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Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Drink Preferance
Aug 25, 2004 00:18
Heheh in m town the Law Enforcement arnt to strict as long as you have a alcohol free driver... Weirdest thing happend to me and my firends awhile back. We all coming home form a party pretty much wasted beyond beleif so we have are only friend who drank just water and juices drive...thing is she didnt have a license. So neways its like 2 am and we get pulled over ( I dont remeber what for) the cop comes to the dirver side asks some stuff looks at the passengers and can tell whats going on. She knows we underage and drunk and she knows the driver dont have a license and tried using a fake name just prior to admitting the truth that she dotn have one at all...but she allows us to go. We all went home and as drunk as we were knew that soming like that wouldnt happen often at all and have been a lil more careful since. I dont live in some small isolated town neither. its a pretty big place.
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
RE: Drink Preferance
Sep 09, 2004 16:44
My top five drinks are: Drum roll please... 5) Water 4) Red mountain Dew (recently updated) 3) Tea 2) Milk ...and my new number one drink is... 1) Diet Dr Pepper!!!
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 1/18/2005 12:22:21 PM >
Starman Anthony
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- Joined: Aug 24, 2004
- Location: Germantown, MD
RE: Drink Preferance
Sep 09, 2004 16:51
I love drinking Coffee every morning before I go to school and then once I travel 2 hours to get to my school get another Coffe and bring it to class. Mmmm the smell of Coffee in the morning nothing beats that.
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- Joined: Sep 10, 2004
RE: Drink Preferance
Sep 11, 2004 16:02
Cap' t Morgan is my poison. other than that, a nice cherry faygo. I just am able to drink it like water (not that i do). i used to have a girlfriend who could drink everclear like that... *shudders* i think thats kinda gross.
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- Joined: Apr 14, 2004
RE: Drink Preferance
Dec 27, 2004 14:15
i am a Jack Daniels feind. i like Guiness but i like Sex on the Beach and Long Island ice teas. Long Island Ice Teas will kill you. not really but they are really good and they will take you out.
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- Joined: Aug 28, 2003
RE: Drink Preferance
Dec 29, 2004 14:16
Hot drink: Coffee especially cappuccino Soft drink: Mineral Water Alcoholic drink: Guiness Cocktail: Mohito :)
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
RE: Drink Preferance
Jan 11, 2005 14:30
1 mountain dew pitch black 2 mountain dew live wire 3 propel fitness water black cherry
Starman Anthony
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- Joined: Aug 24, 2004
- Location: Germantown, MD
RE: Drink Preferance
Jan 11, 2005 15:29
Hmmm ooh I also like to drink Yoo-Hoo chocolate drink. Esp. when they are in 15oz cans.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Drink Preferance
Jan 12, 2005 06:22
MGD or Gin and tonic. yummy!
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- Joined: Dec 06, 2004
- Location: DC
RE: Drink Preferance
Jan 12, 2005 15:27
A cold diet coke has really been doin it for me recently. I recommend it. or fountain dr pepper. thats awwwwesome.
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- Joined: Mar 02, 2003
- Location: London
RE: Drink Preferance
Jan 14, 2005 18:36
I mainly drink JD+Coke or Vodka+Redbull! And I love sambuca shots too!
Adam Doree
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- Joined: Feb 19, 2003
- Location: Leicester Square
RE: Drink Preferance
Jan 14, 2005 21:13
<homer simpson> BEER. </homer simpson>
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- Joined: Jun 23, 2004
- Location: NS, Canada (living in Rhode Island)
RE: Drink Preferance
Jan 16, 2005 19:35
And I love sambuca shots too! Sambuca - yummy -- love that black licorice taste!
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Drink Preferance
Jan 17, 2005 14:35
I sort of invented a drink a couple of weeks ago. This girl I know had a bottle of Vodka that needed to be dispensed of. So she bought a wine-esque bottle of Cranberry juice. She made the mistake of mixing the entire bottle of Cranberry juice with the entire bottle of Vodka. The result was a slight taste of Cranberry mixed in with the Vodka. So I went to work on it and the result I dubbed, " Smokey Mountain Sunset" , because of the color and that I live in Tennessee. I' ve been told that this is very similar to a Tequila Sunrise, but just a bit different. I' ve never had a TS so I don' t know if it tastes near as good, but if it does then it' s on to something. The first thing you need is one of those big dippers, like the kind you use to dip out soup. Dip out one thing full of your Vodka/Cranberry juice combination. Then my suggestion is Orange Slice, but any Orange flavored drink should work. You pour the Orange Slice until your drink resembles an orangish/red (the color of the sunset, lol). Then drink...I promise you one thing. You wouldn' t even know you are drinking alcohol. It' s so crazy and it tastes so good that if you are not careful you will get drunk pretty fast.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Drink Preferance
Jan 18, 2005 06:05
quote: And I love sambuca shots too! Sambuca - yummy -- love that black licorice taste! Sambuca is one of those shots where it can go down smooth like butter one minute, and then the next shot kills you and burns like fire. It never fails to surprise me.
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- Joined: Oct 31, 2004
RE: Drink Preferance
Jan 24, 2005 08:10
Mass X don' t lie to these nice people. You don' t just have sips of Vodka, you drink bottles at a time.  I on the other hand have never drank a sip of liquor in my life. I stick to pop (or soda as you none Minnesotans call it.) My number one favorite pop is Sprite Remix Berry Clear. But I also love Water and Milk. The best kind of milk is French Vanilla. Oooo, and Dairy Queen French Vanilla Moo Lattee, that' s where it is at.
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