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Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
Feb 24, 2003 03:11
What' s the most comfortable controllers you' ve had the pleasure of using? 1. 6 button Genesis...not too many button and not overly complicated 2. XBOX Controller S... a DC rip off but a great one 3. DC 4 PS/PS2- lots of buttons and small
Peter Skerritt
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Feb 22, 2003
- Location: Western Massachusetts
RE: Controllers
Feb 24, 2003 04:41
1. PSX / PS2 Dual Shock design: I' ve grown accoustomed to this design and it feels the most comfortable of any controller design since 1995. 2. NES Controller: Simplicity at its finest. One D-Pad... two buttons. The " dogbone" style of this controller is more ergonomically correct, but I like both styles. 3. SNES Controller: Four solid face buttons and two less-comfortable trigger buttons (which tended to break down after extended use). Still, it had a good feel and seems to have been the influence behind Sony' s controller design.
< Message edited by Peter Skerritt -- 2/24/2003 12:41:57 AM >
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Dundee, Scotland
RE: Controllers
Feb 24, 2003 17:30
1. GameCube. This pad just melts into your hands. 2. Contoller S. After playing a few hours of Halo, I just can' t use the PS2 pad. 3. N64. The Z button was genious.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Controllers
Feb 24, 2003 17:36
Gamecube has the best ergonomicaly designed controllers ever .. But now everything feels like a featherweight bit of plastic in comparison to the sturdyness of an XBox controller ..
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Controllers
Feb 24, 2003 18:10
Nothing is better than the PS2 controller, IMO. It' s just perfect for my hands. I would say the XBox controller as well if it weren' t for the buttons. I can' t stand them.
Kabuki Magnifico
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Controllers
Feb 24, 2003 23:34
ps1/ps2 controller is the most comfortable. that' s all that really matter for me
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
- Location: Southern New England, USA
RE: Controllers
Feb 25, 2003 00:13
1:Xbox S 2:Dreamcast
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Feb 19, 2003
RE: Controllers
Feb 25, 2003 00:41
I loved the SNES controller back in the day, I think it' s easily the best of its time. As for these days, Im going to have to second the Xbox notion, both Controller S and original model wise. I simply love the way both controllers feel... I also enjoyed the Dreamcast game pad, by the way. However, I can' t agree on the PS2/PSX controllers being at the same level as either the Xbox or Dreamcast ones. I always get cramps with Sony' s models, and although I owned a PSX and had a blast with it for a long time, the acking just killed experiences time and time again. It was alright, but I wouldn' t compare it to the other controller pads competitors have to offer right now. In a simplistic list of best controller pads out there: - Xbox - SNES - Dreamcast
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Controllers
Feb 25, 2003 15:45
1 - Dreamcast (perfect after I' d used the Saturn analogue for so long) 2 - Xbox (just a copy of the Dreamcast, essentially) 3 - Saturn analogue (nice and chunky) 4 - Jaguar (amazingly enough, though it looked like a box with far too many buttons, it was actually quite comfortable) 5 - Saturn 2nd controller (possibly the best pad ever for beat-em-ups) 6 - Megadrive (nice size, did everything, no complaints) 7 - GameCube (fits nicely, but sometimes I feel I' m going to break the shoulder buttons) 8 - SNES (felt a bit small and complex back then, but now just feels small) 9 - PlayStation/PS2 (weird, small but chunky, and I cannot stand the buttons) 10 - Saturn original (what the hell where they thinking?!?) 11 - NES (small, two action buttons, a pause and a SELECT, but still too small and uncomfortable) 12 - Master System (like the NES, but even less comfortable, and less buttons so you had to go to the console to pause it)
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Mar 08, 2003
- Location: London
RE: Controllers
Mar 09, 2003 17:33
Well I did a qiuck bit on pad evolution back on GW a couple of years back. Without doubt the SNES was a real step foward, followed by the Playstation, then PS2. Other controllers have had some nice ideas, but when it comes down to it these 3 have been pratical in every way.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
- Location: Zoetermeer, Holland
RE: Controllers
Mar 10, 2003 17:44
SNES are the best IMO. And I' ve so gotten used to the PS2 controllers that they are very comfortable too.
Kikizo Staff
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RE: Controllers
Mar 10, 2003 20:14
PSX/PS2 controllers are the best ever designed, IMO. The SNES controller runs a close second though, and I really like the S-Controller for the XBox. Ones I really hate are the original XBox, DC and GC controllers...uugh.
Winner! JUL 2004
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RE: Controllers
Mar 10, 2003 20:57
Now if you want to just go by comfort the GC controller wins that contest hands down. With that being said it' s not the best designed controller for anything though, only a few games really work well on that pad. The S-Class and PS2 controllers are the best control wise, offering a nice combination of comfort and control. I will say though that I prefer the Xbox controller over the PS2 for certain games, FPS' s for sure. But I also think the PS2 controller is a lot better for fighting games and sports titles. May be just me though...
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Mar 02, 2003
- Location: London
RE: Controllers
Mar 22, 2003 22:59
The dreamcast is perfect for me, but thats probably due to the endless hours i spent using that pad!
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Mar 08, 2003
- Location: London
RE: Controllers
Mar 29, 2003 16:44
DC pad? I just can' t see it myself? its ok for driving and platform games but for beat' em ups
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