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Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever played?
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Gaius IV
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- Joined: Dec 06, 2005
Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever played?
Sep 25, 2006 09:34
I loved: Dragon quest VIII: love akira toriyama' s style and am happy about blue dragon Suikoden III: oh my god what game Xenogears: if you aint played it...then what are you doing go play it now! Chrono trigger: played this waaaayy later but I understand why it was popular Chrono Cross: pretty much untouchable. Would say it' s the best ever...many see blue dragon to be the next chrono cross since sakaguchi made it with nobuo. Dark cloud 2: At first I didn' t like it. It felt childish, but had quickly changed, turned out to be one of my favs. Vagrant story: This took me by suprise! Was very different but awesome! Final Fantasy VI: yep, even though it looks old and basic now but the story is still better than all other FF games. It got me into rpgs. And I will always love it! There are more I just can' t think of em. I wanna mention FFVII,VIII,XI,X. People rate VII to be the best...I don' t although I loved it, Iiked VIII but not loved it. I loved IX but people think it was average and same goes for X.
< Message edited by Gaius IV -- 25 Sep 06 12:35:24 >
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RE: Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever plaed?
Sep 25, 2006 09:37
FF7 Other games are baldurs gate,Kotor,FF6,Chrono trigger,star ocean 2,FF8 and FF9.
Gaius IV
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- Joined: Dec 06, 2005
RE: Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever played?
Sep 25, 2006 09:43
FF7 Other games are baldurs gate,Kotor,FF6,Chrono trigger,star ocean 2,FF8 and FF9. I loved Kotor! (it' s not really a Jrpg) but I loved it and what a cool twist at the end eh? Jade empire was really good too didn' t think the twist was as good though, I also didn' t like the made up chinese language they used in it...felt a little silly.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever played?
Sep 25, 2006 10:06
Hands down: Lufia 2 The awesomeness of that game is unparalleled. There was not a single aspect of that game that I did not like. I' ve played all of the greats (FF' s, Chrono Trigger/Cross, etc) and any other JRPG I could get my hands on, and every time Lufia 2 came out ahead. It was so ahead of its time. People think that Pokemon was original? Hah! Lufia 2 (released 1995) had " capsule monsters" that were from different elements, could evolve, level up and learn new moves. Sure it wasn' t as refined or complex as Pokemon but you can definitely tell inspiration was drawn from Lufia 2. The dungeons were great, puzzles were challenging, skills, characters and graphics were great (for a SNES game), but the most impressive part was the Ancient Cave. Basically it' s a sidequest that consists of a randomly generated dungeon that has 99 levels. Each time the player enters, the Ancient Cave is different. The lower you go, the more challenging it becomes. Once you' re in the cave, you' re reduced to level 1 and all items removed. You then proceed through the dungeon, killing monsters, levelling and collecting equipment. What is the point of this? Well, there are two types of chests: Normal red chests and blue chests. Red chests contain normal items that can only be used in the dungeon and are removed when you exit. Blue chests are very rare chests that contain extremely powerful items that can be taken out of the cave when you' re done. Certain items can only be obtained this way. It' s so simple, yet so addictive. There are many other features and easter eggs in that game which give it a suprising amount of replay value for a JRPG. The rest can be read about at the Lufia 2 wiki.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever played?
Sep 25, 2006 10:14
1- Tenchi no Mon/Kingdom of Paradise (PSP) 2- Ys 1 - 4 (Turbo CD)
Evil Man
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RE: Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever played?
Sep 25, 2006 10:33
Suikoden III, Star Ocean: The 2nd Story, FFVII, FFVIII, etc.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 25 Sep 06 2:34:48 >
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RE: Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever played?
Sep 25, 2006 11:11
Grandia II (DC)- I loved the story and imo it had the best fighting system for any JRPG to date. I' m also currently playing through FFVII for the first time and I' m loving it. I' m still fairly early on in it (Aries hasn' t died yet) so I won' t pass total judgement on it. *Edit* Shenmue I and II if we consider it an RPG and not a F.R.E.E. game.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 25 Sep 06 12:37:17 >
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- Joined: Jul 15, 2006
RE: Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever played?
Sep 25, 2006 13:28
Dynasty Warriors! er...wait, its not really an RPG...oh well, thats the only Japanese game that I' ve actually played.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever played?
Sep 25, 2006 13:37
Phantasy Star 1, 2, 4. Ys 1, 2, 4. 6 Lunar 1, 2 (Sega CD, not the crappy PS versions). Shenmue 1, 2 (It' s an RPG any way you look at it).
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RE: Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever played?
Sep 25, 2006 15:48
Shenmue 1 and 2
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RE: Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever played?
Sep 25, 2006 16:24
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Final Fantasy VII Vagrant Story Kingdom Hearts
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RE: Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever played?
Sep 25, 2006 17:48
Grandia II (DC)- I loved the story and imo it had the best fighting system for any JRPG to date. and it was gorgeous to look at. That battle system was the best I' ve seen in any RPG to this day (G1 had it already , but it was more fun in G2).
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever played?
Sep 25, 2006 17:50
From the bottom of my head: Final Fantasy VII and friends Digital Devil Saga Kingdom Hearts 2 Chrono Cross (and Trigger of course... hehehe... I made a funny!  ) XenoSaga 2 (altough I wouldn' t really call it a game as much as an interactive movie) I' m forgetting someone, but if I cannot remember it I guess it wasn' t that big.
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RE: Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever played?
Sep 25, 2006 17:51
Chrono cross naaaaaaj!!!
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever played?
Sep 25, 2006 18:09
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- Joined: Sep 25, 2006
RE: Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever played?
Sep 25, 2006 18:46
I see no one has mentioned skies of arcadia which is my second best rpg of all time(ff7 is no.1)
Gaius IV
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- Joined: Dec 06, 2005
RE: Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever played?
Sep 25, 2006 20:37
Chrono cross naaaaaaj!!! Why...what' s wrong with it? It' s a genius of a game!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Best Jrpg' s you' ve ever played?
Sep 25, 2006 20:44
It kick ass,sorry for sounding like its not a good game. But its basicall ya worse CT. Instead of 6 characters or whatever CT has,CC had like 50,was not the same feeling for the characters and the story if you ask me.
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