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Do you Vote?
May 12, 2007 06:33
Do you vote?, the general elections are being held in Ireland right now, that means I dont care, and dont vote, maybe when I get older. But do you vote? reasons?
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: Do you Vote?
May 12, 2007 06:45
Do you vote?, the general elections are being held in Ireland right now, that means I dont care, and dont vote, maybe when I get older. But do you vote? reasons? Our General Election is being held in two weeks not now. Its only the build up now. What do you mean you dont care! So you dont care who our next Government will be?  I will be voting in two weeks, this is my first opportunity to vote. Why wait till you are older? Why not vote now? I will be voting because I like to have a say who runs our country. I think when you do have the opportunity to vote you should. There are people in countries around the world who would kill to get an oportunity to vote.
< Message edited by Duffman -- 11 May 07 23:01:55 >
Evil Man
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RE: Do you Vote?
May 12, 2007 08:11
I don' t vote. Although they make it so easy to vote nowadays, you can practically go to your local supermarket and vote, one of these days I' ll say " ah what the heck" and vote.
< Message edited by Evil man -- 12 May 07 0:11:50 >
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RE: Do you Vote?
May 12, 2007 08:31
if you don' t vote then you haven' t earned the right to criticise those in power for not representing your needs.
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: Do you Vote?
May 12, 2007 08:50
I vote, but I usually vote independent. ....which means my vote really doesn' t matter. Stupid f*cking two party government we have.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Do you Vote?
May 12, 2007 14:37
I have voted and I have also not voted. I usually hate the choices of candidates that I am given.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Do you Vote?
May 12, 2007 16:30
I vote. Why not? Canada has a real system of democracy and not a two party system. I don' t know how Americans put up with that shit. Canadians have so much choice we even have a Communist party as well as a Marijuana party. Democrates suck and Republicans blow, they just take turns. That' s the extent of your choices. I' m surprised Americans haven' t burned down the Whitehouse yet. How do you bring new ideas to the table with a system like that? They control everything! It' s practically a two party dictatorship. The worst part is that anyone can donate money to the politicians. Monetary donations are capped but you can still fund advertisements and canidate promotions without restriction. That' s why so many American politicians are in someones pockets.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Do you Vote?
May 13, 2007 00:49
we even have a Communist party as well as a Marijuana party. I' d vote for that! ... Yeah, we should just go ahead and declare ourselves a dictatorship.
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: Do you Vote?
May 13, 2007 04:30
I dont vote for several reasons. 1) The choice of Gordon Brown or David Cameron is not a choice! 2) How dyu know what they promise is what they' ll end up doing?? 3) It' s a popularity contest anyway. 4) The majority of people in this country dont have a ***ing clue what' s in everyone' s best interests. 5) I dont really have a clue either! 6) The voting system only exists so people feel as though they have the freedom to choose. The most powerful way of changing a country is by changing mass public opinion, usually though the media.
< Message edited by choupolo -- 12 May 07 22:48:06 >
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RE: Do you Vote?
May 13, 2007 11:55
If you don' t vote, you don' t have the right to bitch about who' s in office. Simple as that. I hate our political system, but I can make sure that those who I don' t support get one less chunk of the vote.
Evil Man
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- Location: Middle of nowhere
RE: Do you Vote?
May 13, 2007 12:01
Right... because your vote makes the difference when the guy you wanted in office loses by 500,000 votes. It wouldn' t have made a difference if he lost by 499,999 votes, he' d still have lost. There is nothing you can do to stop millions of stupid ****s from voting for the wrong candidate, your single vote means nothing against the horde of morons.
< Message edited by Evil man -- 13 May 07 4:01:59 >
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RE: Do you Vote?
May 13, 2007 17:08
I think voting is important. If your party wins or loses doesn' t matter. It' s about taking a stand and making the little difference you can. No one can save everyone, but everyone can save someone. Every single vote is important. A single grain of rice can tip the scale. If people think " meh, my vote makes no difference" then it' s less a democracy. Everyone' s vote is needed. Personally, I think voting should be mandatory. I don' t care if people vote candidates that I completely hate. At least they voted, at least they wanted something and they actually did all they could to make a difference. Instead of the people without hope who just stays at home doing nothing. I think it' s better to at least try to do something instead of just giving up on everything.
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: Do you Vote?
May 13, 2007 22:47
I think there should be more voting, actually. The whole election year should play out kind of like American Idol. That would eliminate some of the bullcrap we have to endure from the party system.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Do you Vote?
May 14, 2007 00:04
The whole election year should play out kind of like American Idol Imagine that, would be Politicans begging Sharon Osborne for just one more chance.
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: Do you Vote?
May 14, 2007 00:12
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber The whole election year should play out kind of like American Idol Imagine that, would be Politicans begging Sharon Osborne for just one more chance. Haha, you know what I mean. There should be a way were the citizens through a series of elections get to decide who is really the most popular canidate. Not just the guy who each party selects as a front-runner. Maybe more like sports finals or something. Gimme a bit..it makes sense somewhere in my head, but I' m sleepy as hell.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Do you Vote?
May 14, 2007 04:24
There should be a way were the citizens through a series of elections get to decide who is really the most popular canidate. Not just the guy who each party selects as a front-runner. Yeah, there is a way to do that. It' s called Instant Runoff Voting. Using an IRV system, voters can vote their conscience first and foremost. Then, if that doesn' t work out, you' ve already assigned second and third choices for your vote. I do vote most of the time... but clearly voting makes more difference on a local, small-scale level than on a national level.
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- Location: The Caribbean
RE: Do you Vote?
May 18, 2007 09:51
yeah I voted twice and its time for me to vote again, elections are coming up. But why bother. My government sucks, and i LOATH politics. Why even bother to vote...the politicians are all corrupt.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Do you Vote?
May 18, 2007 10:01
Naturally, the corrupt politicians are thrilled to instill that attitude in a significant percentage of the populace.
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