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EB games Xbox bundles for $700
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EB games Xbox bundles for $700
Aug 24, 2005 01:10
Hey everyone how doyou all feel about these Xbox 360 bundles for $600 for the core and $700 for the other bundle. http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/categories/systems/xbox360/default.asp but DAMN who thinks that is a good deal and plans to buy it? Not me, $700 is way too much for me plus they don' t even let you pick the games you have to get those 4 games they mention which sucks. Also who wants to spend $600 for the core system? Alot of people on 1up.com are not happy about it thinking eb games is riping people off. Not so sure this idea of 2 price points is a good idea plus making them cost so much, $400 is alot of money although it is pretty powerful. MS is suposed to do things right this time not make the same mistake as the first. Just hope the name does not reflect it' s fate by making a full circle and doing what the first Xbox has done espcially in japan if MS plans to succeed. There are 2 games for the Xbox 360 that i seem interested in so far and both from the same company ' Mistwalker' , which are Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey.
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RE: EB games Xbox bundles for $700
Aug 24, 2005 05:14
The bundle is ONLINE ONLY.
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RE: EB games Xbox bundles for $700
Aug 24, 2005 05:16
If it was in europe i had pre-order it right away.
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RE: EB games Xbox bundles for $700
Aug 24, 2005 12:26
Damn, I want that, I WANT THAT! It' s awesome. I mean, 4 F' N awesome games I planed to preorder anyway + the 360 bundle + some more stuff. Why do I have to live in Europe ? =(
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RE: EB games Xbox bundles for $700
Aug 24, 2005 12:56
It' s not that great of a bundle. Buying all those games + accessories seperately would run you around 698 (assuming you got the premium bundle), and then you still have to pay shipping.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: EB games Xbox bundles for $700
Aug 24, 2005 13:00
do you have EB games in europe? why not ask them if they are doing it? MS plans to give Europe the 360 at the close to ours you should get it before christmas.
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RE: EB games Xbox bundles for $700
Aug 24, 2005 15:22
Yes maybe I should really ask them about it. I preordered my 360 anyway at EB Games Europe. Btw. if I didnt make any mistake, the Bundle saves you atleast 10-20$.
Boss Hogg
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RE: EB games Xbox bundles for $700
Aug 24, 2005 17:48
http://www.gamingtarget.com/article.php?artid=4573 these prices are getting ridiculous now $700 core packages [still no hard drive] And who is going to shell out $1200 for the ' ' ultimate' ' bundle?!
< Message edited by boss hogg -- 25 Aug 05 2:09:29 >
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: EB games Xbox bundles for $700
Aug 24, 2005 18:14
the eb games $700 one includes the hard drive. This bundle includes: Xbox 360 Premium System ($399.00) Xbox 360 Game Console Wireless Controller Combination High-Definition Component and Standard A/V Cable 20GB Hard Drive Ethernet Cable Headset Bonus Media Remote Xbox Live Silver Xbox Live Gold 30-Day Trial Perfect Dark Zero Limited Edition Dead or Alive 4 Kameo: Elements of Power Project Gotham Racing 3 Extra Wireless Controller Play & Charge Kit (for extra controller) Rechargeable Battery Pack (for included controller
Boss Hogg
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RE: EB games Xbox bundles for $700
Aug 24, 2005 18:26
Not the Gamespot $700 package.
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RE: EB games Xbox bundles for $700
Aug 24, 2005 18:42
Screw the bundles. I' m getting my premium Xbox package with two games(Oblivion and GR3... maybe a third game too), and probably the play and charge kit. That' s not even $600 bucks. Getting four games and all that other crap at launcb is rediculous. I' ll get the rest of that stuff for Christmas from the money my relatives will send me. $700 right of the bat is just dumb[:' (]
Chee Saw
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RE: EB games Xbox bundles for $700
Aug 25, 2005 05:50
I hate those bundles. I mean, it' s cool if they give you a couple of bucks off, but not being able to choose the games that are included sucks! I mean, it' s not like they' re packed in the box. When I bought my Xbox (release day) I got in line at Circuit City early in the morning. When I finally got in the store, they were like, " you' ve got to buy these games as well." I' m like WTF. I knew you had to buy two games, but I thought you got to choose the titles. That experience just left a bad taste in my mouth. Then, months later Microsoft is bragging about their game-attachment rate and how NFL Fever is selling sooo well for a new franchise. I' m like NO SHIT! You forced people to buy it! That $700 dollar package looks good to me, though (after all my bitching  ). I wasn' t really planning on getting Kameo, however. I was also debating between Gotham and Ridge Racer. I guess they' ve decided that for me!!
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RE: EB games Xbox bundles for $700
Aug 25, 2005 06:02
They basically took those games because,3 of them are published by MS themself,and they want 4 diffrent genre;FPS,RACING,PLATTFORM and BEATM EM UP.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: EB games Xbox bundles for $700
Aug 25, 2005 12:47
I' m starting to hate the video game industry Read this article and tell me if you get as rotten a taste in your mouth as I did. Seriously, it used to be that the purpose of bundles was to allow the consumer to get a better deal in exchange for spending more money at said store. After reading this it appears corporate America has forgotten this idea and gone with the idea that consumers must be so stupid when it comes to bundles that even though they aren' t getting a deal they' ll still buy one anyways. I mean seriously it' s actually more expensive than buying the items seperately unless you count the 1 year service plan which works out to 30 bucks. If your brand new XBOX 360 is failing after 1 year, I think your beef should be with microsoft, not the store you bought it from, and I cannot imagine Microsoft not replacing your unit (Hell Sony replaced my 2 year old PS2 for free with a brand new one, all I had to do was talk for half an hour.). I am boycotting these two stores (gamestop and EB) simply for treating me and fellow gamers like idiots. EB games I guess at least gives a little deal with the components seperately adding up to 721 vs the 699 for the ultimate bundle, but even still this is only a 3%, THREE PERCENT, savings, and you don' t get to pick your games. As it is most of the games they are advertising at 59.99, and like I' m not giong to be able to find it those games 10 bucks cheaper at Wal Mart, or Future shop.
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 25 Aug 05 20:58:05 >
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: EB games Xbox bundles for $700
Aug 25, 2005 13:09
which is why i don' t buy games from them. I buy them at best buy because i also have the reward zone. For every $150 you get a $5 gift card i know it doesn' t sound like much but they do offer bounus points and extra points for stuff. But think about it this way, if you are goign to buy the stuff anyways why not get free stuff for buying them through best buy? We bought a 27" HDTV for like $700 and with the bonus points i went and bought a DVD box set for practically free, well you gotta pay for the taxes but i think it' s totally worth it. So far i have earned around $100 worth of free gift cards just for buying stuff i want.
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