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Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
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Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 07, 2007 05:17
just as the title says...is there any way to do it??
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 07, 2007 05:46
When I see your name I think about food. Then I think about masturbation. I don' t know the answer to your question, I was just sharing. WTF is CSS btw, and shouldn' t the adapter let you use the controller with ANY game?
< Message edited by nekkid_monkey -- 6 May 07 21:50:26 >
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 07, 2007 05:53
Counter Strike Source. Not Sure, but do you want to get anywhere
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 07, 2007 06:48
You probably can, although I have no idea why you' d want to. KB+M always > gamepad.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 07, 2007 08:09
Probably but you have to assign button functions obviously. A controller would be cool if there were rooms where somehow everyone had to use them. I hate using the keyboard+mouse. Nothing pisses me off more when cocky PC gamers brag about how much better they can play with a keyboard+mouse. Who gives a fuck? The keyboard+mouse is uncomfortable and not as fun to play with as a controller. I can' t play with a keyboard+ mouse with FPS games, I' m only good with a controller. I think I' d play much better and actually be able to hold my own with a controller, even if they have K+M. I' ll try Day of Defeat Source later next week with the 360 controller.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 7 May 07 1:15:07 >
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 07, 2007 08:27
I really think that a thumbstick in the left hand a mouse with the right hand would be ideal. But every time I mention that, the mole-people who swear by keyboard & mouse shuffle out of their musty dens and accost me in their raspy voices that I' ve got it wrong, all wrong. Then they shake a feeble fist at me atop a forearm sheethed in a wrist brace and slink back into their stuffy bedrooms.
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RE: Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 07, 2007 10:18
PC gamers who have an elitist attitude towards this subject really get on my nerves...
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RE: Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 07, 2007 12:23
WASD is pretty ancient, not to mention not analog. I dunno of any good thumbstick peripherals to replace WASD for PC though. Someone should make it, I' d buy it! One with more of a middle finger stick and some programmable buttons either side of it for leaning, crouching etc, marketed right would be a sure thing...surely. You wouldn' t play CSS with anything other than mouse though. You' d just get shat on.  I mean only in the same way as you wouldn' t play Halo with anything other than a xbox controller.
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RE: Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 07, 2007 17:43
I think you can, but you can' t use the right joystick or something. I think I tried it once.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 07, 2007 22:33
Probably but you have to assign button functions obviously. A controller would be cool if there were rooms where somehow everyone had to use them. I hate using the keyboard+mouse. Nothing pisses me off more when cocky PC gamers brag about how much better they can play with a keyboard+mouse. Who gives a fuck? The keyboard+mouse is uncomfortable and not as fun to play with as a controller. I can' t play with a keyboard+ mouse with FPS games, I' m only good with a controller. I think I' d play much better and actually be able to hold my own with a controller, even if they have K+M. I' ll try Day of Defeat Source later next week with the 360 controller. lol, sounds like you' ve had a few good beatings on your PC experiences. Love to see how much fun Fata1ity would have, if he had to use a 360 controller in a clan match
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 07, 2007 23:21
In fairness, mouse + keybaord is superior for fps and rts only. I would hate to play my pc fps games with a joypad. Not that i can play them anyway with Vista
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 7 May 07 15:22:46 >
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2007
RE: Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 08, 2007 01:07
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 Probably but you have to assign button functions obviously. A controller would be cool if there were rooms where somehow everyone had to use them. I hate using the keyboard+mouse. Nothing pisses me off more when cocky PC gamers brag about how much better they can play with a keyboard+mouse. Who gives a fuck? The keyboard+mouse is uncomfortable and not as fun to play with as a controller. I can' t play with a keyboard+ mouse with FPS games, I' m only good with a controller. I think I' d play much better and actually be able to hold my own with a controller, even if they have K+M. I' ll try Day of Defeat Source later next week with the 360 controller. lol, sounds like you' ve had a few good beatings on your PC experiences. Love to see how much fun Fata1ity would have, if he had to use a 360 controller in a clan match He still plays on teams? I thought he was back to 1v1 Death Matches.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 08, 2007 05:15
He plays God in Unreal 5 next week. I can' t play with a keyboard+ mouse with FPS games, I' m only good with a controller. I think I' d play much better and actually be able to hold my own with a controller, even if they have K+M.
