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DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
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Jason Zeidan
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DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 06, 2005 11:30
I just love comparing the Nintendo DS and the Sony PSP; they' re just meant to be rivals! Anyway, it looks like the August release list is upon us, and it seems the DS is getting quite a healthy roster, let' s take a look: Nintendo DS Lost in Blue Nintendogs Pac N Roll Advance Wars: Dual Strike Metroid Prime Hunters (?) Big Mutha Truckers Sony PSP Death Jr. Madden NFL 2006 TT Superbikes There may be delays for MP and Lost in Blue for DS, but it still has a better lineup that PSP this month with Advance Wars and Nintendogs alone. But anyway, let' s discuss the future. What future titles are you looking forward to for PSP and DS? And which do you think will get more and better games in the coming months and years, ' coz that' s always a hoot... Here' s my list: Sony PSP wishlist: Gran Turismo 4: Mobile Madden NFL 2006 Daxter Virtua Tennis FFVII Advent Children Nintendo DS wishlist: Nintendogs: Dachshund and friends Advance Wars: Dual Strike Metroid Prime Hunters New Super Mario Bros. Animal Crossing DS Mario Kart DS Trauma Center: Under the Knife What are your thoughts?
< Message edited by Jason Zeidan -- 7 Aug 05 17:27:42 >
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RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 06, 2005 13:58
The games i want are the Square-Enix games. Also new Super Mario Bros, Castlevania, Animal Crossing, Advance wars, Nanostray looks like a cool shooter, Mario Kart (OF COURSE hehe). Curious about lost in Blue and Jump Superstars which is like a Super Smash Bros. There are tons of games i want on the DS But i have yet to see one that i even care about on the PSP. Why would i care about buying Advent Children when i can get it on DVD and i want that special collector' s edition with all the extra stuff. I have only a few games right now (low on cash) so i have Polarium (fun but really hard which is a good challenge i am on the 21st board on the puzzle mode), Zoo Keeper, and the Mario 64 which i beat and got all thje stars and is a really fun game. I also want to get a bunch of games which are already out liek Meteos and Kirby.
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RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 06, 2005 14:22
this month there is hardly any good games coming out for the psp other than death jr.but later on lots of great psp games are gonna come out and beat the DS
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 06, 2005 16:42
Lack of PSP games? Yeah. Future games that' ll beat DS? Maybe not. All I can think of for future PSP hits are GT4 and GTA, and I can only imagine portable PS2 games coming out for it. For DS, I can imagine many games that use the mic, maybe a new Karaoke Revolution, games like Katamari or Okami, or 16 player gaming using just one card. That' ll be sweet..
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RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 06, 2005 16:50
I really want Castlevania on the DS. Advance Wars, Mario Kart and Nintendogs should keep me happy. The immediate PSP lineup isn' t great but Virtua Tennis is from what I heard awesome and is currently due for a release on the 1st of September to coincide with the European launch of the handheld. I' d also like to see an American release of Breath of Fire III as soon as possible.
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RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 06, 2005 17:26
sorry but i don' t think that is gonna happen the DS has TOO BIG of a lead and too many great games to be beaten. Can you name 3 games for the PSP to come out and be able to beat the DS with Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, Castlevania, and New Mario bros etc.. ? Sorry i don' t mean to say the PSP sucks it' s just it got just big hype and i don' t see what the big deal is. Plus Sony seems to care more about pushing their UMD format. They have a horrible record at trying to establish a new format (like Beta-Max, Mini-disk, and now trying to push UMD and Blu-Ray down our throat). The PSP doesn' t really do anythign NEW. Play movie ok i can do that better with a portable DVD player and play my OWN DVD' s on a much bigger screen and cheaper, plays Mp3' s which is already doable with throwing them onto a CD and playing them in the car or portable CD player with Mp3 playback or portable MP3 player. Plus the PSP has had more faults and problems then anythign i ever heard of like the dead pixels which happened to my friend' s just after a short bit. It also smears easily and always looks dirty. Also the PSP i hear has annoyingly long load times and the DS has NONE. Not to mention expensive with no promise of longetivity like Nintendo products have.
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 06, 2005 20:09
you just read my mind, Phoenixxx.
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RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 07, 2005 17:28
Hmm...PSP slaying going on here! (P.S. Portable DVD players cost, lowest, 450, the PSP is way better, and cheaper, for playing movies. Plus it has MP3 and Picture albums) Oh, I forgot, It has the internet too. Upcoming PSP games I want: Battlefied 2 SOCOM Death Jr. Burnout LEMMINGS!!! And all of the many RPG' s coming out... Plus, I don' t have to be embarrassed to play my PSP in public places, the DS takes bulky and kiddish to a new level. I don' t want to start a fight (though I' m asking for it  ) just trying to defend my PSP.
