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August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
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Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
Aug 03, 2005 21:31
Nintendo' s having an hour-long conference dedicated in it' s entirety to Revolution. Could it be then that we see the enigmatic controller? Or actual game footage? Or even announce a game? They have to reveal that damn controller, I mean, I know they can be blind-sighted but they can' t torture us any longer!!!
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- Joined: Jul 14, 2005
RE: August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
Aug 04, 2005 04:25
Who cares about the controler... or the revolution itself
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RE: August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
Aug 04, 2005 04:33
Who cares about the controler... or the revolution itself If you don' t care, stay out the thread. Kikizo has been doing just fine without mindless flamers.
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- Joined: Jul 14, 2005
RE: August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
Aug 04, 2005 06:16
What makes a system sucessfull is not a controller. Nintendo should focus on new inovative games, rahter than in stuff that no one cares like playing super mario bros on the revolution, i already can do that in all of my systems, including the GBA. I just dont get it such a hype around a controller...
Naked Snake
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RE: August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
Aug 04, 2005 06:31
Dudes, i don' t think they' ll show the controller there. the reason is: Imitation. The american Sony & XBox could copy something. If there' s someting nintendo is unbeatable, it' s the innovation. I don' t think you' re informed well.
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RE: August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
Aug 04, 2005 07:26
Both MS and Sony are to far a long in there console build to completely redesign there consoles controller(though Sony should really try to redesign their' s). They aren' t going to drop everything to copy Nintendo. There really isn' t much reason to copy Nintendo. MS and Sony are doing fine with their own stuff.
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
Aug 04, 2005 08:41
Rampage has a point. It' s way too late for the big 2 to copy any aspect of the Revolution' s control. But I do think a controller is very important in my system of choice. That' s why I' m not touching that PS3. Now xbox 360, that' s got a nice controller. But you know? I don' t think ' imitation' is the reason why Nintendo hasn' t revealed anything yet. It could possibly be so because Nintendo hasn' t finished the controller. Remember, it was just after E3 when Shigsy said that the engineers are still ' ' adding and removing functions on the controller' ' . They could just not be ready yet. But I hope they are by now... So I think Nintendo will reveal something the 17th. Be it controller, or even a trailer or two, games, hands-on play, or something.
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- Location: Florida
RE: August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
Aug 04, 2005 09:03
I' d like to see what the Revolution has to offer. I' m very interested in seeing if all this secrecy is worth it(I' m not betting on it though). I' ll probably be watching Sin-city though that day since it comes out on DVD the 16th.
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
Aug 04, 2005 10:57
Nah, I believe everybody will be very interested in what Revolution has to offer. I mean, C' mon, it' s called Revolution for a reason!! But, you know what? If Revolution possibly disappoints me, I' ll have nowhere to turn.  Nintendo' s not a (complete  ) moron. They won' t disappoint us. This system is going to rule, I believe. But I hope my optimism won' t be in vain. Let' s say the controller is...er.. not as wonderfully amazing as expected, I' ll still buy the Revolution (and 360) because it' s so damn sexy..
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RE: August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
Aug 04, 2005 17:18
thats great i cant wait for it.i want to see some game footage and all the detalils on it.im gonna get the revolution and the ps3
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
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RE: August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
Aug 04, 2005 19:03
ORIGINAL: Jason Zeidan C' mon, it' s called Revolution for a reason!! Marketing. Same reason the the new Xbox is called the 360. The 3 is there so it doesn' t look inferior to the PS3. 360 in itself is a revolution or circle. Two birds with one stone. The names are just marketing. The Dreamcast didn' t cast ames straight into my dreams.
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
Aug 04, 2005 19:23
I think Revolution will just be a temporary title; just there to show what it' s all about. But c' mon! You can' t call it Revolution if it doesn' t have anything revolutionary!! Nintendo said it' ll be revolutionary, so it will be. It' s for marketing, but also for premise.
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- Joined: Nov 27, 2004
RE: August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
Aug 04, 2005 19:59
yea i agree with you.i do think it will be revolutionary
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- Joined: Jul 20, 2005
RE: August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
Aug 05, 2005 18:57
Yeh, me to, if not ill buy it anyways along with the Xbox 360.
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RE: August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
Aug 22, 2005 14:44
hey just thought about it now. the 17th pased and what info were you expecting? because nothign was said or shown if it did it would be all the rage right now and we still know nothing new.
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
Aug 22, 2005 18:26
*Humiliated* I know... I was soooooo pissed that day; I was expecting a controller, but instead I got Gameboy Micro details.... And then with the announcement of the delay of Zelda about that time.... Oh man, was I agitated with Nintendo. But as I posted previously, I walked it off..
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
Aug 23, 2005 09:37
well some of the cool news i read is that the micro is suposed to come with the play yan adaptor to play Mp3s and mpeg 4 videos. I am hoping and i emailed nintendo if they plan to release it here in the states. Don' t worry i think Nintendo is waiting for the buzz to slow down and then peopel don' t think anythign of it they willl release the new info and then they will seem like heroes hehe.
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RE: August 17th baby, YEAH!!!
Aug 23, 2005 12:36
Knowing the backwards-compatibility abilities of this new system from Nintendo, I am very interested to see, hear, or read new information about the ' Revolution' . This could be the system that brings the old-school and new-school generations together into one happy family.
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