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Before Terrak or Virtuafighter do it...
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Before Terrak or Virtuafighter do it...
Aug 26, 2007 18:14
We all know it was bound to happen eventually, even considering the difficulties some people have when trying to attain a Wii. The Xbox 360 by Microsoft was released on November 15th 2005 (US), a year before the Wii which was released on November 19th 2006. In less than one year on the market the Wii has not only managed to catch up to the market leader with its one year headstart, it managed to eclipse it.
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RE: Before Terrak or Virtuafighter do it...
Aug 26, 2007 18:39
f3' s not retarded. He wouldn' t to take a post from another forum and bring it here without some sort of official article/statement to back it up. If it doesn' t come from Nintendo (and it will) then it' s pointless dicscussing it. EDIT: just so i' m clear, this whole thing is kicking off in other forums because Nintendo outsold 360 by a factor of 2 in July, which has traditionally been one of the quietest months. Next month it' s highly possible that Nintendo will have an announcement to make regarding their hardware sales.
< Message edited by NITRO -- 26 Aug 07 10:59:42 >
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RE: Before Terrak or Virtuafighter do it...
Aug 26, 2007 19:37
and how the hell microsoft is stuck in that 10.5 million sales, it' s been MONTHS now and it' s still the same figure, it' s like don' t sell shit anymore, what a shame.
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RE: Before Terrak or Virtuafighter do it...
Aug 26, 2007 20:20
f3' s not retarded. I never said he was.
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RE: Before Terrak or Virtuafighter do it...
Aug 26, 2007 21:35
Woah, VGChartz at it' s best. As Nitro already said, if Wii would have really surpassed 360, Nintendo would' ve issued a press release ASAP. Well have to wait another month or so for that.
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RE: Before Terrak or Virtuafighter do it...
Aug 27, 2007 01:20
Yah, the biggest problem with that chart is that the 360 figures have stayed at that number since christmas, even though it was officialy announced that they had sold 11million by the end of the holiday season.
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RE: Before Terrak or Virtuafighter do it...
Aug 27, 2007 08:45
I knew about this revelation 2 days before you posted this Marink  , however i' ll wait till i get confirmation from more then one source, and preferable from Nintendo. Its is however, a very interesting claim which the site has not backed down from so i suppose they might be on to something? We' ll soon find out.
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RE: Before Terrak or Virtuafighter do it...
Aug 27, 2007 09:31
ORIGINAL: Terrak I knew about this revelation 2 days before you posted this Marink , however i' ll wait till i get confirmation from more then one source, and preferable from Nintendo. Its is however, a very interesting claim which the site has not backed down from so i suppose they might be on to something? We' ll soon find out. Anything even remotely connected to vgchartz, nextgenwars or blogs like Kotaku and Destructoid and i' ll tear you in half. http://www.next-gen.biz/ and http://www.gamesindustry.biz/ are perfectly acceptable, as are sites like Eurogamer, IGN, 1up, Gamespot etc... and trust me, if there' s any truth to it these guys will be all over it. What i will ask is for consructive discussion. It' ll be an interesting revelation if true and i' ll have quite a bit to say myself but until i hear it from the horses mouth i' ll be sceptical. Not of Nintendo' s sales figures because i' m sure they have 10M, or at least gotten close, but of Microsoft' s. Either way the last thing i want is dumb shit like " Wii has won!!!" or any other proclamations of victory. Take it for what it is and keep it rational. Thanks.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Before Terrak or Virtuafighter do it...
Aug 27, 2007 09:36
It doesn' t surprise me when i see that 360 sales have slowed down so much. Everyone is waitig for the Falcons. Not only should the new ones actually work properly but many believe the price to drop once the older models have been liquidated too. I fully expect Wii to surpass (if it hasn' t already) 360 sales. With the 360 picking up steam after the junk Zephyrs have been flushed out. I' m betting that 360 and Wii will be neck and neck for a while before one of them pulls ahead. As I said before the PS3 will be a late bloomer.
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RE: Before Terrak or Virtuafighter do it...
Aug 27, 2007 16:54
I really don' t think that the reason 360 sales have slowed is because of Falcon. 99% of potential 360 consumers won' t know jack shit about 90nm vs 65nm processes. The average consumer probably doesn' t even know what goes into a console nor would they really care. Sales have slowed because there weren' t too many blockbuster games coming out. But most likely we' ll see an increase due to the many great games coming soon. Halo 3 will especially kick sales into overdrive regardless of whether the game is any good or not.
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RE: Before Terrak or Virtuafighter do it...