< Message edited by TXSPheonix -- 8 Aug 05 1:29:41 >
Jason Zeidan
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RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 07, 2005 20:45
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RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 08, 2005 20:36
sorry i have to same my peace hehe. the DVD players do not cost at least $450 i have seen a bunch for under $200 like this one http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=7015794&productCategoryId=pcmcat13900050018&type=product&cmp=++&id=1099394245802 $140 for a 7" plus UMD' s don' t have any features DVD' s do and DVD' s are cheaper, so how are UMD' s better? the DS sells better, it even overtook the PS2 in Japan for sales this year. The PSP is glassware it is very fragile and gets very dirty fast. ok name me some of those RPG' s the PSP is getting. The DS is getting Lunar, Eggmonster heroes, Dragon Quest games, Final Fantasy 3, Secret of Mana, among others plus the DS is getting it' s own Katamari Damacy. Plus the games you mention don' t interest me in the least except lemmings has me a little curious but not enough to buy a PSP. But they ruined lemmings when it went 3D also it' s a 15 year old 8-bit game and that is supposed to beat the DS? Don' t think so. I was not flaming the PSP i just don' t think it' s worth the price with all the faults, poor library, poor loading times, and is MUCH more bulky then the DS. the DS fits in my pocket just fine if you even attempt that with the PSP it will break or scratch the screen. Plus the PSP is not durable my friend' s PSP got 5 or 6 dead pixels in about a month. The DS does not have bad graphics. Super Mario 64 looks good to me. Plus if you even attempt to put the PSP setting high it will drain the batteries. The only thing the PSP has going for itself that i think is cool is not even endorsed by Sony and they hate it is the Homebrew emulator to play NES/SNES. Which my friend who works at a game store bought his PSP at his employee discount for the sole purpose to play the emulator. How are you embarrassed to hold a DS? Everyone i have showed it to think it' s cool. It' s not kiddy, the only kiddy aspect of it is that it' s Kid proof you can drop it bang it. Beat it up and it will still work perfectly. If you even attempt that with a PSP it will be destroyed. The DS has a MP3 player called the Play yan. I also have something called the GBA movie player which also does MP3' s, pictures, e-books, emulator (but no save feature yet). it' s only cost $20 so you can' t expect the best quality for it but it does the job good. Plus it uses standard compact flash cards so i can throw on any show or movie i record and covert it to a mpeg or avi and play it just fine on it. So in other words the DS can do everything the PSP and more stuff the PSP cannot do plus it' s cheaper and has much better games. Here are the Japanese console sales for the week of July 25 - 31: Nintendo DS - 44,518 [1,235,280 ] units PlayStation 2 - 33,705 [1,218,291] units PlayStation Portable - 20,031 [1,080,560] units GameBoy Advance SP - 12,555 [434,550] units GameCube - 3,147 [136,141] units GameBoy Advance - 530 [15,270] units Xbox - 196 [9,154] units But hey everyone has their own taste, i just prefer Nitnendo they are much better run company that cares about the quality of their stuff that last and their games having fun. Sony is a arragant, stupid, egotistical compnay that only cares about their pocket books. I have a PS2 (POS is dieing on me and this is my second one not to mention 2 or 3 PS1' s). Ok i am done. hehe
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RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 09, 2005 07:52
I' But hey everyone has their own taste, i just prefer Nitnendo they are much better run company that cares about the quality of their stuff that last and their games having fun. Sony is a arragant, stupid, egotistical compnay that only cares about their pocket books. I have a PS2 (POS is dieing on me and this is my second one not to mention 2 or 3 PS1' s). I' m not going to read the above part of your post, but what you said here caught my attention. I HATE PLAYSTATIONS ...Just gettting that clear, I am a MS fanboy. I buy all thier products, anyway.... Nintendo and quality? I love and respect Nintendo just as much as anyone, but quality? They really havn' t had quality since the SNES. The N64 was behind the times with those cartridges, the gamecube....well was the gamecube. Just getting my point across. sorry but i don' t think that is gonna happen the DS has TOO BIG of a lead and too many great games to be beaten. Nope, the DS has about a Mil unit lead, isn' t much considering the PSP is selling so rapidly. $140 for a 7" plus UMD' s don' t have any features DVD' s do and DVD' s are cheaper, so how are UMD' s better? HA! UMD DVD' s are like 20$! Do you know what you are talking about? How are you embarrassed to hold a DS? Everyone i have showed it to think it' s cool. It' s not kiddy, the only kiddy aspect of it is that it' s Kid proof you can drop it bang it. Beat it up and it will still work perfectly. If you even attempt that with a PSP it will be destroyed. The DS has a MP3 player called the Play yan. I also have something called the GBA movie player which also does MP3' s, pictures, e-books, emulator (but no save feature yet). it' s only cost $20 so you can' t expect the best quality for it but it does the job good. Plus it uses standard compact flash cards so i can throw on any show or movie i record and covert it to a mpeg or avi and play it just fine on it. So in other words the DS can do everything the PSP and more stuff the PSP cannot do plus it' s cheaper and has much better games. HAHA!!! I seriously laughed at this! DS COOL?!??! Your talking to the guy who brought 5 family guy episodes in his PSP to class during those SAT testing days...I think I know what is cool. Anyone who has a DS won' t admit it...at least in public. I was not flaming the PSP i just don' t think it' s worth the price with all the faults, poor library, poor loading times, and is MUCH more bulky then the DS. the DS fits in my pocket just fine if you even attempt that with the PSP it will break or scratch the screen. Plus the PSP is not durable my friend' s PSP got 5 or 6 dead pixels in about a month. *Sigh* Walks away Don' t worry....I' l be back! (BTW: in my 3 months of owning my PSP, I have 1 dead pixel.)
