small package if he would consider doing surgery to make it larger? To me women do so much to get noticed and they just strive for attention. If they had gone through with breast implants it shows me that they are insecure with their body.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 26, 2008 08:43
Terry I thought you said you were gay... Gay as in Happy, jovial, joyous, and cheerful. 
Joe Redifer
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- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 26, 2008 08:55
It' s like if a guy had a small package if he would consider doing surgery to make it larger? Actually I have heard that a lot of porn stars have done this, but it doesn' t sound pretty. They apparently have to clip some muscles inside and as a result your " boner" won' t be able to stand up on its own anymore. Even if I were insecure about my package, the thought of sharp objects down there is a definite no no! So I guess that' s another thing that turns me on about real boobs... it proves the woman is confident enough to NOT go and get a boob job (you can always see the scars). Confidence rules.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 26 Jun 08 0:55:53 >
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- Joined: Apr 01, 2007
RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 26, 2008 11:54
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer Do you like fake boobs? I don' t. They look nasty. And the thought of man-made artificial boobs in a living woman is also gross. I' d rather have a woman with small real boobs than a woman with fake big boobs. Big real boobs are, of course, awesome. The only time I support fake boobage is when one differs from the other or one has had a masectomy or whatnot. Discuss. That' s bullshit. It' s a myth that people got from watching porn, if you would notice, some of the actors with huge dicks have floppy boners instead of the firm rock solid boners a normal person is accustomed to. The reason for this is that in one day they have to fuck several different women for many hours, they also have to do them up the ass which is taxing on their penis. When you' ve been fucking girls up the ass for 5 hours straight your boner gets floppy by the time you' re having sex with the 5th girl. Being a porn actor isn' t easy.
< Message edited by emofag -- 26 Jun 08 3:56:53 >
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 26, 2008 14:35
You quoted the wrong post, dumbass. That clearly means you' ve never felt real boobs.
Iad umboros
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 26, 2008 19:54
I don' t need them. My friend' s partner got them, as she was very small, but her implants still make for a pretty petite cleavage though. They don' t feel real though, they feel like the gel inside keyboard wrist rests. My mate still has fun playing with them though!!!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Fake Boobs
Jun 26, 2008 23:09
Fake boobs do have their advantages. It' s usually the chicks with fake boobs who are the most willing to let you play with them.
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