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Buy dreamfall the longest journey!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
Buy dreamfall the longest journey!
May 07, 2006 21:37
One of the best games i ever played,i was in shock,and YES I HAVE PLAYED ADEVNTURE GAMES BEFORE... :P got that question all the time. It was just awesome,i need the sequal now,the creators said,if the 2nd sell as the first,the third installement will come but its all up to the fans,BUY THIS FUCKING GAME!!! It came to xbox and pc. Omg...this game was...awesome :P
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RE: Buy dreamfall the longest journey!
May 07, 2006 22:19
I was really looking forward to Dreamfall. Did you ever read 1up' s review of it Quez? I think they gave it like 3.5/10, saying it had some major flaws. I was gonna link it to see what you thought of it, but 1up' s site is being mega slow atm with its new site layout and e3 stuff! The guy basically said that he was a huge adventure fan, but there was something really disappointing about Dreamfall. But he never really properly explained why he thought it was so bad. I really wanted it to be good, but then again I usually dont agree with most reviews on big sites. Hope he' s wrong!
< Message edited by choupolo -- 7 May 06 14:31:34 >
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RE: Buy dreamfall the longest journey!
May 08, 2006 00:58
Yeah but Gamespot rated it very high - and really kept praising it in their review
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Buy dreamfall the longest journey!
May 08, 2006 01:04
Gamespy gaved it 5/5 saying,dont expect anything else like a good tv serie or movie ,or else you will be dissapointed. I agree with them. If you expect great gameplay you will think it sucks,if you expect or want to join one of the best stories ever told,bUY IT!!!
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Buy dreamfall the longest journey!
May 08, 2006 01:06
I' ve been talking about this game for a while but guess you guys missed it  but I think it' s great I just don' t know why it took them so long to bring it back.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Buy dreamfall the longest journey!
May 08, 2006 01:07
I falled for the reviews and thought it was gonna suck,how wrong was i,the gamespy review giving it 5 of 5 made me want to check out it and see if it was anything near the first. Omg... it was awesome!
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Buy dreamfall the longest journey!
May 08, 2006 01:13
Yeah but surely everyone or at least most should know by now you can' t trust reviews always. If I went by their logic all the time I would never have played shenmue, secret of mana, dreamfall...list goes on.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Buy dreamfall the longest journey!
May 08, 2006 01:20
Yes,good thing you said shenmue,cause its like shenmue,before someone say SHENMUE? lol no its not shenmue. What i mean is its a epic story,but you mostly just run to place to place and follow the awesome story,and sure do some small things between. Same in dreamfall,however reviewers cant accept it... However dreamfall does end in a huge cliffhanger,and therefor its hard to say its a masterpiece ofc it is,but lets say the sequal never shows up or you never intend to buy it,you will feel like you missed something,however the ending is still perfect and the sequal will come.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Buy dreamfall the longest journey!
May 08, 2006 01:25
Thats the same way i' m feeling with shenmue and a lot of other games but mainly games like these I think need finishing because it just leaves you with so many questions left un-answered.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Buy dreamfall the longest journey!
May 08, 2006 01:31
Thats becauser shenmue was supposed to have many parts,and to live on dreamcast as a true SEGA AAA title. Its like with mass effect and too human,how would you feel if they ended in the 2nd title? while saving the end in the thrid that doesnt show up...
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Buy dreamfall the longest journey!
May 08, 2006 01:40
Mass effect I dont think i' d be too worried about not seeing the ending saying that though i' d probably change my mind after playing it but too human looks too enthralling to not end by any means but that' s what I was saying I don' t understand why they just leave some projects unfinished gathering web and even more annoying is how thye won' t even give info sometimes on a final fate. also seeing as how it' s roumoured to be runnin on unreal engine 3 there' s no way I think i' d be disappointed in too human to not wanna have a sequel.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 7 May 06 17:42:16 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Buy dreamfall the longest journey!
May 08, 2006 01:41
dont worry those 3 titles will come,MS has alreay paid them for it. Bioware is so cool that they even gonna release history and info what happend between each games over marketplace in mass effect in text notes.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Buy dreamfall the longest journey!
May 08, 2006 01:46
You mean silicone knights?...I think mass effect is on bioware or is that haveing a trilogy aswell?.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Buy dreamfall the longest journey!
May 08, 2006 01:49
Silicon knights is making a trilogy to 360 but with " too human" serie. Bioware is gonna make a rpg trilogy for 360 but with " mass effect" serie.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Buy dreamfall the longest journey!
May 08, 2006 01:54
Microsoft seem to have a trilogy theme going with halo, cry on, lost oddessy and blue dragon still to come aswell. Any way back on topic people who haven;t play dreamfall as yet it should definately be given a chance.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Buy dreamfall the longest journey!
May 08, 2006 01:55
It saddens me how the masses could give it such a horrible score...
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Buy dreamfall the longest journey!
May 08, 2006 03:00
I loved the original longest journey, and im contemplating on getting Dreamfall, as i love the story. I just have so many games to play.
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