< Message edited by TXSPheonix -- 9 Aug 05 16:02:03 >
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RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 09, 2005 11:40
Ask anyone Nintendo is known for quality just because the N64 was cartridge based doesn' t mean it was poor quality it sold like crazy and still sells i have a friend who works at a game store so when i visit him i know and see it. The N64 lost allot of support because Nintendo made the mistake of sticking with cartridges Final Fantasy 7 was supposed to be on the N64 but Square wanted more space like the CD' s and not to mention Sony paid them a shit load of money and bought 8% of the stock. As for the Gamecube it was just suffering the effects of the N64 backlash from being cartridge based and the loss of 3rd party support the Gamecube is very well made and a quality product let' s look at the numbers, my friends who worked at 2 different game stores (one in VA when i was there for a bit and one here in AZ) and both said the PS2 was crap they got tons of DOA and returns because of defects and DREs, also my friend in VA will not buy Sony crap because it is crap. They have both said NOT ONE Nintendo product has been returned for DOA or any kind of defect. The reason why Sony sells so many PS1/2s is because people have to buy another one because theirs dies. The DS has sold over 6 million units the PSP has sold maybe 3 or 4 and there are tons of games coming out like the Jump super stars which had like 300,000 pre-orders and the games me and Jason have disclosed. There is no possible way the PSP will beat the DS. The PSP has no good games for it and the DS has TONS and the BIG ONES are not even out yet. The UMD' s i have seen cost more then the DVD' s and they do not have the features DVD' s have and they are just the movie on a tiny 4" screen when you have a bigger 10" screen portable DVD player with picture CD and MP3 playback for $270. UMD' s are pointless they are expensive $25-40, although recently they have gone down in price but are still upto $30 for one without the cool features of a DVD. Why would anyone want that when they already have DVD' s and can see it on a much nicer 10" screen? Are you telling me you don' t mind having to spend money buying the movie you already own on DVD for a UMD just to play it on the PSP? http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=6675029&type=product&productCategoryId=pcmcat13900050018&id=1083710678171 Hey TXSPheonix how old are you? You sound like a kid saying oh this is cool and just because i can watch family guy on my PSP i am cool. Well i can do that too with my DS. I can put any video i want on it and the DS is more flexile on what kind of videos i can put on it from i read the PSP is very selective about having it' s own video format and it' s own type of memory card while i can do just any standard type 1 flash card which are easy to come by. I don' t know here you get off saying people won' t admit it, lots of people i know want one and do admit to having one and they all tell me they prefer it over the PSP. The only people i have heard say that the DS sucks and PSP rules are the annoyingly Sony fanboys/girls but they say everything sucks that isn' t sony. But ask anyone about who makes better quality NINTENDO or sony. Why is it my old NES and gameboys all still work fine being years old and my PS1 and PS2 after only like a year or so died out and have to be replaced. There is NO way the PSP will ever take the lead over the DS without any big games. Name me 3 games you think will be popular enough to beat the DS with all their games coming out. So i as said before my DS can do EVERYTHING your psp can and more and DS has MUCH better games then the PSP and i have the numbers to proove that the DS is selling MUCH higher then the PSP.
