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Anyone Play Star Wars: Battlefront Yet? I Could Use Some Gamer Input...
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
Anyone Play Star Wars: Battlefront Yet? I Could Use Some Gamer Input...
Dec 17, 2004 02:13
I have been watching this game since it was first announced, but didn' t actually see the game playing until yesterday (12/15/04). My jaw hit the floor!!! Not only is this game beautiful, but it' s combat heavy...just what I like. I am interested in buying this game, but want to know if any of the gamers out there have anything (whether good or bad) to say about this game. Let the comments commence...
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RE: Anyone Play Star Wars: Battlefront Yet? I Could Use Some Gamer Input...
Dec 17, 2004 05:06
Rented it. Played it for a couple days. Find it shallow and repetitive. Returned it with no regrets. Basically, if you have X-Box Live, and don' t mind the shallow gameplay, Battlefront might be right up your alley. But for those looking for a deeper more satisfying experience won' t find it in Battlefront.
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RE: Anyone Play Star Wars: Battlefront Yet? I Could Use Some Gamer Input...
Dec 17, 2004 05:38
I have it for PC but haven' t tried it out yet I will soon and let you know what I think (if I it' s not too late  )
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
RE: Anyone Play Star Wars: Battlefront Yet? I Could Use Some Gamer Input...
Dec 17, 2004 15:59
I have it for PC but haven' t tried it out yet I will soon and let you know what I think (if I it' s not too late ) No, it' s not too late...I won' t have the chance to get it until after Christmas. Let me know what you think...
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- Joined: Jun 23, 2004
- Location: NS, Canada (living in Rhode Island)
RE: Anyone Play Star Wars: Battlefront Yet? I Could Use Some Gamer Input...
Dec 17, 2004 17:59
I already posted my thoughts of the game in Mass X' s post, so I' ll just copy it from there. Hmmm, do I dare voice my opinion on this game? Oh well, let the wrath begin. First I do enjoy playing on a cooperative level; however, I get bored quickly. As a single player game it' s a little dull. The graphics are excellent, but the game itself is lacking. Here are a few of my peeves: - When I kill someone, I want to be able to take their weapon - can' t do this - you can' t even upgrade your weapon. - The help you get from Darth Vader or the Jedi are next to NIL. - The weapons are suckless -- takes too many hits to kill an opponent (the Wookies' weapons are the worst) and it seems I' m always reloading my weapon. - The actual map areas are too small -- you can really notice this as you pilot a vehicle and can barely go anywhere - The respawning becomes annoying after a while.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Anyone Play Star Wars: Battlefront Yet? I Could Use Some Gamer Input...
Dec 18, 2004 00:32
I only palyed it off a demo but it played allright, something for 30mins but i wont buy it.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Anyone Play Star Wars: Battlefront Yet? I Could Use Some Gamer Input...
Dec 19, 2004 00:17
I came in expecting not much from the game when I played it a few months ago, and I wasn' t let down. If you like Star Wars then you will probably like this game, but it' s not that great. Controls are shaky...like almost all Lucas Arts shooters...my big problem came with the online play. I' m not sure if you are interested in that type of stuff but it was pretty horrible to play in the beginning. They just recently patched some options such as a kick player function, and upgraded the max total of 16 players per server to 32. Some pretty good improvements, but overall it didn' t fit with my style and the control issues were more than enough to keep me away.
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
RE: Anyone Play Star Wars: Battlefront Yet? I Could Use Some Gamer Input...
Dec 21, 2004 00:14
Thank you lady and gentlemen... Your input has made it easy to decide what to do about this game...I will wait until it' s located in the bargain bin. I have set my undivided attention to Mech Assault 2. December 28th can' t come soon enough for me...
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- Joined: Dec 25, 2004
RE: Anyone Play Star Wars: Battlefront Yet? I Could Use Some Gamer Input...
Dec 25, 2004 18:56
try and find it on ebay. its not that bad, but its not good enough to pay fifty bucks for. i rented it before i had xbox live , and im sure it would have been better playing against other people besides my bro.
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- Joined: Nov 27, 2004
RE: Anyone Play Star Wars: Battlefront Yet? I Could Use Some Gamer Input...
Feb 01, 2005 14:03
its a great fun game.if you could get online it will be unbelievable
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