I' m still searching for any news about Yu Suzuki!
SO wasn' t at China Joy! this means no release for SO after waiting for years?
Why these things happen to YS games?(PSY-PHI, SO and Shenmue 3?)
BTW,lol! look at SEGA BLOGS!
before Shenmue fans come and start to post their comments about
" How much they love Shenmue and why they need Shenmue 3!"
their blogs were completely silent(almost dead!),
most of their blogs didn' t have more than 3 or 4 posts!
but since july 17, Shenmue fans have started to make their blogs " Really Active!"
in july 17 we asked from fans to come and post their comments at their E3 blog which had a Shenmue discussion potential, for example: we could post
" we liked to see Shenmue 3 at E3 2007! Why you don' t announce 3?"
& similar things
" 233" comments in just a few days ! and 99% for Shenmue! is a record!
SEGA should understand that the amount of Shenmue fans in 2007
in comparing with 2003 is much more!
Why? because during last years we have made our friends to play and love
Shenmue and feel why we want S3!, we should also consider,
that not all Shenmue fans are active over the internet for Shenmue!
YOU SEE SEGA! your most wanted game now is only SHENMUE 3!
announce it and then release it, this won' t be a mistake!
< Message edited by alimn -- 22 Jul 07 21:35:14 >