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Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
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Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 09, 2005 12:10
" A well-balanced system that will deliver more than a teraflop of targeted computing performance. " http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/03/09/news_6120034.aspx This is the Xenon' s potential processing power. Talk about freakin nuts. Sony' s cell processor doesn' t have sh*t on that. Basically, the next Xbox will be a super computer, lol. This is so amazing! E3 can' t come fast enough.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 10 Mar 05 7:32:57 >
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RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 09, 2005 16:52
A what where now? Sorry, a Teteflop is 10 GB is it? Or am I way off there?
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 09, 2005 20:07
1000 GB paul. I haven' t clicked the article yet to read, but if this is sony talking, i' ll wait to see it to believe it.
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RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 09, 2005 23:31
This is MS not Sony talking. You can quote J Allard from his speach toaday at the GDC. Talk about impressive. Gamespy also released leaked specs of the next Xbox. The CPU alone is far more advanced that anything yet seen on computers availible now. It is made up of 3 3.0GHz processors. That' s a 9GHz CPU people. Talk about pwning Sony' s Cell processor. Here' s a link to all the leaked info- [url] http://xbox.gamespy.com/xbox/microsoft-xbox/594331p1.aspx[/url]
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RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 10, 2005 05:15
Thank you for both links to this excelent news, Rampage99!!! I can' t wait to hear the rest of what M$ has in store for the Xenon. Please keep us posted (with links)... Thanks (again).
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 10, 2005 06:05
Sounds pretty interesting Rampage. If this is true, who knows what the processor can do. I' ll reserve judgment for later, but I will be watching intently.
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RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 10, 2005 06:23
http://www.xbox.com/en-US/news/events/gdc05/default.htm?level1=enushome&level2=hero&level3=gfc Here' s the entire keynote that was done yesterday. To mention some highlights... -Everything will be wireless. Yep, Wireless controllers will be standard. -Everything on the system will be customizible and will offer multiple user names for the system. -Everything will be Live enabled. -Everything you do in a game will be ranked and every person will have their own gamer ranking that doesn' t span just each individual game, but all the games you' ve played. -Custom soundtracks will be standard on all games. -The new technology will be compatible with playing multiplatform. A.k.a., A person on PC can play a RTS, and people on Xbox Live will be the people following out orders given by the PC user. -Everything will be in HD. And there is plenty more to check out. This is looking amazing. When I heard the specs for the Cell processor, I thought Sony had gone above and beyond what was possible for a console, apparently MS didn' t think so. This goes far beyond anything capable on a home PC right now. I heard the fastest a home PC has gotten was and overclocked ATI processor that hit the 6.0gig mark after home modifications and required Liquid Nitrogen to cool the processor from the massive amount of heat build up. But 9GIGs!!! Sweet Mother of God!
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 10, 2005 07:24
Slow down there Rampage, you' re going to have a heart attack!! 3 3 ghz processors working in tandem is impressive, but it' s not a new thing. Already there are dual processor PC' s available, and have been for some while. And 3 3 ghz processors is NOT a 9 ghz processor. Looks like the only company left to step up to the plate with impressive forcasted specs is Nintendo. but I suppose the ol' revolution probably runs on a new type of " revolutionary processor" that' s so super secret none of us get to know about it in case the competition steals it. I hear there' s a hamster inside it spinning a wheel at 3000 rpm' s. You multiply that by the unversal hamster quotient and I think the revolution' s prcessor is something like 4.8 hamsterhz!!!!(It slows down in the winter when the damn thing starts to shed of course)
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RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 10, 2005 10:06
This is so cool! My only concern -- how much will this machine cost?
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 10, 2005 10:31
This is so cool! My only concern -- how much will this machine cost? After reading about all the bells and whistles, I began to think the same thing... Based upon what I' ve read, and figuring general cost factors, I figure that Xenon will come in at no less than $399.99 (USD). $299.99 without harddrive...
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 10, 2005 15:13
So all thats supposed to be in the shops for Christmas? And what if I don' t want to listen to my music collection in every game I own, damnit, I like my game music. Hehe. Sounds fun, if compleatly over my head at the moment.