George Foreman
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RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 09, 2005 12:22
I think the PSP is a hell of a lot cooler than the DS(even though that' s the only one I have). No one at my school mentions the DS at all. Even the real nerdy kids at my school become cool just cause they have one. I' ve never brought any thing videogame related to school because I ain' t there to play video games(I' m there to talk with my friends and goof off  )
Jason Zeidan
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RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 09, 2005 13:59
I don' t what school you go to, George, but in my school, the DS is social culture. All my friends have DSs, and sometimes during lunch, about forteen or fifteen of us just whip them out for some ' chat. I haven' t seen anybody with a PSP yet, (And there' s no way I' m taking mine to school) so yeah. And oh yeah, there was an after-school special in March; a Metroid hunters demo tournament... I didn' t enter, but my friends did. I think the winner recieved a game for it, or something....
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RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 09, 2005 15:54
Ok I' m finished. I argue on official forums, not here... OK, EDIT: Maybe not... So i as said before my DS can do EVERYTHING your psp can and more MP3' s? Personal PHoto' s? Digital photo' s?? INTERNET Firmware update August 12, WEB BROWSER, sorry had to say that... About my age... I am 14, you don' t seem much older, you lack of grammer and punctuation, oh well, I really don' t care how old you think I am anyhow. There is NO way the PSP will ever take the lead over the DS without any big games. Name me 3 games you think will be popular enough to beat the DS with all their games coming out. SOCOM-PSP Battlefield2-PSP Death Jr.-PSP Burnout-PSP I could name more....those are all exclusives to the PSP. (On a handheld basis, anyway). Even the real nerdy kids at my school become cool just cause they have one. Exactly. There is one Nerd kid in my school who admits to owning a DS... AND The chat function... Well, well, well. A hard one to answer? WRONG. Using the simple browser hack (Wipeout pure, just GAME SHARE if your friends don' t have it, PSP function), then go to the download section, yada, yada, yada, go to pspwebbrowser.com type in your password, or register, you get AIM, weather, MULTIPLAYER games, and such. Though you can' t draw on it...or get your AIM hacked into by a jack*** who will just send your profanity due to the lack of security on the DS chat thing. AND TO END THIS... I HATE SONY PRODUCTS WITH ALL MY HEART! I AM A HUGE MS FANBOY I buy every Microsoft thing I need, but I gave this PSP a try, and loved it. There are some good things about each system.... The DS is quite wonderful with it' s chat capabilities and 1 party support and what-not, but, I like my PSP better.
< Message edited by TXSPheonix -- 10 Aug 05 0:14:03 >
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 09, 2005 17:52
Okay, there is NO WAY the PSP has a better game lineup than DS. No way in freaking hell, guys. All those games you mentioned (all four of them) are PS2 clones, except for Death Jr. (what a title). What can possibly beat Nintendogs, Advance Wars, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, Trauma Center, MP Hunters, Phoenix Wright, New Super Mario Bros., Electroplankton, Lost in Blue, Castlevania, Trace Memory, Mario and Luigi 2, Pokemon Pearl/Diamond, Sonic Rush, Sims 2, Zoo Tycoon, Tamagotchi DS or Ultimate Brain/Card games? A run-down grandtheftauto (that' ll probably be investigated..) and a portable GT game, with half the cars as PS2' s outing, but at the same price as it' s mature counterpart? Come on. Get real. I adore PSP, but the current game line-up just plain sucks.
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RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 09, 2005 19:57
Okay, there is NO WAY the PSP has a better game lineup than DS. No way in freaking hell, guys. All those games you mentioned (all four of them) are PS2 clones, except for Death Jr. (what a title). What can possibly beat Nintendogs, Advance Wars, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, Trauma Center, MP Hunters, Phoenix Wright, New Super Mario Bros., Electroplankton, Lost in Blue, Castlevania, Trace Memory, Mario and Luigi 2, Pokemon Pearl/Diamond, Sonic Rush, Sims 2, Zoo Tycoon, Tamagotchi DS or Ultimate Brain/Card games? A run-down grandtheftauto (that' ll probably be investigated..) and a portable GT game, with half the cars as PS2' s outing, but at the same price as it' s mature counterpart? Come on. Get real. I adore PSP, but the current game line-up just plain sucks. YES! I do agree. I hate GTA, btw. But the sims 2 is coming to PSP too, with better graphics... had to say it.. ALso, SOCOM and Battlefield will be pretty cool on the road... all in all you are right. Nothing CAN beat Mario and the gang.
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 09, 2005 21:19
You know, I think the lack of PSP titles is because Sony wants PSP to truly be a multimedia machine. You know, a third music, a third movies, and a third games. And they' re happy because UMD movies are very profitable. That explains how Sony released 18 UMD movies and 1 game last month.
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RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 10, 2005 10:02
YES!! Didyou know the last PSPgame realise was on July 8th!??!!? Tht is sad. The lackof games make me mad, but I still like the system.
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RE: DS vs PSP: Upcoming game releases
Aug 10, 2005 12:17
This thread is laughable. It should be locked and deleted asap
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