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EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 01:17
Uk Edge magazine Scores GOW and Other Games The Legend of Zelda : The Twilight Princess (Wii) - 9 <------- wii game Gears of War (X360) - 8 <--------------------------------- Final Fantasy XII (PS2) - 9 <---- ps2 game Wii Sports (Wii) - 7 Red Steel (Wii) - 5 Tony Hawks Project 8 (X360) - 8 Rainbow Six Vegas (X360) -6 <-------------- Must be a joke GTA Vice City Stories (PS2) - 7 Call of Duty 3 (X360) - 7 <----------- funny also Sonic the Hedgehog (X360) - 3 Medieval II (PC) - 8 Dark Messiah (PC) - 7 Super Monkey Ball (Wii) - 7 Guitar Hero II (PS2) - 8 Neverwinter Nights II (PC) - 8 Railroad' s (PC) - 6 Need for Speed Carbon (Multi) - 6 Lumines II (PSP) - 6
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 18 Nov 06 17:18:16 >
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RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 02:05
...no... ....EDGE just hate fanboyism..... Red Steel (Wii) - 5 ...oh dear...
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 02:27
Of the games on the list that I have tested I actually agree with everyone ' cept FFXII (I woulld give that one an 8 as well!) I didn' t expect all that much from Red Steel, but I had hoped
< Message edited by dionysius -- 18 Nov 06 18:28:16 >
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 02:27
Zelda gets another 9, why am I not surprized? but an 8 is a good score, but a 6 for Rainbow Six Vegas, ha, i knew it was nothing fantastic.
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RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 02:30
Zelda gets another 9, why am I not surprized? How could you be surprised, everyone knew the game would be amazing. 8 is a great score. Anyway get Games tm instead, its a far better mag.
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 02:51
Them scores are about right from the games ive played.
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 03:24
Sonic the Hedgehog (X360) - 3 I am not surprised at all that it got such a low score. So thats another shite Sonic game to add to the list.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 05:09
The R6 demo in it self released as a full game is worth more than just a 6 (exageration yes) That game is definetly not going to be a 6. from playing the demo if half the game is half as fun as that, its a definete buy for me!
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 05:13
The Legend of Zelda : The Twilight Princess (Wii) - 9 <------- wii game Completely Agree Gears of War (X360) - 8 <--------------------------------- Disagree this is a 9 game, no doubt about that...you just don' t know games if you think otherwise...8.5 is acceptable as well. Final Fantasy XII (PS2) - 9 <---- ps2 game Deserved an 8...not as good as 10 or the 3 before it. Wii Sports (Wii) - 7 Agree, the games aren' t great but as a free game...how can you argue? Red Steel (Wii) - 5 I don' t agree I think this game was a 7. Tony Hawks Project 8 (X360) - 8 Deserved a 7...Glitch-tastic, only redeeming NEW gameplay feature is the Make-a-trick mode. Rainbow Six Vegas (X360) -6 <-------------- Must be a joke I don' t know...this was probably more of a 7...but all I have is a demo to go off of. GTA Vice City Stories (PS2) - 7 This was probably an 8, but I can' t really say cause I haven' t played it. Call of Duty 3 (X360) - 7 <----------- funny also I agree, the graphics are great...but that alone can' t pull out a great score. Sonic the Hedgehog (X360) - 3 I haven' t played it, have it coming...but if they fixed the controls and camera (from the demo) then this is a 6 if not better. Medieval II (PC) - 8 Can' t say...agree? Dark Messiah (PC) - 7 Agree the gameplay is great, but sadly it is full of glitches and limited customization. Super Monkey Ball (Wii) - 7 It probably deserved an 8. Guitar Hero II (PS2) - 8 8 and up is acceptable. Neverwinter Nights II (PC) - 8 This game had so much stuff, but it didn' t really catch me...don' t know why...agree. Railroad' s (PC) - 6 Probably, I wouldn' t know :P Need for Speed Carbon (Multi) - 6 6 and lower, I think :/ Lumines II (PSP) - 6 Ouch, Lumines was great, wonder what Q got wrong about the sequel.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 06:13
Rainbowsix doesnt dersevre a freakin 6/10. What a joke. GoW a 8/10? Well then you clearly let someone review the game who isnt so much into action games. I saw a idiotic review at gamerkaings where they gaved ff7 6/10 and tyhe fucker wrote,tbh i dont even like jrpg,so my question is,well firts of all good that you admit,many just put the score and pretend they are the right guy to do the reviewmbut WHY DID YOU DO IT STILL? Do i really wanna hear what some drugger at the street things about FF7 for ex? Do i really care what a extrem left wing commie think about companies like seuqre-enix? NO I DONT.
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RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 10:11
I think there is some slight hate for 360 there. It looks like they automatically drop the 360 games one ranking from what they should be. There is no reason gears should be below 9.
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RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 12:01
Edge is like the Simon Cowell of videogame magazines, they didn' t give Halo 2 a 10.... and their reasoning for that was: " We only give out 1 10/10 rating each month, and unfortunately Half Life 2 was reviewed before Halo 2, so we gave Halo 2 a 9.." Don' t feel bad about Edge giving low scores, they give games like Z.O.E 2 a 4/10, but the first one got a 7... WTF??? If you think a game is good then by all means that' s fine, everyone else doesn' t have to like it, and Edge ironically don' t really like any game unless it is of a popular franchise, as they know if they start speaking honestly about on-going franchises and how they REALLY felt about them... Fans of the game would boycott the magazine.. Edge has good media coverage though for a magazine, and that' s all you should really buy Edge for..
