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Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
Choose 3
Jul 15, 2006 08:02
I am a poor man unfortunately, and cant see much money coming my way for the rest of the year, so many 360 games, so little cash, so from this list which 3 would you choose if you were me! Rainbow Six, Vegas Splinter Cell 4 Mass Effect Too Human Gears of War Halo 3 Allan Wake there are more, but my mind aint working!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Choose 3
Jul 15, 2006 08:06
Gears of War Rainbow Six: Vegas Splinter Cell: Double Agent   See, Mass Effect, Halo 3 and Alan Wake won' t be out this year and Too Human could well slip into 2007 too.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Choose 3
Jul 15, 2006 08:07
See if games start to slip, things will be easier, Gears of War, and Mass effect are almost most play titles (you know, the ones you rob liquer stores to get)
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: Choose 3
Jul 15, 2006 09:48
Mass Effect (if you own a 360 and don' t buy this game you' re not a true gamer) Halo 3 (its fucking Halo 3, all the best developers are busy on this one, its going to be a master piece) Star Trek:Legacy (wasn' t an option but by your own admission your mind isn' t working, so I took the liberty)
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Choose 3
Jul 15, 2006 15:11
StarTrek you say. I havent seen anything from this game yet! does it look promising? I liked the Q3 engine shooters they made back in the day, based on voyager!
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- Joined: Jun 02, 2006
RE: Choose 3
Jul 15, 2006 16:23
Vx I am also lacking some notes but in you' re situation, I would grab the following: Halo 3 Allan Wake Splinter Cell 4 or Gears of war why these three? well buying different genre of games will have you' re hands full, weeks/month depending on the given amount of time playing. Halo 3- of course will last longer and well worth the money, plus this title is the most hyped game around and sports a great sci-fi story and battle online. Allan Wake- is a great alternative for action adventure, this genre will keep you busy on enviorment interactive, and solving puzzle. Splinter Cell- is another great espionage sneakem' up gun blazing action. now those other games: Rainbow Six Mass Effect Too Human these game will be good, but they might have a low level of gameplay, little stage and funfactor will las for a while. But for some reason just save you' re money, a more better game will be out soon, spend them now and you will be left in the cold.
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: Choose 3
Jul 15, 2006 17:13
I say... Alan Wake Mass Effect <--- this first, DEFINITELY Gears of War/Halo 3 (which ever you prefer, but Halo 3 won' t be here for some time...so you might just go for Gears of War) Originally, I would say Too Human, but it hasn' t lived up to its expectations =/ EGM' s indepth preview said it handled terribly, the camera was totally fucked up, graphics were jaggy-riffic and overall just plain not satisfying. So yeah, unless by time it comes out it fixes those problems (which I doubt), Too Human is off the list IMO.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Choose 3
Jul 15, 2006 17:54
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RE: Choose 3
Jul 15, 2006 20:47
Mass Effect (if you own a 360 and don' t buy this game you' re not a true gamer) Halo 3 (its fucking Halo 3, all the best developers are busy on this one, its going to be a master piece) Damn, it' s easy to loose your gamers status lately LOL Rainbow Six, Vegas Splinter Cell 4 Mass Effect Too Human Gears of War Halo 3 Allan Wake Splinter Cell could be very good if yuo' re not bored with this series already. Mass Effect is a dream game for you so I don' t think you need to ask anyone :) Too Human- big unknown for now - wait for the review. Gears of War - get this one if it delivers (read review again). Halo 3 - no matter what will become of it , it will be fun at least.I don' t need a review to recommend it. Alan Wake - looks nice and that' s it - I' d wait for the actual review. That' s your list - most games on it are what you used to play on your PC so you should try at least one title to broaden your horizonts. For instance : ...I' m shocked - I' ve checked some release dates and 360 is totally owned by PC games. If you can wait for Lost Oddysey this should be a great departure though. Sonic if it' s any good. Too Human could be the best connetction of PC technology and console design if it turns out as good as expected. Anyway you can always rent a Wii with Twilight Princess to check if it' s totally different game design approach suits you. Don' t limit yourself man (and stop this Mass Effect bullshit cause I' m starting to feel excited about it too!!) :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 15 Jul 06 12:50:57 >
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Choose 3
Jul 16, 2006 00:23
*Gives VX a virtual slap* That' s for not including Dead Rising in your little list! I may not own an Xbox 360(yes, I am man enough to admit it  ), but that doesn' t mean I don' t know what games I should be drooling over- and Dead Rising is one of them. Apart from that, I would say Gears of War. This is another game that makes me depressed about not having an Xbox 360 of my own. And finally... Erm... Halo 3 or Mass Effect? I may not know as much about Mas Effect as I do about Halo 3(I' m not really up to date, at the moment), but I would probably go with Mass Effect as many of the other members are so hyped up about it. To be honest, playing the Halo games on single/Co-op mode makes me feel pretty tired. By the way, does anyone here know whether or not one could play Halo 2 on Live via the Xbox 360?
