Your personal videogame history from the very first machine you owned to whatever sits under your telly today!
Here' s mine (doesn' t include handhelds or systems bought retrospectively):
Christmas 1982 -
ZX Spectrum 48K, The first game I owned for the ' Speccy' was Jetpac by Ultimate Play the Game. Highlights that spring to mind are Manic Miner and Way of the Exploding Fist. Not sure what ever became of that system - probably lent it to someone and never got it back.
1986/7 - Not sure exactly what year it was but my next system was a
SMS - C&VG got me excited about this system - amazing graphics compared to the old Speccy! Games like Outrun, Thunderblade, Afterburner, Shinobi and Wonderboy 2 were awsome at the time. Seem to remember spending hours on the utter cack that was Rocky. In the end I put it up for sale in the old C&VG classifieds for £35 (I must try to pick up a copy off eBay). It never sold but I did get one prank call!
Late 80' s / early nineties - Bought an
Amiga 512 with the money an Aunt left me - wasn' t much of a games machine but it did get me into drawing with computers (which is what I should be doing now instead of writing this).
Had a brief fling with an imported
PC Engine in the late 80' s. The machine was immensley powerful for its time (similar to when the Dreamcast was first released) but the PAL converters supplied by UK importers gave such a poor picture that I ended up taking it back to the shop.
Next up was the
Sega Megadrive (Genesis). I bought this on the day of release along with Altered Beast and (I think) Revenge of Shinobi. I remember being devestated at the ugly PAL borders and 50Hz display. Sold after about 6 months and resolved never to buy a UK machine again.
A JAP imported
Super Famicom was next. Paid £259 for the priviledge of playing Super Mario World and F-Zero months before the system was released in the UK. Of course it was worth it! Street Fighter II - Gaming heaven! Still have this in my loft somewhere.
Getting closer to the present day I picked up a
Sony Playstation in 1996 which I traded in for an
N64 in 1997. 1999 was the year of the
Dreamcast (the best of the lot) and in 2002 I imported a
GameCube from the States.
21 years and still going strong!

< Message edited by SpaceJase -- 7/18/2003 3:03:28 PM >