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 12:06
This is why I only believe EGM At least they review their games in groups of three, and give their own personal opinions. It sometimes doesn' t leave much room, but the space constraint actually helps in keeping the reviews short and sweet.
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 17:47
Edge is pretty much 100% reliable. It' one of the few mags that I trust. Very, very few (I think 5) games have ever scored a 10. Games that score 7 or above by Edge are a good bet for a very good game. Gears does have problems (A button hugging etc). Have to agree with edge.
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- Joined: Jul 09, 2006
RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 18:08
For people who don' t know. an eight in Edge is the equivalent of a nine in most other magazines, which means pretty damn good then.
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2003
RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 18:34
Edge can be quite harsh at times, but they do have high standards (and sometimes just plain odd). However a lot of the time I do agree with them. Gears I think deserves around 8 to 8.6 overall. You cannot ignore the sometimes erratic A button context sensitive thing, plus the story could have used more fleshing out, even if only though flashy in game cut scenes. Visually no real quams except for the jerky character animations, solid 30fps with all that detail really impresses, though 60fps doesn' t seem out of reach with regards to game detail and effects. Still, Gears was pretty awesome in the end, they really got it together for the finished game. The most fun I' ve had playing a shooter since Halo or the original Quake.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 19 Nov 06 10:34:47 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 19:32
Gears I think deserves around 8 to 8.6 overall. You cannot ignore the sometimes erratic A button context sensitive thing, plus the story could have used more fleshing out, even if only though flashy in game cut scenes. Visually no real quams except for the jerky character animations, solid 30fps with all that detail really impresses, though 60fps doesn' t seem out of reach with regards to game detail and effects. I dont agree, i fully agree with anything above 9, only complaints i have about GoW is the length, whats with people and fleshing out the story? in GoW you are a soldier and you do what you need to do, and you dont have to ask a lot of questions to do it, do you think the soldiers in Irak look much at the political aspects of the current missions they are on? I think the amount of backdrop in GoW is just perfect, the characters are well fleshed out and seem like they are alive, good voice overs. The A button functions perfectly once you learn to read your enviroment!
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 20:25
Visually no real quams except for the jerky character animations, solid 30fps with all that detail really impresses, though 60fps doesn' t seem out of reach with regards to game detail and effects. Yeah, i thought the exact same too. Also must add, the actual ' output' of the 360 really dosent help either.. Although this game has great details, Playing my PC games on the same montior after, i notice more visual impact blasting through my screen, due to the much stronger Progressive Scan signal.. Why is the 360 output soo dull and weak? It soo defeats the object of the 360 having a mighty GPU.. With every 360 title i need to turn the brightness up and the contrast still dosent match up to my other VGa/PS devices (GC, PC, DC).. Ive been told the Wii' s and PS3' s PS output is blindin!! Thanks god.. (although with Nintnedo i expect this as standard)
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 21:51
Yeah right,gears of war worth a 8/10? more bs plz,what is the problem with the control,i also heard someone say that it could be a problem with alots of things by using A button,whqat is the problem? i dont get it. You press a when you' re near cover,or you dont. you press A to roll at the side,whats the problem? If you think thats complicated then you must be a retard. I also heard people saying sometimes when i roll i land to cover,lol at you people press A then,take 1 sec,but has never happend to me. That rainbowsix deserves a 6/10 is just retarded,look at IGN' s review the MP is one of the best their had,and look at the SP,you can even do 4 player co-op. That magazine is BS. Edge is as big as Famitsu, so you cant trust them anymore,the only review Famitsu ever delayed was FF7 dirberg,they hyped it to the roof,then when it was crap they refused to release the review until it had sold out for 3 weeks,then angry letter came in to them,and they gaved it a low score. This is just a ex how they help out certain companies. Yes i even think blue dragon will get a better score then it might deserve thanks to Akira,but that isn' t the point now,they totally trashed the 360 games,and plz dont talk about HIGH STANDARS. I played rainbowsix at friends,you better be fucking kidding me if you say that isnt worth atleats 8/10-9/10. Go and fucking play the game or read other reviews why it deseres those scores. If you really didn' t like action game or rainbowsix serie you should atleast give it 8/10,its nowhere near 7/10 or FREAKINg 6/10. Yeah im sure majority of us 360 owners are gonna thin rainbow six was a 6/10 as all the other magazine/gamingsites YE RIGHJT EDGE,stop fooling the consumers. Now i know i cant trust EGDE nor Famitsu. Gamespot,ign,gamespy then you take the avg score from them+ what friends says,with that i have around 9.5 in GoW and 9.2 with rainbowsix. ahhh finally some real score. I end the post with what someone wrote when he saw this- WORD " Tony Hawk -- which is criticized by almost all major outlets -- beat out Rainbow Six: Vegas, Call of Duty 3, and tied Gears of War?"
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 19 Nov 06 14:00:47 >
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RE: EDGE hates 360!
Nov 19, 2006 23:02
Edge is pretty much 100% reliable. It' one of the few mags that I trust. Very, very few (I think 5) games have ever scored a 10. Games that score 7 or above by Edge are a good bet for a very good game. For people who don' t know. an eight in Edge is the equivalent of a nine in most other magazines, which means pretty damn good then. Edge can be quite harsh at times, but they do have high standards ....your quotes are like a beam of light filling a darkened valley full of nub FB' s...  ... EDGE easily destroys ALL other gaming magazines out there... ... PERIOD... ...gamesTM need to loose that pathetic retro crap (half the frigging magazine!) before they can be considered a worthy opponent).....
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