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C' mon Square-Enix, do the smart thing and fully support the Xbox 360!
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Terry Bogard
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C' mon Square-Enix, do the smart thing and fully support the Xbox 360!
Nov 16, 2005 14:23
http://games.kikizo.com/news/200511/088.asp Microsoft' s console gaming division has deeper pockets than Sony' s respective gaming division, hopefully they utilize those deep pockets well and cut Sony off at the pass. Whatever deals (licensing, etc.) Sony offers Square Enix for continued exclusivity of their big RPGs, Microsoft should match it and do them one better.
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RE: C' mon Square-Enix, do the smart thing and fully support the Xbox 360!
Nov 16, 2005 14:43
Sony owns 8% of stocks into square-enix and is apparently not enough :P Sony should really make sure square-enix wont co-work with MS or they might be in big trouble. Ofc in japan ps3 gonna be a big winner,but for europe,knowing that dragon quest 9 and ff12+ff13 might come to xbox360 can probably change many people... on which system to go.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: C' mon Square-Enix, do the smart thing and fully support the Xbox 360!
Nov 16, 2005 14:47
Square-Enix is a THIRD PARTY developer, there' s absolutely ZERO reason for them to remain exclusive to Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo. I want Microsoft to outspend and or outdeal Sony so that Square Enix releases multiplatform sequels of their big franchises. Not cookie-cutter side stories that they pawn off to Microsoft or Nintendo while they keep the big games on the Sony consoles.
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RE: C' mon Square-Enix, do the smart thing and fully support the Xbox 360!
Nov 16, 2005 14:50
I meant pay s-e enough money or something,we also heard wada said he will make his game to two plattform or one,ofc the one is not xbox360. But lets hold our thumbs
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RE: C' mon Square-Enix, do the smart thing and fully support the Xbox 360!
Nov 16, 2005 17:52
ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard Square-Enix is a THIRD PARTY developer, there' s absolutely ZERO reason for them to remain exclusive to Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo. I want Microsoft to outspend and or outdeal Sony so that Square Enix releases multiplatform sequels of their big franchises. Not cookie-cutter side stories that they pawn off to Microsoft or Nintendo while they keep the big games on the Sony consoles. I whole-heartedly agree with you there. They should spread the love around.
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RE: C' mon Square-Enix, do the smart thing and fully support the Xbox 360!
Nov 16, 2005 18:16
But remember they have over 100 people at each development team,like ff12+ff13+dragon quest9+ a lot more games,might not be so easy to make multiformat,thats why he look into it,and see what it will cost and so on. Dont get me wrong i would love a ff12+ff13,its just that,i dont want to get dissapointed...
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RE: C' mon Square-Enix, do the smart thing and fully support the Xbox 360!
Nov 17, 2005 00:38
if they can make games for the sony consoles, im pretty sure they won' t have such a hard time to make them for the MS console, which should be much easier, so if they decide to actually do those games for the 360, don' t be affraid Quezcatol, u won' t be disappointed. I think square enix realizes that MS is growing and has potential, so I don' t think they' re gonna miss out on making some extra cash.
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RE: C' mon Square-Enix, do the smart thing and fully support the Xbox 360!
Nov 17, 2005 11:01
.....on the whole i dont like multi-format releases on my chosen console...... ...i prefer exclusive games because they have been developed specifically for my machine, and are therefore more likely to produce the best results....... .... i' t is very annoying to have the most powerful gaming console on the planet, only to see the majority of it' s games on supposedly inferior machines, with only a minor drop in visuals and performance......
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: C' mon Square-Enix, do the smart thing and fully support the Xbox 360!
Nov 17, 2005 11:17
I don' t know about Now, but back then some developers would develop a game around the most powerful hardware and just downgrade them for the least powerful ones, taking advantage of whatever hardware features they had. That way owners of the most powerful machines as well as those that can only afford a single console get some satisfaction ;)
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RE: C' mon Square-Enix, do the smart thing and fully support the Xbox 360!
Nov 17, 2005 11:20
Kikzo should do a poll,on who belives those games come to 360 or not :P and then you should save it untill next e3 when wada will tell us what he decied.
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RE: C' mon Square-Enix, do the smart thing and fully support the Xbox 360!
Nov 17, 2005 12:33
I fully agree with bishonen, multi platform games don' t use the full potential of each console , and usualy it' s the most powerful machine that will pay the cost... if the difference between PS3 and Xbox360 is big (say like PS2 and Xbox) then i will not like final fa,ntasy going on Xbox360 (unless i own one :p) because even if they optimize teh game for ps3 it will never use its full potentiel since they will use the same 3d engine all over the versions and may be PS3 can do something that Xbox360 can' t do at all i' m just saying may be... the port of Final fantasy will not see a real difference only if teh consoles are in almost equal powers (playstation and saturn) however there are some exemples of very good ports like (resident evil 4 GC vs PS2) they sure used the game cube power flawlessly and they just downgraded it for the ps2, but we' re talking about the same 3d engine here...
