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Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
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Vx Chemical
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Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 07, 2007 00:32
Intresting to think about, though i seriously doubt it, this would be the hardest time to enter the console market for a new contestant, it would be fun though Trademark application sparks excitement over SEGA re-entry into console market. SEGA Corporation has filed a new application to protect the trademark Dreamcast - sparking rumours that the Japanese publisher is planning on making a shock return to the console manufacturing market with the Dreamcast 2. The application, sent to the United States Patent and Trademark Office' s Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) dated August 13 2007, relates to: " Home video game machines; player-operated electronic controllers for electronic video game machines; video game interactive controller, namely, hand held pads, and floor pads or mats; joysticks for video games; computer cursor control devices, namely, computer mouse; flash memory cards; video game software, computer game programs" . Web chatter suggests the proof is in the detail of the application - the original Dreamcast didn' t have a floor mat accessory and the Dreamcast' s Visual Memory Unit (VMU) is far from the flash memory cards we know and use today - although we' d say that the VMU is pretty similar to the modern day memory cards. The filing could, of course, simply be a further effort from SEGA to protect the Dreamcast name. According to the USPTO the original Dreamcast trademark is still active. However, the two descriptions are very different. You can see the original trademark description here. We' ve contacted SEGA UK for comment. We' ll update you on this potentially megaton story as we get it. link
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 07, 2007 01:01
hand held pads, and floor pads or mats; Stomp your feet, grandma! FASTER!!!
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 07, 2007 01:13
I' m so stupid that I' d buy anything Sega releases. Price, quality, function or whatever would make no difference. I' d buy it.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 07, 2007 01:20
I' m so stupid that I' d buy anything Sega releases. Price, quality, function or whatever would make no difference. I' d buy it. I guess we' re both members of the same " Stupid" Club
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 07, 2007 01:26
Stupid Club wooooooooooooooo! I' d buy it day one.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 07, 2007 01:32
Well, whether id buy it or not depends on whether or not it has decent games!
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 07, 2007 01:45
If it' s true and even if it was a piece of crap that broke down every 5 days I' d still buy it because it has the SEGA name on it. Just hope they would use a SEGA!!! scream. I really miss those. Grew up with SEGA and even if they are putting out crappy game after crappy game I just can' t help but get my hands on them...just for that damn logo so I can say to my friends " Look I have a new SEGA game" and they' re like " You actually play that crap"  hehehe guess I' m just a SEGAnerd Although it' s highly unlikely that this will happen. Don' t see where they' d get the money from anyway. If it would be true ukresistance is going to have a field day. They should start their blue sky in games campaign again then
< Message edited by demonoroth -- 6 Dec 07 17:52:35 >
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 07, 2007 02:12
Dont be silly, we know you have no friends Maybe this has more to do with DC games on PSN or XBL. That seems more plausible than DC2.
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 07, 2007 02:13
It wouldn' t stand a chance.
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 07, 2007 02:16
Where would the money come from though? Would they even have enough for this kind of move?
Joe Redifer
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 07, 2007 02:42
I' d rather see a Saturn 2 than a Dreamcast 2. Hell, I don' t care what they call it, just as long as it has a number in the name!!!!!!
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 07, 2007 03:59
the only way sega has hope to enter this market and succeed is to compete on the tech level, they will probably release a console based on quantum technology ... right...
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 07, 2007 08:27
I' m so stupid that I' d buy anything Sega releases. Price, quality, function or whatever would make no difference. I' d buy it.
I see no reason why I wouldnt buy it. After all, I did buy a wii
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 07, 2007 11:03
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx Dont be silly, we know you have no friends I do happen to know that he does though :P Anyway, this would be cool and I would buy it without doubting. But I also guess that they might' ve got the patent because they' ll release some games in downloadable form. Maybe this particular fact wasn' t included in the original one?
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 07, 2007 14:26
If they' re actually thinking of releasing Dreamcast games on PSN or XBOXL, that would be a fantastic move. That little bomb had tons of great games. I drool at the possibility of Shenmue and Omikron (yes, even when faulty, I enjoyed quite a bit) for download
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 07, 2007 16:43
I doubt they could re-enter the console market where would the money come from? MS managed to break in to the market at the expense of great wads of cash, but I don' t see Sega with such great reserves, unless someone major behind the scenes can fund it. Maybe they are going to team up with MS and release the next xbox in Japan under the Sega name!!!
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 07, 2007 17:11
People speculated about another SEGA console the last time SEGA filed this kind of application. Hint: It has nothing to do with another SEGA created console. Question: Has anybody ever heard of videogamer.com before?
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 08, 2007 01:58
UPDATE>>>Sega: No plans on getting back into console business HERE Regards-Alimn
< Message edited by alimn -- 7 Dec 07 22:58:51 >
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 08, 2007 03:52
Ain' t happening. I' ll bet my mint-condish original copy of Dreamcast Magazine on it. Not to say I wouldn' t be the first crazy fool to camp for one... but the likelihood was slim to begin with.
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RE: Dreamcast 2 in the Works?
Dec 08, 2007 06:48
^It seems you' ve not seen the update! Anyway, Scibetta couldn’t say why Sega updated the trademark, he did say he’s looking into the matter, so hopefully, we’ll hear something soon. I guess that SEGA is going to release Dremcast games on LIVE with a new service... Or maybe they' ve plans for far future...(from now) Regards-Alimn
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