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Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
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Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Nov 28, 2006 03:12
Guerrilla Games is to release downloadable chapters for its action sequel Killzone on PS3, internet reports are claiming. Details are sketchy, but it looks like the content will be appear post release of the full game and comprise of new levels or chapters, potentially continuing the single-player storyline. Whether they are huge standalone episodes (similar to Half-Life 2' s Episode 1 and 2) or smaller levels remains to be seen. According to the reports, gamers will be able to download the content via PlayStation Store - for cash. .....thank you WOW...  ...
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- Joined: Oct 04, 2006
RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Nov 28, 2006 03:15
So, wait this means you' re gonna have to pay more to finish the game or these chapters will be released as new stuff that has nothing to do with Story just made to make the game replay value higher?
< Message edited by Shikashi -- 27 Nov 06 19:16:39 >
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RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Nov 28, 2006 03:59
You' re like Quez used to be: Don' t mention the source...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Nov 28, 2006 04:25
So i have to put up with paying for additional content on PS3 as well as 360?! Fuck!
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RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Nov 28, 2006 05:42
Ye,you really thought sony had bigger HD not to sell alot of game contet on=
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RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Nov 28, 2006 05:57
It' s their excuse to develop more vaporware.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Nov 28, 2006 06:39
A Source would be nice  . Hmm if the Killzone game is complete and you can add additional chapters to add more value then its fine, but the real question is how much game does US$60 get you in the current generation of games? What is the minimum average of gaming hours should one get for the money (before they are allowed to release seperate add on content)? 10 hours of gaming? Does multiplayer options count? I wouldn' t be surprised if killzone uses a similar system to gran turismo (ie cars and tracks sold seperately) I hope Nintendo does not take this path (they shouldn' t need alternate revenue streams because they make a profit and not a loss like with ps3) or i will be pissed (won' t touch games that do that).
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RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Nov 28, 2006 06:54
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RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Nov 28, 2006 08:38
ORIGINAL: Terrak A Source would be nice . Hmm if the Killzone game is complete and you can add additional chapters to add more value then its fine, [but the real question is how much game does US$60 get you in the current generation of games? What is the minimum average of gaming hours should one get for the money (before they are allowed to release seperate add on content)? 10 hours of gaming? Does multiplayer options count? I wouldn' t be surprised if killzone uses a similar system to gran turismo (ie cars and tracks sold seperately) Thats a really good question, well i got Resistance and Ridge Racer 7 for my PS3 and both will have extra content to be downloaded from the PS Store, and i have to sai im pretty happy whit the on-disc content in both games, they both have a real lot of game inside, there are a lot of Cars and tracks and Resistance FoM has almost everythig it needs, i dont know if they are gonna sell more weapos but that would be just great. In games like GT HD i guess they do that because its just too expensive, i mean Pholypony Digital always fills its games whit a hell of alot of cars, and alot of tracks, and now every premium car has 10 times more poligons than the GT4 cars, i guess they are very expensive to make.
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RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Nov 28, 2006 09:05
I have to agree with you there, the licensing for all the real cars (was it 700 or something) would cost a pretty penny on top of the already high development costs. The extra cost for tracks on the other hand is questionable. I can see why sony had no option to go this way (i honestly didn' t think of the car licensing costs). Lets hope that US$50-60 still gets you a full game that offers the same amount of game content that games from previous generations (xbox1, ps2 and GC) had. What to people here think is the minimum average gaming hours a game should have to be deemed worth the US$50-60? IMO 15-20hrs for single player games shouldn' t be too much to ask. Multiplayer content should also be considered in the calculations somehow.
Dead Saint
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RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Nov 28, 2006 20:33
This DLC is really starting to piss me off!
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RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Nov 28, 2006 21:23
It' s unlikely to be related to the main game (story wise) so it really doesn' t bother me one iota. If I don' t want it I won' t buy it, it' s really that simple.
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RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Nov 28, 2006 23:44
This DLC is really starting to piss me off! ...definitely... .....personally, i blame all those nerds playing World of Warcredit....
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RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Nov 29, 2006 05:16
Downloadable content? Like via-episode? All on your 60 gig HDD? If what Sony is claiming is true then the content is going to be absolutely huge. Assume a normal game is their standard 25gigs, and suppose the expansion/whatever else is 1/3 the size of the full game, pretty normal. Thats almost an ENTIRE DVD! There' s a very simple solution to all of this, which would be to buy a bigger HDD. But from what I' ve heard, their downloads take longer than average. Imagine dowloading the Dead Rising demo eight times, that' d be the estimated time for Killzone Episode 1 to hit your HDD, that' s bare minimum time I might add.  Stupid move IMO. I like walking out of the shop with the enitre game in my hands.
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RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Nov 29, 2006 06:37
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated Stupid move IMO. I like walking out of the shop with the enitre game in my hands. Amen to that!
Vx Chemical
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RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Nov 29, 2006 16:54
...definitely... .....personally, i blame all those nerds playing World of Warcredit.... Would you please make sense?
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Nov 30, 2006 04:54
I don' t blame the nerds playing Warcraft. The normal people either. The nerds have got no money, no car, and no job, and no life, so transactions of any kind aren' t an issue for them. And the normal people invest modestly. Blizzard however, let the cheap shots begin![:' (]
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 29 Nov 06 20:55:14 >
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RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Dec 01, 2006 00:27
...definitely... .....personally, i blame all those nerds playing World of Warcredit.... Would you please make sense? ...sorry dude... ....my bad... ..definitely... ..personally, i blame all those geeks playing World of Warcash.... ...fixed...
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- Joined: Oct 01, 2006
RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Dec 01, 2006 01:33
Ye,you really thought sony had bigger HD not to sell alot of game contet on Ehrm.. Maximum filesize in PSN Store is currently 500MB, the biggest Sony HDD = 60 GB.. You can download probably 100 additional chapters then, before you needed a bigger HDD, than the biggest Sony HDD.. And since Sony is much nicer than the evil Microsoft; wich is playing their trojan horse game forcing their customers to use Microsoft harddrives or nothing, you can install a 120GB Seagate, or Western Digital HDD if you choose.. then you' d get room for atleast the next 200 chapters.. So, then you' d be stuck with 300 Killzone chapters in your 2 Hardrives.. hooray.. And if you still worry about room on your harddisk, you should start worrying about getting a life instead. :)
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: Downloadable chapters for Killzone PS3?
Dec 01, 2006 03:15
wich is playing their trojan horse game forcing their customers to use Microsoft harddrives or nothing,
Ahem... Rampage? You wanna take this one? Ah whatever. All your base baby...
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