You either? I' ve tried K+M multiple times & I get pwned. I' m far better in CoD:2 with a gamepad. The only way I can justify using a M & K is for sniping, and even then I get jittery. I don' t see why you couldn' t use the pad for CSS btw.
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2007
RE: Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 08, 2007 11:47
Well if you can' t use the right joystick you can' t really aim. Unless you use the left joystick for aiming, but then what are you going to move around? The d-pad is on the same side as the only useable joystick. So you would have to do it DC style and use ABXY to move around.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 08, 2007 13:00
lol, sounds like you' ve had a few good beatings on your PC experiences. Yeah, just to give you an idea of how bad I am with the M+K. With a controller in FPS games (not third person) I can just zoom and fire almost at the same time, they die easily, aiming is second nature. When I played COD3 (360) I was almost always in the top 3 when I was playing the most, even when playing against my friends. I have Day of Defeat on PC, I get kicked out of matches because they think I team kill on purpose. Half my matches I walk away with a negative score. Although I' ve only played a few matches, I' m sure with practice I' d be better. I seriously doubt I' ll ever be better with a Mouse+keyboard than I am with a controller, even against other players with M+K. " I really think that a thumbstick in the left hand a mouse with the right hand would be ideal." I agree, it would be cool to have something like the wii numchuck+mouse. I' m sure some nerd already has this set up.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 8 May 07 5:02:24 >
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2007
RE: Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 08, 2007 14:45
Yes, I would actually rather move around with a joystick and still aim with a mouse. The problem is they don' t design PC games for movement using joysticks. So you can only move 8 ways while using it always run or walk. You don' t get the advantage of being able to move at variable speeds and at any angle. Which is kind of lame, because using a joystick with a bunch of buttons on it would add all of that. Even in Halo PC it doesn' t work right. LOL that game is so bad. All they did was take out the auto aim and remove the analog movement. They didn' t bother redoing the aim to work properly with a mouse. So when you use a mouse it has a wierd acceleration to it (which is a very bad thing) and when you use a controller you have no auto aim and the movement is all messed up.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 10, 2007 03:59
Yes, I would actually rather move around with a joystick and still aim with a mouse. The problem is they don' t design PC games for movement using joysticks. So you can only move 8 ways while using it always run or walk. You don' t get the advantage of being able to move at variable speeds and at any angle. Which is kind of lame, because using a joystick with a bunch of buttons on it would add all of that. That' s why I have a hard time playing FEAR on the 360. It seems like it hasn' t been set up for an analog stick at all.
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RE: Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 10, 2007 04:26
The difference between using pads or M+K in FPS is where the skill is required. Playing with M+K requires lots of training and fast and precise aiming. Playing with a pad is less precise and the action is slightly slower which requires more focus on strategy, which is benefitial for people who aren' t fast and precise but like to use their heads. So learning map layout and players patterns are more important. Of course, aiming skills still apply to pads and strategic skills still apply to M+K. That' s the conclusion I make from my experiences anyway.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Can u use a 360 controller with CSS on the PC
May 10, 2007 04:45
" I really think that a thumbstick in the left hand a mouse with the right hand would be ideal." Yes, I would actually rather move around with a joystick and still aim with a mouse. The problem is they don' t design PC games for movement using joysticks This was my first step towards full M&K use. DC QIII: Arena i was ok with pad but M&K players really did kick my ass so then i went onto using the Dreamcast left thumbstick for movement and mouse in my right hand for aiming because I found the keyboard really awkward to use at first. As my skill advanced with Stick / keyboard i tried to use the Keyboard and realised it was overall better than Analogue stick for fast ' digital' movements (to dodge RL' s etc)
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