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RE: C' mon Square-Enix, do the smart thing and fully support the Xbox 360!
Nov 17, 2005 12:47
you should make the graphic for the strongest machine and then down scale,like capcom did with resident evil 4,or splinter cell serie,where xbox+gc looked the best and ps2 the worse. " EDIT" i mean downscale then so it work for the lesser console,i mean im pretty sure or 99% sure xbox360 wont have a problem copying ps3 graphic,buty seehing how cell has cores for diffrent things it might be hard to incorporate...
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 17 Nov 05 20:48:41 >
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RE: C' mon Square-Enix, do the smart thing and fully support the Xbox 360!
Nov 17, 2005 15:39
ps3 and 360 are both powerful. didn' t u guys read what i posted on Kojima? evenhe admitted the 360 is almost as powerful, so u won' t see much of a difference between the versions for the ps3 or 360, so stop talking about " most powerful console" . The difference is small. the difficulty might be in the way the consoles work, the way they have to program the game to run, that' s where devs might run into some problems.
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RE: C' mon Square-Enix, do the smart thing and fully support the Xbox 360!
Nov 18, 2005 04:10
I have, and always will, support the idea of exclusive titles. Without exclusive titles the most powerful console will dominate the market and the competitors will fade away as they will have no chance at all. This is to monopolize the entire industry to one company per generation of hardware. And if you can only afford one, cheap console, wouldn' t you rather see it having a library of exclusive titles instead of less impressive versions of games for other consoles? Those who can' t afford several consoles will be discriminated if they can only play bad versions of their friends games, just because they have another machine. Also, if the development team only has to care about one single machine they can take full advantage of that consoles capabilities. But I' m not talking about graphics only, but also controllers, connectivity (PSP, NDS etc.) and customer base as well. If Nintendo releases a Mario soccer game for their console, which is primarily owned by Nintendo fans, then why would a developer want to waste money releasing a similar soccer game to that console as well? It would be better to keep that game exclusive to another console, knowing that it will be more profitable. And if the 360 controller is optimised for FPS games, why release a FPS-game for PS3 as well when you know the difference in control will be so different that the PS3 version will be less enjoyable? With only one console in mind, they can finish the game faster or add speciall features such as connectivity with NDS or PSP. Some of you state that 1st party titles should be the only exclusive titles but there isn' t enough 1st party games to motivate one to buy an inferior machine. It seems some of you would like to see Sony fall down from its throne and that is understandable but the market needs one superior leader to keep the pressure on all its rivals. A market where all companies are equal in success is but a dream that is bad for the gamers. You have to see the idea of console exclusivity from a industry, and developer point of view. If you only look at it as a gamer, demanding everything to be convenient for you, it will in the long run be devastating to everyone. I hope Square-Enix continues their relations with Sony, as they have, so that Sony can keep their pressure on the competitors. And I hope that Microsoft will begin new relations with old, as well as new, developers and publishers so they can develop a powerfull exclusive library for the 360 Finally, I really hope Nintendo does something...
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: C' mon Square-Enix, do the smart thing and fully support the Xbox 360!
Nov 18, 2005 07:21
I have all of the platforms released this generation so in that regard it doesn' t matter what games get released where as I already have the hardware needed to play them. But what about the people who can only afford one and get the cheapest console they can afford but unfortunately there are no real significant exclusives for that platform? Then what? It' s a double-edged sword unfortunately. I' ve had a total disdain for third-party exclusive games since the 8-bit era, but my reasons are simply because I' d like gamers from all walks of life to have access to all types of games released on other platforms and not get ' punished' for their choice in a gaming platform. If we' re going by third-party exclusives then the chain pretty much works like this, the PS2 gets the most, the Xbox is second and the GameCube gets a trickle few scraps or none. I just feel as if Third party developers that release their games exclusively for one console shouldn' t even be third-party developers, they should just become 2nd party developers to that manufacturer. 
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RE: C' mon Square-Enix, do the smart thing and fully support the Xbox 360!
Nov 18, 2005 12:09
But what about the people who can only afford one and get the cheapest console they can afford but unfortunately there are no real significant exclusives for that platform? Then what? .... surely people make their buying decisions based on THE GAMES a system offers?... ...or at least they should because if they don' t, console makers will continue to rip us off with their highly propagandised fasterbetterimproved machines, which produce the same results as the previous models, if they bothered to allow those machines to fulfil the potential they were so keen to promote during their last major advertising campaign.....and which also don' t produce enough quality titles to warrant the loss one incurs through buying a whole new games system every four years or so (and don' t forget to buy your HD capable TV this time around).... ... Exclusive games are also usually made to SELL CONSOLES by showing off a particular machines strengths, something which multi format games are incapable of...... multi format games are perceived to be a good source of revenue for the publishers, but why would a major console maker want them? .... ...because they are cheap to licence? ...because they can be made quickly??...... .....figures...
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