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E3 Xbox360 Trailers (which were prerendered CG?)
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E3 Xbox360 Trailers (which were prerendered CG?)
May 31, 2005 01:11
Actually i' m just concerned about 1 trailer. That of Project Gotham Racing 3. I mean, if the game looks like that when whoa!! i' m totally sold on to the 360!
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RE: E3 Xbox360 Trailers (which were prerendered CG?)
May 31, 2005 04:39
Bizzare sys it' s in game. Totally Xbox J Allard said it was a mix between in game and CG. Basically from what was said, it' s a bout half and half. There' s no definie word on it though.
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- Joined: Aug 28, 2003
RE: E3 Xbox360 Trailers (which were prerendered CG?)
May 31, 2005 20:47
At least it' s not as bad as Sony. That video of Killzone was so blatantly CG. As was the Formula 1 game, Tekken and Final Fantasy.
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- Joined: Jun 13, 2003
RE: E3 Xbox360 Trailers (which were prerendered CG?)
May 31, 2005 22:06
well if some of it is CG that means some of it isn' t! i haven' t seen a single crap angle of the trailer. Maybe the CG parts are the ones where the cars don' t follow the physics of real skidding. Or maybe where there' s motion blur.
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RE: E3 Xbox360 Trailers (which were prerendered CG?)
Jun 01, 2005 14:57
I think the initial shots of the cars and the shot where the yellow car is flying in the air right before landing on he street is in game. then it' s kinda back and forth from there.
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RE: E3 Xbox360 Trailers (which were prerendered CG?)
Jun 03, 2005 18:16
I think that those trailers were a bit f***ed up in terms of gameplay. Im goin to guess that its completely pre-rendered because the game looks closer to a pixar movie than a game
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RE: E3 Xbox360 Trailers (which were prerendered CG?)
Jun 03, 2005 23:38
It' s much easier to make graphics like that in a car game than it is to make it in a war game.
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RE: E3 Xbox360 Trailers (which were prerendered CG?)
Jun 06, 2005 02:38
*cough* killzone *cough*
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RE: E3 Xbox360 Trailers (which were prerendered CG?)
Jun 06, 2005 16:31
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RE: E3 Xbox360 Trailers (which were prerendered CG?)
Jun 06, 2005 17:11
oh jars i' d get that killzone cough checked out, trust me it can cause some inbasreing moments. Expect a feature film next Augest.
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- Joined: Jun 13, 2003
RE: E3 Xbox360 Trailers (which were prerendered CG?)
Jun 06, 2005 18:55
i dunno. I' ve been dizzy all week.
Chee Saw
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RE: E3 Xbox360 Trailers (which were prerendered CG?)
Jun 07, 2005 03:38
ORIGINAL: Gossi_the_dog At least it' s not as bad as Sony. That video of Killzone was so blatantly CG. As was the Formula 1 game, Tekken and Final Fantasy. Hey guys, you never know! Sony might actually be right on the money this time. I mean if they believe that the system will be capable of putting out those types of graphics, who are we to say otherwise? I mean it' s not like they have a track record of being wrong about these types of things. Right...? Right...? Oh wait... nevermind.
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RE: E3 Xbox360 Trailers (which were prerendered CG?)
Jun 07, 2005 07:41
That' s right, nevermind!, there' s no such thing as fairness, or consideration, in the world of bashing! haha! it' s a pride thing! :P
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RE: E3 Xbox360 Trailers (which were prerendered CG?)
Jun 07, 2005 07:45
but maybe it' s too early to be bashing. Hmmm, i' m gonna buy the machine that proves to be more powerful. But until then, for the sake of the fun of bashing... i' ll just pick a side. Xbox360 it is! until proven inferior! (due in part... to an Xbox 1 bias, and totally no information whatsoever on the Revolution).
Timothy Cobbs
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RE: E3 Xbox360 Trailers (which were prerendered CG?)
Jun 07, 2005 08:07
  who knows maybe they can fix up some of the old ps and ps2 games and refurnish them as ps 3 games with some extra fetures lik the original FF 1-8 they need to be redone and so does any game like that with the cg graphics count the most
Timothy Cobbs
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- Joined: Jun 06, 2005
RE: E3 Xbox360 Trailers (which were prerendered CG?)
Jun 07, 2005 08:09
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- Joined: Jun 13, 2003
RE: E3 Xbox360 Trailers (which were prerendered CG?)
Jun 07, 2005 08:26
difficult to see, the future is...
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