I' ve always liked the Colin McRae games and i' ve been fairly impressed by everything i' ve seen of DiRT so far.
I didn' t expect to like MotorStorm half as much as i' ve ended up doing, and while i' d be the first to point out that it has it' s issues, i still consider it to be one of the best launch titles i' ve played on any console.
DiRT brings some welcome changes, that it would seem have been inspired by MotorStorm. Multiple offroad vehicle categories, deformable terrain, more emphasis on physics and actual ingame opponents as opposed to ghost data and split times. Those changes coupled with the usual ability to modify your vehicles performance and Need For Speed/Forza-esque customization options should make for an interesting racing experience.
Graphically it looks gorgeous. Easily on par with MotorStorm, and the track detail looks to be even nicer. I' m a little bothered that the backgrounds appear to go into a fullscreen blur like in PGR3 but it could work and it' s not a major problem.
I' ll definitely be picking it up upon it' s release. It appears to be shaping up quite nicely.