Mass X
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RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 10, 2005 18:09
Sounds simply orgasmic! maybe a bit tooooo orgasmic... Still tho it should be cheaper then a PC (I HOPE) so I wont be to picky about the price. But Im still a poor lil monkey.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 11, 2005 01:22
I really like how they are going gung-ho on the HDTV thing. Apparently Europeans are just now finding out that HDTV even exists (they are the last with everything), so now maybe they will have a reason to start buying more HDTV sets. You know they want to... PAL sucks! So does NTSC. Everybody go out and buy 40 HDTVs right now.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 11, 2005 14:23
ORIGINAL: mxpx182 And 3 3 ghz processors is NOT a 9 ghz processor. They said the processor has three cores of 3GHz, not three processors making up one. I' m not the most tech knowledgible guy around but I don' t think a core and a processor are the same thing. So the way I understand it is that it' s a 3 core single processor.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 12, 2005 08:44
hmmmm, not sure on that Rampage, I' ll see if I can find out for sure either way. Of course I may just watch TV and drink beer, but we' ll see how motivated I get.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 12, 2005 08:51
No beer in the fridge. Damn. Anyways, this link answers the question partially, although it does suggest that multiple core processors can run as fast as there speeds combined if the software is written correctly for them http://compreviews.about.com/od/cpus/a/dualcore.htm Here' s some jargin to give us all a headache too: Multi Core The multi core system is an extension to the dual core system except that it would consist of more than 2 processors. The current trends in processor technology indicate that the number of processor cores in one IC chip will continue to increase. If we assume that the number of transistors per processor core remains relatively fixed, it is reasonable to assume that the number of processor cores could follow Moore' s Law, which states that the number of transistors per a certain area on the chip will double approximately every 18 months. Even if this trend does not follow Moore' s Law, the number of processor cores per chip appears destined to steadily increase - based on statements from several processor manufacturers. The optimal number of processors is yet to be determined, but will probably change over time as software adapts to effectively use many processors, simultaneously. However, a software program that is only capable of running on one processor (or very few processors) will be unable to take full advantage of future processors that contain many processors cores. For example, an application running on a 4-processor system with each socket containing quad-core processors has 16 processor cores available to schedule 16 program threads simultaneously. At the Intel Developer Forum Intel also publicly announced its intention to develop and manufacture multi-core processors in its Itanium Processor Family.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 12, 2005 16:28
I really like how they are going gung-ho on the HDTV thing. Apparently Europeans are just now finding out that HDTV even exists (they are the last with everything), so now maybe they will have a reason to start buying more HDTV sets. You know they want to... PAL sucks! So does NTSC. Everybody go out and buy 40 HDTVs right now. are you made of money or what? not many things support HDTV, and i dont see it picking massively here like in america any time soon.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 12, 2005 22:27
HDTVs are coming down in price more and more as time goes by. HDTV' s will proabbly outsell regular TVs in a few years. And now that the next-gen systems will fully suppot HD, there is even more reason to get one. Many of your local stations are probably already broadcasting free HD signals over the airwaves. I know mine are. The upcoming Blu-Ray and HD-DVD formats will also add a lot of source material for HDTV. The more people buy crap like that, the quicker the prices begin to fall.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 13, 2005 06:22
I had been trying to get my parents to get a big screen HDTV or plasma for years. Now that I move out, they skip that and go out and get a super powerful HD Projector and turn my old room into a theater with a screen that takes up my entire old wall  . Of course they just to wait until I was gone to get that. It' s like having their own movie theater in our house. And it' s as crisp as any HDTV. I can' t wait for summer break so I can actually see it.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Apparently MS CAN laugh at Sony specs...
Mar 13, 2005 12:34
My parents did the same thing Rampage!! But they at least waited till i was out of the house for 6 years so it didn' t hurt so much. Still, it' s awsome a huge 10 foot screen, and my pops put in about 1000 watts of sound in the basement. I think there house may fall to the ground just from the vibrations.
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