Aug 27, 2007 17:53
Sales have slowed because there weren' t too many blockbuster games coming out. But most likely we' ll see an increase due to the many great games coming soon. Halo 3 will especially kick sales into overdrive regardless of whether the game is any good or not. But that' s what i don' t get, for Halo fans and those of them who can afford it, they probably got the 360 a long time ago, they won' t wait for halo 3 to be released, these people are most likely hardcore gamers, so they won' t see the 360 value only in halo 3. i' m sure it' ll help sales but not by much, a price drop however is more important. we will see soon what effect had the 50$ price drop on sales, it should be interesting. I really don' t think that the reason 360 sales have slowed is because of Falcon. 99% of potential 360 consumers won' t know jack shit about 90nm vs 65nm processes. The average consumer probably doesn' t even know what goes into a console nor would they really care. Sorry Unluckyone but i think this is a bit exagerated, i agree with you to a certain extent but 99%-dont-know-shit is way too much. Don' t forget that before people buy a console that costs 350$, they ask their friends, colleagues, families, and there is a good chance that at least one of them will bring up the high rate of defective 360s. This issue can discourage many people, i could be one of them. In fact since this issue of deffective hardware has boomed, the sales seem crawling, THIS IS ONLY my impression.
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 27 Aug 07 9:54:36 >
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RE: Before Terrak or Virtuafighter do it...
Aug 27, 2007 20:07
Which is why i said even though i knew this information 2 days before Marink posted i never started a thread with this revelation. Besides i' ll consider taking the lead in the console war a Victory when i can see a direct correlation between larger install base and larger quantity of exclusive AAA titles for the Wii. Unfortunately i can' t see this happening yet(in terms of third party developer support) so its not really much to celebrate. My hope is the release of SM:Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 and SSB:Brawl raise the bar on what we can expect from the Wii, just like GoW raised the bar for the 360.
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RE: Before Terrak or Virtuafighter do it...
Aug 27, 2007 20:14
I don' t want to know how many units Nintendo sell, I want to know how much f***ing $$$$$$ they' re making!!! And then I want to know how much money they put on the development of the Wii and the Wii-mote. And finally I want to compare those numbers with the same from Sony and MS. Sony spent billions on Cell and Blu-ray and are selling the stuff at a price point where they lose money. And people are calling the Wii cheap? LOL.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Before Terrak or Virtuafighter do it...
Aug 27, 2007 23:20
Sorry Gin, after the release of Metriod and Galaxy, nintendo will cancel all venerable franchise and work solely on the WiiFit concept. They will use all of their funding to open WiiFit studios all around the world. Soón they will release WiiFitYourDog so you dont have to walk your dog outside, it comes complete with food basket, execiseban, and a potty for the dog to use. They wil release WiiFitXlarge for those special someones who weigh just a bit too much. Finally they will release the WiiWeights, wireless weights, so you can watch on the tv as your Mii lifts weights as you do it in real life. Fooking Great!
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Before Terrak or Virtuafighter do it...
Aug 27, 2007 23:34
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RE: Before Terrak or Virtuafighter do it...
Aug 28, 2007 00:40
I love to see Nintendo leading this gen. The old Nintendo. This new approach is killing real games!
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Before Terrak or Virtuafighter do it...
Aug 28, 2007 06:10
There are simply too many consoles. One of the manufacturers needs to die. Last gen it wasn' t bad because all three consoles were relativly close in terms of performance/price and one of the them (ps2) was so far ahead that everyone had an easy choice if they wanted the best selection of games. This gen everything is fucked. The three of them are gimped in some way. The 360' s are junk. Has MS yet built one that isn' t defective? I doubt it. The PS3 is too expensive to support demand, lacks VRAM (especially considering the consoles price range), difficult to develop for. By the time PS3 picks up steam, it will be next gen and it won' t matter to any of us. While everything about the Wii is trash, the only good thing about it is the three-five Nintendo games coming out that might be decent. If it wasn' t for Nintendo games Wii would be total junk. And if Wii was spec' d like the 360/ps3 Nintendo games would be far far more interesting. A 700Mhz single core CPU in 2007 is a fucking joke, and that little pecker GPU from the GameCube is just as laughable. 88mb of total ram is an abomination. Most Cell phones have more memory, some watches have more memory than that. My PC has 4096mb (it' s much faster ram too). I still can' t get over how crappy the Wii is. It pisses me off. Why are they charging money for these things, they' re worthless. It doesn' t even have a real controller or an ethernet port.
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