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Choose 3
Jul 16, 2006 00:26
ORIGINAL: Marink *Gives VX a virtual slap* That' s for not including Dead Rising in your little list! I may not own an Xbox 360(yes, I am man enough to admit it ), but that doesn' t mean I don' t know what games I should be drooling over- and Dead Rising is one of them. Apart from that, I would say Gears of War. This is another game that makes me depressed about not having an Xbox 360 of my own. And finally... Erm... Halo 3 or Mass Effect? I may not know as much about Mas Effect as I do about Halo 3(I' m not really up to date, at the moment), but I would probably go with Mass Effect as many of the other members are so hyped up about it. To be honest, playing the Halo games on single/Co-op mode makes me feel pretty tired. By the way, does anyone here know whether or not one could play Halo 2 on Live via the Xbox 360? Marink, are you still playing an atari? Every game that is live enabled that works on 360 also maintains it' s live capabilities... So yes! You can also system link from 360 to x-box.
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Choose 3
Jul 16, 2006 01:30
Marink, are you still playing an atari? Ummm, yeah, so? By the way, I have just gotten a SNES! I cannot wait for the N64 to be released! There is going to be this uber sweet game called Super Mario 64 as well! I am more to date with Nintendo than I am with any other company/games. Anywhooo, that' s good to know. At least I will be able to play Halo 2 online(for the very first time  ) when I(or my brother) actually do(or does) have possesion of an Xbox 360.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Choose 3
Jul 16, 2006 01:42
WOOOOHHHHH!!! Join Team Kikizo NOW!!!!
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- Joined: Jun 02, 2006
RE: Choose 3
Jul 16, 2006 03:02
ORIGINAL: Marink *Gives VX a virtual slap* That' s for not including Dead Rising in your little list! I may not own an Xbox 360(yes, I am man enough to admit it ), but that doesn' t mean I don' t know what games I should be drooling over- and Dead Rising is one of them. Apart from that, I would say Gears of War. This is another game that makes me depressed about not having an Xbox 360 of my own. And finally... True that, ' ' Dead Rising' ' is a must have in you' re list, if you are a fan of Capcom. Every console need' s a zombie blast' in action pak game, and what' s more exciting is that the game is almost here, or you can wait for another chapter of ' ' Resident Evil 5' ' but that will make you wait even more. I sure will get me a copy of Dead Rising, the game looks pretty awsome.
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Choose 3
Jul 16, 2006 03:44
WOOOOHHHHH!!! Join Team Kikizo NOW!!!! I can' t. I don' t own an Xbox 360 remember. However, I would love to join it sometime in the future. Although, the 360 will most likely be my brother' s, as he owns the Xbox- which is why I haven' t bought a 360. If he waits for too long, though, I will probably get one instead, and never let him play it! Nah, he can play on it occasionally, I suppose.
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- Joined: Jun 02, 2006
RE: Choose 3
Jul 16, 2006 04:02
ORIGINAL: Marink WOOOOHHHHH!!! Join Team Kikizo NOW!!!! I can' t. I don' t own an Xbox 360 remember. However, I would love to join it sometime in the future. Although, the 360 will most likely be my brother' s, as he owns the Xbox- which is why I haven' t bought a 360. If he waits for too long, though, I will probably get one instead, and never let him play it! Nah, he can play on it occasionally, I suppose. Marink, shareing is careing, why? once you own a 360, he might even put in some spending money on 360 games/accessories, hell why don' t you two put in 50/50 to get a 360. You two will save money and that bond between who owns this and that, every house hold should own at least one console, and that console should be played by any individual that is a gamer. Why my advise, because thats what I did, throught out my collection of console and software me and the bro combine money to get the hardware, but when it comes to software we buy them on our own.
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Choose 3
Jul 16, 2006 04:09
Ah, but then who would get to keep it when I finally move out of the house and get a place of my own?
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- Joined: Jun 02, 2006
RE: Choose 3
Jul 16, 2006 04:25
ORIGINAL: Marink Ah, but then who would get to keep it when I finally move out of the house and get a place of my own? hmm, that is a problem. but if you two decide to become roomates and help each other with the rent money, you both will still own the 360. But getting you' re own place and deciding who use the 360 on which ever given day' s is another. In the other hand you are about to get a 360 on you' re own so put in some thought and think it over, owning a $400 console is a huge investment. So what ever makes you happy go for it.
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: Choose 3
Jul 16, 2006 11:38
It looks very promising VX, its online and published by Bethesda who have fought vigilently just to have the rights to Star Trek. The people actually developing the game are hardcore Trekkies. I myself used to watch the show and I always believed Star Trek had promise for videogames.
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